...Medina Pashayeva 8491520 GEL/Jan12/1 Does Apple need “a great man”? After the death of Steve Jobs, management experts are wondering whether Apple will survive without Steve Jobs or not? This issue is also considered in the “InsideApple: Can It Thrive Without Steve?” article, published on the Forbes’ webpage where commentaries on the book of Adam Lashinsky “InsideApple” are provided. This article describes the aspects of the book regarding successful implementation of the “radical management system” by Apples’ incomparable leadership guru Steve Jobs. The article states that the author of the book, Lashinsky, based on the theory of organizations development, predicts an early death of Apple explaining that the company has entered the “path to senescence and death”. In turn, the author of the article, Steve Denning, specifies that “Apple’s future, therefore, depends on understanding the management principles Steve Jobs used to make it successful, while also recognizing his shortcomings. Those principles are eminently replicable business practices that, once understood, any firm can implement. It does not require “a great man”. Is it real that “any firm can implement” and does not require “a great man”? Does not Apple need Steve Jobs? When the “great guru” was fired in 1985, the situation in the company was not good enough; however, everything has changed since his return in 1997 and implementation of the strategy, which is still quite successful. Thus, CNBC reports that “Apple...
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...Great-Man Theory Defining a Leader Omar Quesada Webber International University Introduction As I have read about it, a particular interest in my has been raising about the wonderful way many people has utilized their natural abilities as a medium of reunion and leadership. I found a string link between this gifts or skills these men had and their particular behavior in the time they lived. I would like to talk about the special characteristics that had to be present; more specific the building process of a divine individual, a prophet capable of guiding its people and the importance they have represented to humanity, whether realistic or not, since the theory has been around ever since. Great-Man Theory In order to get to know more about the theory of the great man, we should not ignore that this is a theory based on leadership. So, what is leadership? Scholars have defined leadership as “ the process of social influence in which one person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task”. To my personal beliefs, leadership is: a medium to an end, it is a very particular tool with which gifted individuals in the interpersonal field can either alone or together command, guide, and lead another group of people towards completing an established goal by cheering, supporting and setting a relation with the subordinates based on a strong dose of trustworthiness. Now, the Great-Man theory of leadership according to...
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...Ambition a passion that never fails you and will never let you fail it, and this is why it will ultimately cause the downfall of the individual. In the novel Frankenstein and in the Play Macbeth, ambition is the main theme in these two pieces. Both Victor and Macbeth had great dreams of accomplishing certain things that defy a higher order. Ambition drove both of them to strive for what they want and never give up on their dreams. Ambition without doubt help or even single handling brought Macbeth and Victor to their dreams. Ambition is the best quality that a person can have, it allowed Victor and Macbeth to achieve what they always wanted. Whatever can bring you to the top, also has the power to make you fall harder then you fell before, being overly ambitious can also destroy a person and people that surrounds this individual. Victor and Macbeth succeeded in accomplishing their deepest desire but this does not mean they have succeeded in achieving happiness. Everyone dreams about achieving goals and dreams in life that is nearly impossible to grasp due to certain circumstances. Why do some individuals still try in chasing their dreams even though they know that the chances of succeeding are very slim? In the novel Frankenstein and the play Macbeth, Victor and Macbeth had dreams of achieving goals that defy a high order which promises server consequences. Victor and Macbeth are examples of the individual that were driven by ambition, this ambition was so strong and relentless...
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...for a humble person; they may care little for tangible objects, and more for intangible traits and achievements. A selfish man wants money; whereas the selfless man wants satisfaction from their work done and accomplishments. Material possessions don’t determine the sense of self one has for themselves; sense of self determines one’s possessions. however , some may say the problem arises beginning with the ownership of physical property. Becoming attached to tangible, earthly objects and wealth can lead to a person caring too much and focusing too much on those, in the end, useless achievements, instead of the ore important qualities, humbleness and empathy for example. With the same line of thinking, this can be seen in a similar situation with the opposite effect. If someone who works hard, and earns physical payment, they will become grateful and appreciate their physical gainings more than that of a selfish man. This...
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...Cinderella Man The Great Depression was a time in American history when many people were propelled into poverty. It was a time of financial crisis for many of the citizens in America. The Depression was the “coup de grâce” for many citizens already hardstruck for money and everyday items such as food, clothing, and shelter. Most had to leave behind their homes for humble little shantytowns called ‘Hoovervilles.’ Relatable to a large amount of average citizens, James J. Braddock, a famous boxer, was a symbol of hope for Americans because he was honest, hardworking, and would do anything for his family. Honesty is something that might have been hard to come by during the Great Depression. Braddock shows his honesty by bringing the stolen...
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...How Great Was Our Man Gatsby? As on author said: "F. Scott Fitzgerald created Gatsby, the eponymous character of his novel, The Great Gatsby, as a character who built himself into something great. He begins life as just an ordinary, lower-class, citizen. But Gatsby has a dream of becoming wealthy. After meeting Daisy, he has a reason to strive to become prominent. Throughout his life, Gatsby gains the title of truly being great. Even before Gatsby is introduced, he is hinted at being out of the ordinary. The first evidence of this is when Nick says, "Gatsby turned out all right at the end." (2) Nothing was known about Gatsby at the time and Nick is already saying Gatsby was okay. There's a air of mysteriousness surrounding Gatsby. Everyone knows of him, but no one knows who he really is or where he comes from. Even at our first glance of Gatsby, he's reaching out for something only he can see. There were many stories flying about Gatsby but no one knew what to really believe. In on instance Jordan made the comment, "I think he killed a man." (49) Even when Gatsby confessed about his past he didn't always tell the truth. He told Nick he inherited great wealth, but in reality, Gatsby gained his wealth on his own. Even though Gatsby lied, the fact that he made himself what he was makes him even that much greater. When Gatsby was still James Gatz, he had a dream of leaving his life on the farm behind and become part of the upper-class. Even Gatsby's father knew...
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...Is Gatsby An Admirable Man? Jay Gatsby is an extremely complex character, whose actions paint a picture of a complicated man who can be interpreted in both a positive and negative light. However, Jay Gatsby deserves the title of being admirable because he was a self-made man who built himself up from the bottom and reinvented himself into the person he wanted to be, he served as a war hero with medals rewarded by the French government to show for it, and his devout dedication towards achieving his dreams is something that everyone can admire and strive to emulate after. Gatsby’s life story is one that is very similar to Benjamin Franklin’s in that they both did not like the path that their lives were going and they decided to be proactive...
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...1. Is the Mystery Man with Twenty-One faces a great criminal? Why or why not? Great criminals are those who threaten the laws of a sovereign. Laws only serve as vulnerable limitations, to which criminals seek to surpass. German Philosopher Walter Benjamin suggests that the law breaking tendencies of criminals create admiration and envy amongst the public. In the case of the mystery man with twenty faces, the popularity their crimes garnered from the media and subsequent praise from the public suggests the group to be great criminals. This admiration from the public suggests a social acceptance and vicarious envy to the criminal that succeeded in breaking the crime, and for the most part got away with it. Through the lens of Walter Benjamin and Marilyn Ivy, one can further denote whether the mystery man with twenty-one faces was really a great criminal. The mystery man with twenty faces was an alias for a group of individuals who wrote blackmail letters and threats to chaebols. The anonymity they were able to keep and the fear they were able to instill amongst their victims further exemplify them to be great criminals. Marylin Ivy posits that the group “showed a remarkable savvy about the powers of the media and they demonstrated this savvy tactics that both prefigured and crosscut the dominance of electronic mediation” (Ivy 16). Their ability to stay operational and undetected strengthens their “power” as criminals and allows for a story that the public would rather not...
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...The Great Man Theory “The history of the world is but the biography of great men,” said Thomas Carlyle, “19th-century commentator and historian,” and developer of the Great Man Theory. (Princeton). Thus is the premise of the Great Man Theory; Carlyle believed that “great men and women shape history rather than being merely shaped by it” (Turak). “Great leaders are not made but born with unique characteristics which allow them to rise to the occasion during difficult periods in history to overcome obstacles” (Great man theory of leadership). In other words, each person’s attributes are what make each person successful as opposed to external forces. House Path Goal Theory The House Path Goal Theory was developed by Robert J. House and has four different leadership behaviors. “Each leadership behavior aims to maximize worker outcomes by recognizing the impact of both environmental factors and worker characteristics in job performance” (The Path-Goal). The four leadership behaviors are achievement-oriented behavior, directive path-goal clarifying behavior, supportive leader behavior, and participative leader behavior. Achievement-oriented behavior is based on “setting goals that challenge employees” (The Path-Goal). Directive path-goal clarifying behavior is defining functions and expectations of employees so that there is not any confusion. Supportive leader behavior is “support[ing] a subordinate’s psychological well being” through “stress reduction and frustration mitigation”...
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...Theories 1. The Great Man Theory – Great Leaders are Born, not Made. 2. The Trait Theory of Leadership – Ideal Characteristics for Leaders. 3. The Skills Theory of Leadership – Ideal Technical, Personal and Conceptual Skills for Managers and Leaders. 4. The Style Theories of Leadership – e.g Leadership Continuum, Managerial Grid. 5. The Situational Leadership Theory – There is no-one-size-fits-all-model, the leader must adapt. 6. The Contingency Theory - There is no-one-size-fits-all-model, choose an appropriate leader. 7. Transactional Leadership Theory – People follow leaders based on ‘transactions’ – a mix of rewards, incentives and punishments. A quid pro quo approach. 8. Leader – Member Exchange Theory – Similar to transactional theory, but stresses presence of an ingroup and outgroup. 9. Transformational Leadership Theory – Leaders are gaining the commitment of their employees by inspiring, encouraging, and caring for their followers. 10. Servant Leadership Theory – The leader starts by identifying the needs of the followers and views his own role as merely serving the followers. The Great Man Theory – Great Leaders are Born, not Made. This approach emphasized that a person is born with or without the necessary traits of leaderships. Early explanations of leadership studied the “traits” of great leaders. Belief that people were born with these traits and only the great people possessed them. Great Man approach actually...
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...James J. Braddock got the name of Cinderella Man. He was a strong, powerful man. Some people can call him a role model for a lot of reasons. He can be a role model because he can help many people, and overcome many hard obstacles. One reason Jim could have gotten the name Cinderella Man is because he was a very poor person, and many years later, he became a hero. He ended up being a bum to a champion. He showed people wrong, and that he could succeed. He achieved many goals he tried to accomplish. Thus, showing how he became from a very poor person to a very popular person can be one way he got the nickname Cinderella Man. Another way he can be called Cinderella Man is by showing all the hard obstacles he had to accomplish. One obstacle...
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...is a very important and confident man. Beowulf had many different types of attitude about him. First he was very cocky, he thought since he was the people's savor that they should bow down to him. Next he had a very confident air to him that made him great. Last, he was a fearless man and feared nothing and no one which made him great. Beowulf was a man above most and has the tools to back it up. Beowulf was a very cocky man, but that also lead to his great success as a man. He would battle anyone no matter what the cost. He would do this because he had a reputation to uphold as a great man. As it states "So Beowulf/ chose the mightiest man he could find,/the bravest and best of the Geats, fourteen/ in all, and led them down to their boat;/ He knew the sea, would point the prow/ straight to that distant Danish shore."(29.204-209) Beowulf would battle anyone just to prove that he was a mighty man....
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...Assignment 2 -“The role of the individual theory” Abraham Lincoln By Sebastian Jara Mr. Faulkner CWS-01 Jara 1 “The great man, with his free force direct out of Gods own hand, is the lightning” (Thomas Carlyle). Thomas Carlyle was a Scottish historian who believed that there are people who can change history with their own bare hands and that, social forces such as popular movements or revolutions are things that these men could easily overcome, he called these men “heroes”, who should be worshiped, through this believe came the theory known as “the great man theory”. E.H Carr added to this by stating “The great man is an individual, and being an outstanding individual, is also a social phenomenon of outstanding importance.” That “is at once a product that is at once a product and an agent of historical process”. According to both of these men the role of an individual is a person who not only can change history alone, but that, social forces with this individual make history. Abraham Lincoln was a man who is considered “a great man” and who is a great example of Thomas Carlyle’s idea of “The great man” and “the role of the individual”. 16th president of the United States of America, Lincoln built the Republican Party into a strong national organization. He gathered most of the northern Democrats to the Union cause, and On January 1, 1863, Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation that declared forever free those slaves within the Confederacy, and that it would also...
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...also unjustified because he was a great man who didn’t do harm to nobody but instead was helping many. The last reason why Martin Luther King Jr.’s death was unjustified was because being killed for hatred is not okay. Martin Luther King Jr.’s death was unjustified. Martin Luther King Jr.’s death was unjustified because nobody should be killed by another human being. Martin Luther king Jr. didn’t deserve to die the day of April 4, 1968 when he was shot outside a motel on his balcony at Memphis, Tennessee. He was a great man who was the voice for many americans in the United States. He inspired many people to fight for what they wanted. He wanted a better life and a better future for us the americans. Being killed by another human just because they hated the fact that a person was speaking up for many people was something so immature to do. Martin Luther King Jr. was killed because a person didn’t like the fact that...
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...Being the Man or Working for Him Be the Man or Work for Him I’ve been on both sides of the track. I can tell you that there are days that I miss owning my own business and there are days that I can’t believe that I would ever consider doing it again. There are many plusses to working for someone else; however, there are many benefits of being self-employed and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed them both. For the last six-plus years, I have been fortunate enough to work for one of the finest employers in my area. Fifteen years prior to that I took pride in owning several of the finest businesses in my area. We all need to make a living that makes us happy. Job satisfaction directly affects our entire lives in many ways. Based on a 40 hour work week, we spend almost twenty-four percent of our lives each week at what we do for a living. The National Sleep Foundation provides statistics that says that an average American sleep 6.7 hours per night. Taking this statistic and placing it in the equation and the percentage rises to a full 33%! One-third of our waking hours per week are dedicated to work. For many, working for the man suits them just fine. As well, many choose to pave their own road for a career. No matter what we do there is a sense of satisfaction that we all must experience in our careers. Having experienced both, I can say that there are inherent differences that divide the choice of, “Being THE MAN” versus “Working for THE MAN”. The following is a comparison...
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