...•Visual: 4 •Aural: 7 •Read/Write: 12 •Kinesthetic: 3 This essay is about this essay’s writer’s learning style, strategies, and the VARK learning strategy guide. This essay will go into depth with the writer, ways a person can improve their learning strategies, their learning styles, and other learning style. The writer thinks it is important that learning styles is thought about often, because it could help you with tests, essays, and homework assignments. It helps to know a person’s strong points, and know to strengthen your weaker points, so a person can pinpoint ways to help them flourish in their studies. The learning style mainly used by the writer are reading and writing. This helps when there is a hard homework assignment or essay comes up and when the writer is unsure on what to do. The writer starts by reading the material that was given to the writer of this essay. Having a reading and writing learning style helps improve writing, because this writer sometimes rewrites things to get a better grasp on it. The writer also proofreads her work to see if there are any mistakes in spelling, grammar, or punctuation. The learning strategies the writer uses involves reviewing things by writing things out, rereading material that either was homework, or given to help with the...
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...process of becoming a good writer is similar to the process of gaining other skills. In sports, such as, basketball, a player must show an interest in the game. On the road to becoming a great businessperson one has to understand the market, as a good writer has to understand grammar. An aspiring architect should research the different ways to build a house, as a writer should research the many forms of writing. Furthermore, the rules of writing should be learned. A great player plays within the rules and regulations of the sport. However, the best player can shine by using the moves he or she is allowed to perform to beat the opponent. In the same way, great writers use all literary tools to there advantage. Also, people, with great skill, practice. Practice helps a person hone his or her skills. A major part of becoming an outstanding pianist involves natural skill. However, even pianist with great natural skills can not play consistently exceptional without practice. The steps to become a good writer are not far from the steps to becoming great at almost anything. All great basketball players understand the game of basketball. A great writer, also, has to understand writing. This step involves gaining profound knowledge of the proper way to write. Understanding the rules of grammar, punctuation, spelling, and such, is a vital step in becoming skilled at writing. Researching other writings will, also, help with this process. A good writer knows what makes other...
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...How to become a Writer Whole books have been written on how to become a good writer, from the building block of constructing a good sentence to selling out novels to put them on the bestsellers. Writing is an artful way of communicating human experience. Paul Graham once said “Writing doesn’t communicate ideas; it generates them. If you are bad at writing and don’t like it, you will miss out on the ideas writing would have generated. Writing is an art which communicates what an individual wants to say in a descriptive form, a good writer would leave his/her readers spellbound through their writing. Usually writers are categorized into two categories, those who want to say something and those who write for sake of writing. In both cases if you aspire to be a writer, you are already in camp two, the idea of writing is camp one to start with. Writing is just like any other discipline in that you won’t get better at it just by thinking about it. The more you write, the better you get at the art of writing and that’s is what makes you a good and effective writer, but for amateurs there are a few guidelines to start with. Figure out what you want to write This is the most important and basic step in writing. Writing is a vast field that encompasses different genres, a good point to start would be writing about something you are familiar with and in most cases best writing usually stem forth from something you already have knowledge and passion about. When you translate your passion...
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...tutoring session such as unresponsive writers, the ones who plagiarize, and the one that comes at the last minute. One of the most common situations is the unresponsive writer. These writers ask to be tutored, mostly as a requirement for an assignment, and they sit there quietly and...
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...freedom.../... Free Essays on Reaction Paper On Freedom Writers for students. Use our papers to help you with yours 1 - 20. Reaction Paper On The Movie Freedom Writers Free Essays www.termpaperwarehouse.com/subcategory/reaction-paper...freedom.../... Free Essays on Reaction Paper On The Movie Freedom Writers for students. Use our papers to help you with yours 1 - 20. The Freedom Writers Diary -Reaction essays www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/100068.html The Freedom Writers Diary -Reaction essaysThe Freedom Writers Diary is a book that I truly enjoyed. It is a book broken down in diary form viewing the survival ... Freedom Writers: A Story of Success ENGL201: A Reaction ... movieenglish201.blogspot.com/2008/.../reaction-to-freedom-writers.htm... Sep 24, 2008 - A Reaction to Freedom Writers ... that arise with our students in its newspaper to live and that many times we result to be its fatherly figure. Reaction Paper Over The Movie Freedom Writers Free Essays www.studymode.com/.../reaction-paper-over-the-movie-freedom-writers... Free Essays on Reaction Paper Over The Movie Freedom Writers for students. Use our papers to help you with yours. Reaction Reflection Paper About Freedom Writers Movie ... www.studymode.com/.../reaction-reflection-paper-about-freedom-writers... Free Essays on Reaction Reflection Paper About Freedom Writers Movie for students. Use our papers to help you with yours. Freedom Essay - Learn English Online, Teach English https://www.englishforums...
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...visit here: http://mindsblow.us/question_des/ALLASSIGNMENTSENG115/1832 contact us at: help@mindblows.us ENG 115 ASSIGNMENTS ENG 115 Writing Assignment 1 Summary of On Becoming a Writer ENG 115 Assignment 3.1 Determining Causes and Effects – Draft Version ENG 115 Industrialization After the Civil War Final Paper ENG 115 The Public Needs to Know ALL ASSIGNMENTS ENG 115 To purchase this tutorial visit here: http://mindsblow.us/question_des/ALLASSIGNMENTSENG115/1832 contact us at: help@mindblows.us ENG 115 ASSIGNMENTS ENG 115 Writing Assignment 1 Summary of On Becoming a Writer ENG 115 Assignment 3.1 Determining Causes and Effects – Draft Version ENG 115 Industrialization After the Civil War Final Paper ENG 115 The Public Needs to Know ALL ASSIGNMENTS ENG 115 To purchase this tutorial visit here: http://mindsblow.us/question_des/ALLASSIGNMENTSENG115/1832 contact us at: help@mindblows.us ENG 115 ASSIGNMENTS ENG 115 Writing Assignment 1 Summary of On Becoming a Writer ENG 115 Assignment 3.1 Determining Causes and Effects – Draft Version ENG 115 Industrialization After the Civil War Final Paper ENG 115 The Public Needs to Know ALL ASSIGNMENTS ENG 115 To purchase this tutorial visit here: http://mindsblow.us/question_des/ALLASSIGNMENTSENG115/1832 contact us at: help@mindblows.us ENG 115 ASSIGNMENTS ENG 115 Writing Assignment 1 Summary of On Becoming a Writer ENG 115 Assignment 3.1 Determining Causes and Effects – Draft Version ENG 115 Industrialization...
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...According to Keith Grant-Davie, a rhetorical situation is “a situation where a speaker or writer sees a need to change reality and sees that the change may be effected through rhetorical discourse” (Grant-Davie 350). In other words, a rhetorical situation mainly consists of an exigence, or a reason to communicate, a rhetor(s), which is another word or a writer, an audience, and constraints that may strengthen or hinder the exigence. In Grant-Davie’s article, he focuses on analyzing works from the point of view of the reader; however, it is important to know that we can also apply his reasonings from the perspective of the writer. As a writer, it is useful to understand the rhetorical situation you’re writing for. A great example is the in-class lecture on January 17 (Polk). We were assigned a task in which we had to write a persuasive letter to many different people and watch as the same material for the letter changed in regard to who we were writing it for. This is important for writers because it helps them shape their writings into a more appropriate piece of work. A well-known businessman wouldn’t want to write an email to a boss in the same matter as he would if it were to a close friend. Likewise, a boss...
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...Most writers have gotten the feeling that their paper is not good enough and begin to attack their own piece of work, well before they are even finished. In Roy Peter Clark’s Writing Tools: 50 Essential Strategies for Every Writer, he communicates that silencing this criticism in the beginning can get more done compared to having the criticism take over in the beginning. I agree with Clark on this technique when approaching papers because criticism taken in a negative way can impact a writer’s overall work. Along with self-criticism, learning how to take criticism from others and using it to improve a written work can bring better results. Criticism will always be there but it is up to the writer to be able to hush the voice that critiques the work. Writing freely can help the writer concentrate on what he or she is trying to convey on their paper. It may seem odd but just writing freely can get more accomplished than just reviewing everything that has been written so far. Preventing to look back at the work a writer has so far can be difficult since he or she will want to know if what they wrote so far is good enough. Is it good enough? The question that constantly comes up when writing an essay or anything in general. This question can either make you, or break you. As a writer progresses in their work, the inner critic can begin to get louder and louder. If the inner critic cannot be silenced, it can help to just stop what you are doing and take a...
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...is as well. The learning style that we know best is what will help us get through our studies. The learning style can help us get the grade we deserve. The learning style we will be talking about is the reading and writing style. The reading and writing style is the way a learner learns through reading a book, or material then writing what they have learned [ (O'Neal, 2010) ]. In other words reader/writers learn best in the written language. Reader/writer learners like when the teacher or instructor use the dry erase or black board because they can understand what the instructor is teaching them and this form helps them become better studiers and students in class and out of class. Flash cards are another good way for a reader/writer learner to recall what they have learned because they can write the information on the cards and then read them and recite them for their studies. Reader/writers love to collect book and have a huge library for enrichment (O’Neal, 2010). Reader/Writers are good with grocery list and poetry and they do not need to change to some other way because they are good at writing and reading the lists (O’Neal, 2010). They are great at writing a quick set of directions for people when they ask where places or a street is. They enjoy games that have to do with spelling words or sentences. Some reader/writers like to email and text people rather than call or someone on a phone. A reader/writer learner will take charts and graphs and make them into words for...
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...which should be written carefully. A writer should be able to present all his/her arguments, authorial quotations, examples, ideas and other relevant details in a concise manner. Unlike dissertation writing, thesis writing, research paper writing or term paper writing, Science essay writing is considered an activity that requires less time. Science essay writing needs precise and authentic information collected from authentic resources but all writing should be properly cited or there are chances of plagiarism. If you are in search of online Science essay help - contact our custom Science writing service. Our Master's; Ph.D. writers will help write a Science essay for you on any scientific topic. Science term paper writing is done on a higher educational level. Science term paper writing should be done after a good research. Before writing a Science term paper, always make a draft to include relevant as well as irrelevant rough ideas. After assembling all the ideas, filter those ideas that are relevant and consider them as headings and start including details. A Science term paper writing is an activity that needs time and effort. As it is a higher-level activity, the students are expected to come up with something that is persuasive and commendable. Our academic writing company is committed to supply you with quality Science term paper help for any academic course level: High School, College and University. Contact us and we will help write a Science term paper on any topic...
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...effective? Because it gives more important feedback or information. These ideas can be more helpful to make the writers paper better. By adding some of these ideas, it will make the writer’s paper more interesting to the readers. Also adding some credible sources is very important for the writer. The first reviewer response was unclear to the writer. The reviewer needed to make the feedback stronger and better. But the feedback that the reviewer gave did not give any information on how to make the writers paper better. The second reviewer was being nice and respectful to the writer. The reviewer said how nice and well thought out before writing the paper. The writer’s paper was well organized. The reviewer gave good feedback. Reviewer three just said it was good liked the way it was written. Why? It gave what the reader liked. But it did not give any feedback. It also did not give any information to make the paper better. Reviewer four response was not what the writer wanted to hear. The feedback gave no ideas on how to improve the paper. There were no comments about the examples or experience. The feedback just said “So true good job!” It did not tell what part was good. The fifth reviewer gave a very good feedback. The feedback was also helpful to the writer. The reviewer gave ideas and very helpful information to the writer. All the information given, will help the writer to improve his or her paper a lot. The sixth review gave a great and respectable review. The reviewer gave...
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...Site Visit Report Ashley L Butler BSHS 312 May 20, 2012 ELAIN MCCULLOUGH Site Visit Report The site this writer has chosen is a private non-profit corporation that was made for the people of the Waianae coast, to meet the community’s needs. “Hale Na’au Pono is a Hawaiian name that means the house for inner balance” this program provides culturally and socially sensitive, community-based, behavioral health service for children and adults. This writer had a chance to work for the company while exploring things that she was not aware of as far as cognitive behavioral techniques or programs used. In this writers walk through we will explored the purpose of the program and the population that participates in this program. Also this writer will explore how the effectiveness of their program is measured and how they determine the need for program. Included will be plans for other programs or interventions that use behavioral or cognitive models and techniques. If there is any additional models or theories are used in their program that will be addressed also. The writer will include brief reactions and feelings about the program. Hale Na’au Pono is a program that was intended for the people of the Waianae coast. There is no specific population that is targeted but there are people that come from other places to receive help. Hale Na’au Pono has individuals that come from all over the island, for adults they usually come from an office located on the north shore. As far as children...
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...Type one is the easiest one to commit being that it involves taking someones complete work and submitting it as your own. This is known as the “Copycat plagiarizer.” Type two is the most common and is caused from individuals copying and pasting too much information from the article directly to their paper. As a result of this, the paper will be almost identical to the article itself. Type three is very similar to the previous with the differences being that the writer tries to change a few parts of the article in hopes of not being caught. Type four appears when the writer takes information from many articles, tries to tie them all together into one article, and claim as their own. Type five is much like type two with the lack of citations to the previous owner of the information. Type six is a mixture of type two and type five, where the author hopes that with the majority of their work being cited someone will not notice the info they did not cite. Type seven takes information from many different articles and chops everything up and places everything in a different order with parts from each source. Type eight is a little bit different from the other types in that the author pretty much makes a fake citation. This is most common if the author can not find...
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...differently and the way we learn or grasp new knowledge is not the same way. The writer had been out of college for a while. He went back to nursing school after ten years of being out of the classroom. The College and education system that the writer grew up focused more on the concept of retaining the material rather than understanding the concept. This foundation of early education affected how the writer learned new concepts. Repetition was always a key for the writer to retain study material, and the author used the same method for nursing school. This however affected when the knowledge learned had to be applied. Writer had to start applying the knowledge learned into practice; simple repetition did not help. Although it helped to memorize key concept and information. The writer would record lectures and listen to it while at work and home. This helped the author to retain information. More or less writer was an auditory learner. Auditory learners use repetition to memorize, use tape recorders to record and play back the lesson, (Hutton, 2013). Writer is not a good reader and instead would rather prefer to listen audio books. After listening to the study material, the author would write down the important points of study material to memorize it. Flashcards never worked for the writer. In fact, the concept of the flashcard was new for the writer till the writer went to nursing school. Writer always liked taking mock tests or...
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...and to help generate good writing habits for beginning arugmengive writers. Specifically, Graff and Birkenstein argue that the types of writing templates they offer are sophisticated thinking and writing templates, in which take a lot of practice, and use in order to master. As the authors themselves put it, “the immediate goal of this book is to help you become a better writer, at a deeper level it invites you to become a certain type of person: a critical, intelligent thinker who instead of sitting passively on the sidelines, can participate in the debates and conservation of our world in an active and empowered way.” Although some people disagree with the ways...
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