Premium Essay

The Impact of Television on Children


Submitted By ednuso
Words 1030
Pages 5
The Impact Of Television On Children

The Impact Of Television On Children The impacts of television on children are subjects that touch almost everyone in the world. This essay will prove that the television impact the children’s attention spans, because children spend too much time with programs that affect the focus of the children. There are three types of programs that affect children. The first one are programs that are for adults and are programs that children just don’t need to watch. The second one are the programs that are supposes to be made for children, but they could still affect the children for their content or for how they are made. The third one are the programs that con educate and teach good values to the children. Adults are the ones that have to choose what they can watch and also don’t expose the children with too much TV even it is good TV programs
This essay will attempt to breakdown this research and find out how television has an influence on children’s attentions spans and other behavior problems. Looking at how different programs that affect children in different ways. There are several different theories with children’s attention spans and its relationship to television and in this essay I will attempt to bring them all together and draw one conclusive theory, which reflects all the evidence I have gathered.
Dr. Dimitri A. Christakis, Director of the Center for Child Health, and other researchers, which make this study, say, that when children's brains, which are still developing, are bombarded with too much stimulation, it can interfere with their ability to learn to focus properly. (Study: Some cartoons, 2011) Another research study made to over 1,500 children concludes that early television exposure is associated with attention problems. (Early Television Exposure, 2004) Television has come a long way in a

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