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The Hidden Book Summary

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Sybill’s problem is all about the hidden books and for him, the present bible does not depicts all truths about God. Sybill wants Quelle to satisfy and inspire him better. He feels the church is hiding something by taking some books out of the scripture. Sybill states that they are Horus and Isis in the bible, just as there are hidden truths in the Hidden books. If the church’s mission is meant to give her children a sense of direction, then they will look for inspiring documents to enrich her children. In reality, truth cannot be hidden for centuries; therefore, if theologians had discovered something in the hidden books that are extremely necessary to add to the bible, then they would have done something.
The first thing is to understand how books were chosen in the bible. The establishment of the canon came at different periods after reflection from century to century. For example, “the formation of Jewish canon” …show more content…
If for example, Sybil be-friend the “historical critical method and Lectio Divina, he will understand the holistic background of the bible then the words will read him and speak in his heart” (Class lecture). The document of the interpretation of the bible in the church recommends redaction criticism as one friend in the bible land; they state; “redaction criticism shed light upon the personal contribution of each evangelist and to uncover the theological tendencies which shaped his editorial work.” The different critical method of interpreting the bible clears lots of doubts and misinterpretation. The document from PBC refers us to the words of St. Paul in an attempt to high light why the bible should be, Old and New Testament; “The Jewish scripture have equally enduring value for guiding the spiritual lives of Christian.” However, scripture without the missing books is enough, and inspirationally rich if well

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