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Squatter Settlement In Australia

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The mining sector has expanded significantly since the 1970s, with major discoveries of iron ore, petroleum, coal, and natural gas.
When Australia was colonized by Europeans in the late 18th century, it was home to approximately 250 indigenous Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages ( Dixion, 1980; Walsh, 1997; Angelo etal., 1994; Austin, 1996), many of which are now either extinct, moribund, or endangered. Today, only 12 indigenous languages continue to be learned by children.
There has been growing awareness of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages among general Australian population, and Aboriginal language courses are now taught in secondary schools in Victoria, South Australia ( Nathan, 1996) , and soon to be introduced …show more content…
Many failed to gain land because of opposition from existing squatters. At the same time, a sense of nationalism was growing. British had granted self-government to all her colonies by the 1890s, and the leaders of the colonies had come to realize that some form of union was needed. None of the Australian colonies were willing to give up their individual independence, so in 1890s, after fierce arguments, the colonies agreed to unite in a federation. The Commonwealth of Australia was proclaimed on the first day of 1901, and the city of Canberra was chosen as the federal …show more content…
Indeed, it has not been demonstrated by the systematic application of the comparative method that all Australian languages descend from a common proto-Australian, although many leading Australian specialists assume the existence of such a language. The position of the indigenous languages of Tasmania is unclear, as the last speaker of a Tasmanian language died in 1877. The language data surviving suggest that the Tasmanian languages were probably related to the languages of the Australian mainland, though they are so fragmentary as to render a clear assignment

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