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The Joy Of The Gospel Analysis

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Describe an example of someone you know who is witnessing to the “Joy of the Gospel”

As I considered who, to me, witnesses to the Joy of the Gospel, I could see aspects of this joy in many people that I know and associate with. This realization fills me with hope and a sense of well-being. Choosing a single person was somewhat daunting but the answer seems clear to me: my wife Louise. Louise begins each day encountering Jesus through reading, prayer, and meditation. This joy fills her day and all that she does. Her work at the Huntsville Catholic Social Services office provides ample opportunity for her to share this joy to those who frequently come to the office without any joy; people who come to the office suffering the inequities present in our society. She greets each as a child of God, regardless of how that greet her. She welcomes opportunities to go above and beyond in serving others. Those who work with her describe her as the heart of the office. They are seeing the heart of Jesus shining through her; they are seeing goodness spreading from her.

Chapter One: The Church’s Missionary Transformation
Describe an opportunity you believe exists for your parish to share more fully “The Joy of the …show more content…
Training courses are often out of reach for people due to cost, time, or child care issues. I believe that an opportunity exists to provide skills training for free or very low cost, at times when people can come, and by providing child care for them. Members of our parish are extremely well educated and have skills that can be taught to others which give them marketable job skills. Within prison ministries, volunteers work to provide inmates skills which they can use to reintegrate into society. Similarly we can work within the parish to begin to train people in the skills that they need to find rewarding

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