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Ender's Game Analysis

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In Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card, Ender Wiggin, a six-year old genius is able to survive a world that has been created from the constant fear of another attack from the Buggers, aliens who attacked the Earth years before, killing millions. The attack has left the world in fear of another invasion, which shows as the I.F has spent the last 80 years creating a new military of children. The fear leads the people and allows them to grow stronger as well as to defeat their enemy in time. While the war against Earth may not be referred to as the common definition of an apocalypse, it is an apocalypse of sorts. Even though the war against the Buggers did not completely destroy Earth, it completely destroyed the Humans’ lives and their way of living. …show more content…
prepares the Earth for the next battle that is eminent. Children are used from a very young age as students and soldiers. Ender’s journey began at 6, which seems like a very young age for someone to already know battle tactics, science, calculus and other skills that most learn in high school. However, due to the need for smart children and the fact the Ender is a genius in both academics and strategy, allows him to excel in school and be promoted earlier than any other student has. Because children in battle school and beyond are so much more accelerated, it comes as no surprise that their maturity levels are also increased. Even though the students are smarter and seem more mature, they each suffer from being away from home and from being manipulated by the adults that run the program. From the time that Ender is given a monitor until his fight against the Buggers, Graff and Anderson have him in close watch, as they assume he will be, “a Napoleon. An Alexander… the one who builds a city, a nation, an empire” (Card 26). The adults are able to conduct the children, especially Ender, in a way that the children do the fighting for them when in fact, “it was his victory, not theirs, and a hollow one at that, a cheat…” (Card 296). Although Ender and the other students understand that the adults are not there to be their friends, Ender does not expect that he is unknowingly killing billions of Buggers for the …show more content…
Most of the apparent isolation appears towards Ender. As he first meets his other launch mates, Graff singles him out and points out his smarts. Graff and Anderson continue this theme throughout Ender’s time in school to set him apart from the others to see if he can become a leader. Other forms of separation are in the schools. From his childhood, Ender and the rest of the children are placed under surveillance with monitors. Once they are monitored, the weak are taken out of the program and the strong move forward. Separating the children from Earth and sending them to battle school and up tests the children of their strength and dependence on their families and each other. Those who cannot handle the separation are, “iced, sent back to Earth for good” (Card 43). Another form of separation is the military aspect of the school. The lowest in rank, ‘launchies’ are not heavily trained and are separated from the ones higher up in stature. This is just how the military is, ranks separate the troops. However, Ender is able to bring his friends together through separation, even though he is a higher rank than the others, he finds way to break out of isolation and help not only himself but the others around him as well. Ender is not easily confined and is able to find a way to break the separation between his peers, his home, and from his

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