Premium Essay

The Kioto Protocol


Submitted By timothymayabi
Words 1693
Pages 7
The Kyoto Protocol is an international agreement which is mainly linked to ‘the 1992 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)’ and thus it has set international State Parties to reduce green house emissions, based on premise that man-made carbon dioxide and global warming have caused it.It is thus a climate control protocol that controls the world’s economy and the power of the United Nations by ensuring that all the industrialized nations have submitted to restrictions on the production of carbon dioxide.`In essence its believed that it is the developed countries which are mainly responsible for the very high levels of the emissions due to the many years of industrial acivities that have been rampant in the countries. The Kyoto Protocol implemented the objectives of the UNFCCC, which was to fight global warming by reducing greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere to a level that would prevent anthropogenic interference with climate system. Climatic Change Convention is not all about pollution abatement and conversation in usual sense of those terms but it is mainly about the transformation which in essence brings about greater efficiency in the use of resources and also a greater equity in accessing them. It is not this convention on global environment; it is rather the convention on the sustainable development of the global economy and also the scientific community that has put it clear that we are in bq,/;l;’jle. This is a global issue that does not take into consideration the race, creed,color, nor political affiliation. Ironically people who produce the least emissions, will be the ones to suffer the most this has always been a way of humanity.
In this thesis, I consider the following question: what makes Kyoto protocol not a good treaty to combat global warming? I focus my intellectual study around a number of sub-questions

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