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The Importance Of Human Resource Management

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Human resource management is the utilization of human resources to achieve organizational objectives. Consequently, all managers at every level must concern themselves with human resource management. Basically, managers get things done through the efforts of others; this requites effective human resource management. Today's human resource problems and opportunities are enormous and appear to be expanding. Individuals dealing with human resource matters face a multitude of challenges, ranging from a constantly changing work force to the ever present scores of government regulations and a major technological revolution. Furthermore, global competition has caused organizations both large and small to be more conscious of cost and productivity. Because of the critical nature of human resource issues, these matters are receiving major attention from upper management. (D. Johns& Radebaugh, 2006) As organizations vary in size, aims, functions, complexity, construction, the physical nature of their product, and appeal as employers, so do the contributions of human resource management. But, in most the ultimate aim of the function is to: "ensure that at all times the business is correctly staffed by the right number of people with the skills relevant to the business needs", that is, neither overstaffed nor understaffed in total or in respect …show more content…
In particular, employee participation and empowerment and job redesign, including team based production systems, extensive employee training and performance contingent incentive compensation produce the value of human resource management practices and systems. The aim of this research is to examine how is human resource management processes is being performed in Ukrainian and Turkish

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