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The Impaired Nurse Research Paper

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The impaired nurse
Alcohol and drug dependence affects all segments of the population and nurses are not an exception to the rule. There is a concern that is a growing number of nurses use substances for different reasons. There is not enough data and research on the exact count, statistically speaking. However, recent statistics in state Boards of Nursing clearly define an upward trend. The American Nurses Association estimates that six to eight percent of nurse’s abuse drugs or alcohol. The two most common issues nurses have are access and availability.
There are many reasons, nurses struggle with addictions. For the same reasons others do. It might be anxiety, depression or unintentional — caused from taking a prescription medication. However, …show more content…
They work long hours with little recovery time to get fully rested. And, many work in services that are understaffed. Not to mention, they’re expected to be happy, friendly and compassionate all of the time. As a result, many nurses cope with the stress by self-medicating. Nurses are often handling powerful opioids and other prescription drugs, which can cause intensifications of temptation to use. Sometimes being the only caregiver to their patient, nurses grow attached to them causing emotional stress. While many patients recover and go home, some do not survive. Nurses turn to drugs and alcohol to help deal with feelings of loss and …show more content…
Careful documentation of any changes in the suspected impaired nurses’ behaviors is important. If you are willing, you may choose to urge the nurse to seek help. Avoid any desire to enable the impairment.
What can be done?
A disciplinary approach to impaired practice or drug diversion involves due process with a state board of nursing and suspension or revocation of a nurse’s professional license. There is no offer of a recovery program and the nurse may be terminated and legal charges can be filed.
Through an alternative-to-discipline program, a nurse does not practice for a specific time while undergoing treatment and establishing sobriety and recovery program. He or she may undergo psychiatric evaluations, specialized treatment like one-to-one therapy and support groups, and random drug screens. A return-to-work agreement is created and often involves a reduction in hours, limited shifts, and restrictions in assignments with continued treatment and monitoring for periods of up to three to five years. Restrictions are lifted as the nurse demonstrates he or she is making progress.
Recovery and

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