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The Importance Of Language In Education

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It has been learned that language is a barrier to learning if the language of learning is not a home language. It has further been learned that language becomes a large-effect barrier to learning if the language of learning is not exposed on a regular basis from as young as 0-2 years then understanding and interpretation in adolescent years becomes a challenge. The literature that has been found stipulates that in order for one to master a language, they need to learn it during the critical period of age 0-7 years but my findings infer that the critical period is from 0-2 years. In order for one to master the English language, they need a well-resourced teaching during the critical period. This will, in turn, minimise factors that affect the …show more content…
The theoretical component of the research is an aspect that went exceptionally well. Proceeding findings about previously conducted research (literature review), I was, without much difficulty, able to find a suitable and viable way to practically conduct the research. The methodology that I used helped me learn and draw conclusions. It enabled me to derive themes and commonalities, in a simplistic fashion, based on the questions that were asked.
10.2 What did not go well?
An issue which I encountered in conducting the practical component of the research was the fact that I had two of the 10 participants withdraw the information which they had provided through the questionnaire. This made my sample set smaller than it already was and which had an immeasurable impact on the outcome of research.
Another issue, with regards to the practical component, that was faced was that the participants took time to hand back their questionnaires despite the specification and request to hand it back in within a period of five days. With time as a major restriction, this caused significant disarray and lead to the failure to obey certain …show more content…
With this thought, it is mandatory to investigate the effects that socioeconomic circumstances have on learning and how it essentially contributes to the achievement gap.
It is very important to have an understanding on how the ability of what one is able to learn, proficiently and moderately, at school level impacts their lives in a larger society. This is not only restricted to the ability to process and learn information but inclusive of the interactions that they are able to have and the jobs that they are afforded based on how they express themselves in the English language. A question to ask around this matter is: How does what you have been able to learn at school with a non-native language, like English, influence your engagement with those who do not have the language of engagement as a native

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