...spirituality, and moral precepts. When researching how the Roman Catholics and Episcopalians are distinctly different I can across the quote “All the ceremony and half the guilt”( ), meaning the Roman Catholic Church have a very distinct chain of command including the Pope and bishops, while on the other hand Episcopalians do not have figure head who represents the church as a whole. The difference between the Roman Catholics and Episcopalians traditions and practices seems to stem from the desire to have the freedom to choose ones own governmental and religious leadership. Since Episcopalian Church began the has always been a connection to the Roman Catholic Church as stated, “During the 16th century Protestant Reformation. The Episcopal Church organized itself independently from the Church of England around the time of the American Revolutionary War, and chose a form of government similar to that of the new nation. ” () The entire reason the Episcopalian Church was formed was to decide who its own political and spiritual leaders would be, completely separate from The Church of England and the Roman Catholic Church. The differences between the Roman Catholic and Episcopalians development of denomination are can be seen in the organization of each church leadership. The Episcopalian are governed by: “In an established, self-sustaining congregation, or "parish", day-to-day matters are handled by a panel of elected lay people called a "vestry." The head priest,...
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...understand the beliefs and teachings of The Catholic Church, I thought that it would be prudent to not only research the topic, but also to speak with a member of the Catholic faith. That being said, I began my research by educating myself on the particulars of the Catholic faith before speaking with Josefina (Josie) Ramirez. Josie, a 53 year old native of Lake Jackson, Texas, was raised Catholic, is quite devout, and takes all of the teachings of and dictates of the Catholic Church to heart. When asked what differentiates the Catholic Church from the Protestant version of Christianity, Josie indicated that one area was how Catholics regard religious authority. “[Protestants] seem to turn only to the Bible for religious instruction. It seems to me that they listen to their ministers, but stick to their own opinions if they disagree with anything. Catholics, on the other hand, believe that the traditions of 2000 years of study, prayer, and revelation are not something to be disregarded. Nothing in Catholicism contradicts the Bible, but we have the advantage of all those centuries of thought and guidance to help explain the mysteries of Christianity and how to lead a better life.” Most scholarly Catholic websites seem to justify Josie’s perception, by suggesting that while “Christ is [Catholicism’s] primary authority; this authority has been passed from Christ to His Apostles” (Basic Catholic). While the Catholic Church recognizes the authority of the Bible, it also acknowledges...
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...Social doctrine of the church as a social instrument of the new evangelization Three terms are present in the title of this issue: two explicit (social doctrine of the church and new evangelization) and an implicit (evangelization). We can’t talk about the new evangelization without connecting it with the evangelization itself; the relationship between the church’s social doctrine and the new evangelization comes through the evangelization. The first thing it’s the evangelization, the most original, and that goes back to the origins of the church. The church’s social doctrine, born in the 19th century as an attempt to answer of faith to the great problems which occurred with modernity, as new ideologies that give the body and the political and socioeconomic systems derived from these. The new evangelization is a most recent proposal, from Juan Pablo II, that is intended to realize the meaning and scope of evangelization in the circumstances of our historical moment. Evangelization and mission as a framework The four evangelisms present us a resurrected Jesus who appeared to theirs and charges them a mission: to be witnesses in the villages. The conscience of this mission has been realized in a different way for each historical era. To illustrate the variety and to best understand what the evangelization today is, it will be useful to distinguish the four models of the evangelization. The evangelization of the first Christian times The Christians from the origins...
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...The Biblical Canon: The Movement, Methodologies, and People Who Influenced It Thomas Gainey CHHI 301: History of the Christian Church I February 7, 2016 Introduction In Christianity one of the key factors of its faith is the belief that the Bible is inerrant. Many great Christian leaders have expressed the importance of the Bible. Norman Geisler once stated “The inerrancy of Scripture is the foundational doctrine in which all other doctrines rest, and the Psalmist rightly said, ‘If the foundation be destroyed, then what can the righteous do?’” In his statement he expresses the truth behind the fact that the Christian faith resides on the fact that the Bible is inerrant. Interesting enough the Bible of today with its 66 books, 39 Old Testament, and 27 New Testament are very similar to the bible of the early church. In the words of Herman Ridderbos, "the history of the Canon is the process of the growing consciousness of the Church concerning its ecumenical foundation.” People have often wonder why certain books made into the Bible, but others did not. In this paper will look how we got the Bible we have today and what movements, people, and doctrines effected. Old Testament Canon The Old Testament known to Christians in the Bible is what is known to Jews as the Tanakh. This is made of the writings of the Laws, the Prophets, and the Psalms. Jesus Christ stated in Luke 24:44 “Everything must be fulfilled that is written about me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets and...
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...Specific (Catholic) Literary Principles for Interpreting the Bible What is the literal sense? Speaking of the “literal” sense or meaning of the Bible from a Catholic perspective can be very confusing because the Catholic Church does not mean by the term literal what is often meant by the word “literal” in popular American culture and vernacular. “Literal” as used by modern twenty-first century Americans assumes that the words of text describe something that factually happened. This restrictive meaning of “literal” is not what the Catholic Church means by the literal sense, literal level, or the literal meaning of the Bible. Rather, this modern contemporary American understanding of “literal” is closer to what is called literalism, which means, “fidelity to observable fact.”[1] The literal sense of some Biblical texts may require “fidelity to observable fact” but this is not always the case. Thus, in Catholic teaching, the “literal sense” is not synonymous with literalism. What the Catholic Church means by the literal sense is that the “literal sense is the meaning conveyed by the words of Scripture and discovered by exegesis, following the rules of sound interpretation” (CCC[2]116).[3] It is called “literal” because the English word literal is derived from the Latin word “littera,” which is the Latin word for “letter.” So the literal sense, according to Catholic teaching, is not a literalist reading of the text based upon literalism but is the “meaning conveyed by the...
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...of this time were often formulaic, theatrical and over-stylized. The figures in Mannerist art often portrayed as graceful, with elongated limbs, small heads and stylized facial features. The poses used are difficult or deliberately created rather than arising naturally or spontaneously. Unlike Renaissance paintings, Mannerism works favored compositional tension rather than balance and clarity. These artists favored the unorthodoxy of something new and expected, perhaps making them the first modern artists. The majority of these works had a religious subject, as the Christian church had much influence during these years. A leading example of a Mannerism painting is Madonna of the Long Neck by Italian painter Parmigianino. The oil on wood painting is currently held in Uffizi, Florence. The image depicts the Virgin Mary and baby Jesus surrounded by six angels. Just as in the title of the painting, the Holy Virgin is drawn with very swan-like, long neck in order to give her a look of grace and elegance – just as all of Mannerism paintings aimed for. Another Mannerism feature used in the painting is the confusing depth of field and distribution of figures. Instead of spreading the adoring angels around the central figures, they are all crammed...
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... By Daniel Gannon Gannon.dan@gmail.com Copyright © 2011 Deacon Dan Gannon Introduction The Church’s primary mission is to help man on the path of salvation.[i] The Church’s social teaching is, “an integral part of her evangelizing ministry”[ii], and is theological in nature – viz. “aimed at guiding people’s behavior”.[iii] Thus, the Church’s social doctrine is integral to the life of the Church and her mission. Key principles of the Church’s social doctrine include her evangelization and teaching regarding: the dignity and right to life of the human person – as revealed by God via Divine Revelation, the centrality and preeminence of the family to society, man’s fundamental freedom, the right to labor, just wages and working conditions, the right to own private property in service to the common good, the democratic government model and the right to freedom of religion and to form associations. We will briefly review these basic principles in the context of the Compendium and other Church documents, elucidating their importance in our duty as Catholics to witness Christ’s love in society. The Dignity and Nature of Man in the Image of God – Sources of Social Doctrine The Church’s sacred sources are the origin of her principles on social thought – Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition, as interpreted and promulgated by the Magisterium.[iv] Scriptural principles are innumerable, but certainly exhort us to respect life,[v] provide...
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...CATECHISM OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH Table of Contents PROLOGUE I. The life of man - to know and love God nn. 1-3 II. Handing on the Faith: Catechesis nn. 4-10 III. The Aim and Intended Readership of the Catechism nn. 11-12 IV. Structure of this Catechism nn. 13-17 V. Practical Directions for Using this Catechism nn. 18-22 VI. Necessary Adaptations nn. 23-25 PART ONE: THE PROFESSION OF FAITH SECTION ONE "I BELIEVE" - "WE BELIEVE" n. 26 CHAPTER ONE MAN'S CAPACITY FOR GOD nn. 27-49 I. The Desire for God nn. 27-30 II. Ways of Coming to Know God nn. 31-35 III. The Knowledge of God According to the Church nn. 36-38 IV. How Can We Speak about God? nn.39-43 IN BRIEF nn. 44-49 CHAPTER TWO GOD COMES TO MEET MAN n. 50 Article 1 THE REVELATION OF GOD I. God Reveals His "Plan of Loving Goodness" nn. 51-53 II. The Stages of Revelation nn. 54-64 III. Christ Jesus -- "Mediator and Fullness of All Revelation" nn. 6567 IN BRIEF nn. 68-73 Article 2 THE TRANSMISSION OF DIVINE REVELATION n. 74 I. The Apostolic Tradition nn.75-79 II. The Relationship Between Tradition and Sacred Scripture nn. 80-83 III. The Interpretation of the Heritage of Faith nn. 84-95 IN BRIEF nn. 96-100 Article 3 SACRED SCRIPTURE I. Christ - The Unique Word of Sacred Scripture nn. 101-104 II. Inspiration and Truth of Sacred Scripture nn. 105-108 III. The Holy Spirit, Interpreter of Scripture nn. 109-119 IV. The Canon of Scripture nn. 120-130 V. Sacred Scripture in the Life of the Church nn. 131-133 IN BRIEF nn...
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...differences, such as their services, communion, and views regarding salvation. The Catholic Religion - The world has more than one billion Catholics and with the ever growing population, it will only get larger in number. To be a Catholic means to have complete faith in God and his divine grace. Having God's divine grace means to obey it and keep it holy as it was created by God and given to his people. The religion itself is based on this and the people take it very seriously. Catholics believe that all people are of good nature but when one commits a sin it not only hurts that one person but the people and the Church.... [tags: Catholicism, What Catholics Believe, informative] 1922 words (5.5 pages) $14.95 [preview] Catholic religion - CATHOLIC RELIGION To belong to the church one must accept as factually true the gospel of Jesus as handed down in tradition and as interpreted by the bishops in union with the pope. The most important thing in this divine tradition is the Bible, its text determined and disseminated by the church. The church, according to the Roman Catholic catechism, is the only Christian body that is “one, holy, catholic (universal)”. The doctrine of apostolic succession is one of the key parts of the Catholic faith.... [tags: essays research papers] 748 words (2.1 pages) $14.95...
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...Personal Position Paper: Environmentalism Caring for the Earth? Should Christians become Tree-Huggers? In today’s society, many environmental issues are being casually overlooked by the same people who constantly complain about them. It is an ever increasing problem that will eventually become irreversible if we Christians do not respond to the issue with definite action. The four key elements of the Wesleyan Quadrilateral provide strong evidence that God has called humans to make a difference in the environment. Several examples that are found in scripture, proven by reason, witnessed through experience, and guided by tradition aid in proving God’s desperate plea to us to care for the earth. By using the quadrilateral in its entirety, I will be able to provide sustainable information that will create a viable conclusion to why I personally believe that Christians should indeed become “tree-huggers”. What does scripture say in terms of protecting the environment? Scripture, the norming norm of all sources, is ultimately the main stemming source which provides moral guidance in helping humankind make wise decisions. It is an outlining source that answers many, if not most, of life’s difficult questions both indirectly and directly. As far as answering the question as to whether or not Christians should become “tree huggers”, several specific instructions provided in scripture are commands given from God to His followers to treat the earth and all the nonliving things within...
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...on the Friuli region of northeastern Italy from the 1570s to the 1640s, a time when the Holy Inquisitions were in effect. Ginzburg is the first to explore the existence of the benandanti, or ‘good-walkers’, holy defenders of the harvest against the destructive forces of witches, as well as their historical influence. The benandanti offer a refreshingly positive twist on the relationship between Christianity and magic that is different from the typical cynicism of the Church . The Night Battles maintains that the benandanti exist as a concentration of previous widespread...
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...Table of Contents Introduction 2 History of Eschatology 3 Eschatology in Antiquity 3 Modern Developments in Eschatology 4 Contemporary Eschatology 4 Scripture 8 Support for Dispensational Premillennialism 8 Refutation of Dispensational Premillennialism 8 Theological Implications of Dispensationalism 10 Conclusions 11 Bibliography 13 Introduction Within the past few decades the interest in eschatology has shattered all previous interest in the subject. This has been in part to greater interest in Scriptural literature and also due to popularization of biblical dramatization. The modern push of interest is based on books and movies like The Late Great Planet Earth, or The Left Behind series. These publications are themselves based on theological arguments but place them in emotionally driven drama’s that attune people to want to relate to them, and in many cases believe these renditions without any critical evaluation. In the developing twenty centuries of the Christian faith there have been many disagreements on theology, doctrine, practice, and canon of scripture which were settled time and again by coming together and debating the issues and measuring those controversies and made a decisions on what was within the boundaries of acceptability of Christianity, it has been within the last few centuries that the time tested definitions of Christian theology have been razed to the ground and new systems have been rebuilt. Under the new schematics of self-appointed...
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...OSCAR INTRODUCTION Supernatural manifestations and gifts of the Holy Spirit have played a distinctive role from the origin, development and growth of the Church. From the beginning of creation until now, Spiritual gifting has been evident in the ministries of many outstanding women. Divine enablement has been seen in the spiritual leadership of women in the body of Christ. The true body of Christ-the Church believes that the outpouring of the Spirit is a true fulfillment of scriptural prediction, “Your daughters shall prophecy…and upon your handmaids in those days will I pour out my Spirit” (Joel 2:28, 29). The history and current practice of the true Church give demonstration that God can and does bless the public ministry of women. Yet, there is much debate concerning women in Spiritual leadership and ministry. So, it is appropriate to ask if scripture describes any limits to this public ministry. The scripture must be our final authority in setting questions of faith and practice. As born-again, Spirit filled Christians, following proper hermeneutical principles; let us not be dogmatic in support of one position. We affirm the inerrancy and authority of the Scripture and desiring to know what God expect of us. When we come to sure understanding of His divine Word, we are committed to declaring and obeying those instructions but also exercise caution in giving authoritative importance to interpretation that do not have indisputable support from the whole scripture...
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...Dear Charles, Here's a possible rewrite of your thesis: "This paper will examine Augustine's teachings about 'conferred faith' upon infant during baptism. My claim is that Paul misrepresented Paul's teachings on the family's effect upon the holiness of the child." You'll find the "claim" in chapters 1-14 of Turabian's Manual, which is something that our rubric doesn't bring up, but I think it's a good technique. I notice that you have Greek written in Times New Roman font. I have seen other students do this. I have never been able to figure out how this is done. I notice that when I try to add a letter than it comes out in Latin script. These are quotations that you've pasted. This is amazing. I don't know how they do this! Let me know if you can help me! The only defect in this paper that I want to point out is that much of your paper is not really about Augustine's teaching on infant baptism. All subsequent developments of his teachings really have nothing to do with what happened in Augustine's head. Let's take Pannenberg as an example. He may have followers up there in Lutheran country where you minister. His ideas are influenced by Augustine, but Augustine was not a Lutheran. Some seem to think he was a Lutheran or a Calvinist, but they deceive themselves. You must, of course, take Paul into account because Augustine worked with Paul's writings. Paul was a source that Augustine used—or better, abused or misused, as you and argue. Students find it impossible to focus on one...
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...International Missionary Council Meeting. Throughout history, God has been working towards the restoration of His creation – this is the essence of missio dei. God has been calling on His people, from within and beyond the church, to take part in this ongoing mission to build His Kingdom on earth. David Bosch in ‘Transforming Mission’, defines missio dei as: “God the Father sending the Son, God the Father and the Son sending the Spirit, and the Father, Son and Holy Spirit sending the church into the world”. He goes on to state that, “Mission is not primarily an activity of the church, but an attribute of God. God is a missionary God. Mission is thereby seen as a movement from God to the world; the church is viewed as an instrument for that mission. There is church because there is mission, not vice versa. To participate in mission is to participate in the movement of God’s love toward people, since God is a fountain of sending love.” The Missionary Council of 1952 wrestled with the concept of missio dei, and the extent of God’s missionary activities in the world. 1. One view defined God’s activity in the secular world, over and above the church, where the world provided the agenda. 2. The opposing view held that the church was the principal vehicle of God’s mission. As a result, missio dei,...
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