Premium Essay

The Journey Of Crystal In Jessie Van Eerden's Glorybound

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Words 358
Pages 2
Welcome to my second essay of this semester! In this short essay, I will be pointing out a few key moments and symbols in the journey of Crystal in Jessie Van Eerden’s Glorybound. As I was reading this story, I was automatically drawn to Crystal. I felt that her character had a lot of depth as a result of her history both with her father and with Ronnie. Personally, I felt that these two figures played pivotal roles in shaping Crystal as she appears in the end of the book. I used these two figures in Crystal’s journey to give context and background to the causation of her actions and transformation. I chose to focus on Ronnie and Cord, rather than Aimee because I wanted to try to draw out possible motivations and incentives for her actions.

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