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Healthy Food In America

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“Almost 15% of households in America say they don’t get enough money to eat the way they want to eat. Estimates show 49 million Americans make food decisions based on cost,” (Gustafson). There are many people in the world that don’t get enough food in the world and a lot of families can’t pay for the food for their families. Parents are unable to put healthy food on the table because they don’t get enough money since the fruit and vegetable prices have increased. Some parents don’t get much money from their jobs to pay for food.

Parents are unable to put food on the table nationally. Some kids can’t eat since the food isn’t healthy. “The updated food pyramid, now called “MyPlate,” encourages higher consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables, which are typically more expensive than processed foods,” (Gustafson). If you were to buy healthy food it would be more expensive than to buy unhealthy food. “Purchasing food items that provide important nutrients like potassium, dietary fiber, vitamin D and calcium, could add up to $380 annually to consumers’ grocery bills,” (Gustafson). This sentence explains how much it would or could cost to buy healthy groceries for most families. Lots of families …show more content…
Parents don’t have enough money to buy food. “Indiana ranked 35th in the nation in 2006 for the number of children living in poverty,” (Covering kids & families of Indiana). This shows how people don’t get much money because they don’t have jobs. Also some people do have jobs but can’t get the money to put food on the table. “Over 14% of Indiana residents do not have health insurance, of which 9% are children,” (Covering Kids & Families of Indiana). This shows how some kids can’t eat healthy or even get food because they don’t have health insurance. Not being healthy can be a big deal if you don’t eat healthy you can become obese by eating too much fat. In the U.S. it costs less money to buy unhealthy food than to buy healthy

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