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The Importance of Vernacular Languages


Submitted By carolina419
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Language is a tool used to interact with others and express ideas, emotions, knowledge, memories and values. Language is also a vital tool for cultural expression it helps define each culture and identify them selves. Before vernacular language, people used Latin to communicate now each country uses a different language. In many places of the world knowing multiple languages is a virtue. “Language is the light of the mind.” (John Stuart Mill)
The Impact of Vernacular Languages Latin was the common language used by different people and cultures to communicate. It was the written language of the courts, commerce and the Christian church. Latin had more than one form which changed over time due to the different people using the language, the educational level of the person speaking or writing it and the social status/class it was used around. The development of Latin literacy was greatly promoted in the late 8th century during the Carolingian Renaissance, which was the period of intellectual art, religion, and cultural revival in Europe. Although literacy had been previously introduced to people of the upper class and clergy during the period of the 8th and 9th century was when it became more widely spread. During the 780’s-790’s Charlemagne also known as Charles the Great or in Latin Carolus Magnus, invited Alcuin of York to become a leading scholar, teacher and his own personal tutor at the Carolingian court school. Alcuin was also asked by Charlemagne to be in charge of putting together curriculum for children to begin teaching kids from an early age the importance of being literate. This would make them smarter and able to read and write, which would help introduce and further teach Christianity which was promoted at Charlemagne’s court school. Alcuin was an English scholar, poet and teacher from York, North Umbria. Alcuin wrote a number of poems, theological and dogmatic treaties. He was known as the most learned man around and considered the most important architect of the Carolingian Renaissance. Promoting literacy became the reason for education and language be impacted through the region. Latin was the primary language used by writers until the mid 12th century when vernacular languages began to be used by writers. Vernacular language began to be used for a number of reasons, the Roman Empire began to fall in the mid 12th century and Latin began to fade, Women wanted to take part in cultural debates and technological advances (McCash, 2008) and also because of the desire to spread Christianity. During the fall of Latin, England returned to using old English and certain French writers began to write in vernacular language. (Sayre,2010) During this period was also when government and legal documents began to be written in vernacular language as well. Also during this time was when the number of literate women began to grow tremendously. By the 14th century vernacular languages had spread to the most of Europe although spelling and grammar had not been standardized yet. Vernacular languages were used by people depending on their social class, the lower class spoke English. People who traveled and people in the courts systems used the vernacular language used in France. In Germany however the first attempt to create a vernacular German language was as early as the 8th century, it was not accepted and failed every time. In the 12th century however a few French stories were translated in to “German” and the language caught on from that point forward. Vernacular was practically the large family of modern “Romance” Languages. For instance what today are Spanish, French, Italian, and Portuguese. In all of these languages you will find they all come from Latin, and when you see one word coming from another in “Latin” is because although the word might have been translated there is still some Latin in it. Vernacular did have a huge impact on culture in the 13th and 14th century as the Latin language died out. There were basically only three possible outcomes, either the number of literate people will also die out, every one would eventually need to learn Latin even though it was no longer around or the vernacular languages would be adopted and standardized and religions, commerce and government would all have to use the vernacular language. The greatest impact vernacular had on people was that the vernacular was not only used as a language but also as something that identified each area, territory, county or nation. From being used in songs and stories vernacular began to be used in all aspects of life such as religion, politics, literature, economy. Each vernacular language group began to think and live as a group this is where cultures became stronger and have common grounds on which to build the foundations of a possible national identity.

Citations and References
McCash, J. (2008). The Role of Women in the Rise of the Vernacular. Comparative Literature, 60(1), 45-57. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.
Sayre, H. (2010). Discovering the humanities. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

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