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The Importance Of Play Tough

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Using play dough (or in fact any type of dough) with young children is beneficial in so many ways. Here are some ideas of how fabulous it is!
Fine Motor Development:
All that squishing and squashing of play dough is a great way to strengthen the muscles in children’s hands and fingers. Developing fine motor skills at an early age is essential as it will later be needed for other activities such as gripping a pencil, using a paintbrush and, eventually, writing.

One of the best things about play dough is that it’s a very hands on activity. Using their hands and stimulating their senses is an ideal way for children to learn. Try and make your own play dough and add various dried foods into the dough, such as rice, couscous or seeds, to change the texture. The addition of glitter or sequins to the mixture is an excellent visual stimulus, while the sense of smell can be easily roused by adding herbs and spices to your homemade dough.Provide objects from nature such as, pebbles, leaves, shells, sticks, acorns, pinecones so children can interact with the world in a different way. …show more content…
bumpy, lumpy, spiky, rough, smooth, soft, shiny etc. .

Imagination and Creativity:
Children can use playdough for imaginative play, it can be chocolates or sweets in a sweet shop, bread in a bakery, ice cream in a beach scene, or planets in a space scene the list is endless!

This play dough activity from is simple to set up and encourages creativity and fine motor skills through moulding and decorating mermaid tails. It is an activity that lends itself so well to a nautical

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