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The Importance Leadership Traits and Virtues


Submitted By bakdevine
Words 819
Pages 4
Bryant Devine
August, 2012

The Importance Leadership Traits and Virtues

In the reading's I found several traits that continually repeat. Even past reviews continually repeat there traits; i.e., Self-confidence, integrity, sociability, emotional control and maturity: Even the six traits in Kirkpatrick and Locke relate to the "Big Five" in Judge, Ilies, Bono, and Gerhardt research on personality and leadership. Nonetheless, these trait help an emerging leader understand their role in leadership, and assists them in developing these traits. In order that we may understand the significance of these traits, we must seek comparisons the six traits and "Big Five". We can first compare Neuroticism, from the "Big Five", with Emotional control and maturity. "Neuroticism represents the tendency to exhibit poor emotional adjustment and experience negative effects, such as anxiety, insecurity, and hostility" (Judge, Ilies, Bono, Gerhardt, pg. 81). Conversely, with emotional control and maturity, leaders "generally do not become angry or enraged… leaders remain composed upon hearing that an employee made a costly mistake" (Kirkpatrick, Locke, pg. 76). Nonetheless, what is learned is that the best leaders can remain calm under-pressure, and help those around them stay calm as well. We can also compare self-confidence with Neuroticism. If there is a lack of self-confidence, one will positively reflect the trait of Neuroticism. Nonetheless, self-confidence along with emotional control can have a positive effect on the emerging leader; "Self-Confidence plays an important role in decision making and in gaining others trust". Moreover, "… others perception of it" (Kirkpatrick, Locke, pg. 76), as well plays an important role in the development of leadership traits. Without self-confidence, the emerging leader will lack the necessary traits to move an organization into

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