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The Importance Of Travel

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Homework Assignment One
If I had the opportunity to spend $100,000 on travelling abroad, there would be no challenge on deciding where to go. I want to go as many places as possible in life, but I already have some countries that are on the top of my bucket list. The top places I want to go are Thailand, Peru, Costa Rica, New Zealand, Greece, and Iceland. Considering though that $100,000 dollars would go a long way, I would also want to go around France and Italy, as well as visit the United Arab Emirates. Travelling is a great chance to explore and open your mind to new people, new culture, new foods, and so much more. Thailand has been a dream of mine for many years, its vast mix of things to do and new experiences to be had make it highly appealing in my eyes. One thing that I think would be amazing to experience in Thailand is the wildlife; wild monkeys, elephants, sea turtles, and so much more. Thailand also offers such a rich …show more content…
One reason I want to visit Costa Rica is for hiking. With volcanos and vast rainforests, hiking/trekking in Costa Rica I can only imagine would be unlike many other places the world has to offer. Like Thailand, Costa Rica also sparks interest for me due to its wildlife, namely the sloth. Lastly, Costa Rica is on my bucket list for its beaches. Growing up one of my favorite movies was The Lord of The Rings Trilogy, which was filmed entirely in New Zealand and that is originally why I wanted to go to New Zealand. If you have seen the movie, the scenery is absolutely stunning and incredibly diverse. With such diverse landscape, there is so much adventure to be had. On top of that, everyone I know who has gone to New Zealand has had nothing, but great things to say about not only the place, but also the locals. As I have grown up another huge reason to go to New Zealand has been added to the list and that is the

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