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Iron Mountain Creative Writing

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A scream echoes outside. The drumlike thumping of the monster's feet rattled all the houses. This is the beginning of the end of my story.
It all started on a glooming summer morning; the sun was tucked away behind the Iron Mountain, which cast a shadow on our village, Lancaster. This was nothing unusual, for this happened every day. We lived at the foot of the mountain and never experienced the sun shining against our skin or the rays beaming on our eyes. My family was one of the few who were left of the abandoned project to find riches in the Iron Mountain. We were never able to leave because we had all been genetically adapted to the dense air around us; if we were exposed to the pure oxygen we would suffocate. I had heard many stories …show more content…
Dead. I had lost all hope until today. ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦
"Clarissa! Get inside the safe house!" I heard my mom shriek. I looked around trying to find my mom in the crowded marketplace. I scrambled to the nearest safehouse and hoped that my family was safe. The houses down the street all went dark and the scream from inside the mountain rippled through the village. Once I was inside the safehouse, two of the villagers closed and locked all the doors. It was extremely quiet for a few minutes. You could hear the howling of the wind as it slammed against the tight doors.
Bang! Bang! Bang!
There were numerous loud knockings on the door; pounding faster and faster, like the heart of a petrified prey. Children inside were crying while adults murmured under their breaths. Then there was a loud scream again. Everything went silent; the wind stopped howling, the loud pounding stopped completely. Slowly, the people went to open the door. The lifeless body of Thomas collapsed to the ground. I opened my mouth to let out a scream but nothing came out. My throat closed and I could not move a muscle. My legs quivered and I started shaking. I was in shock that this was actually

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