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The Longest Ride Book Report

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The novel The Longest Ride, overall is a really great novel, but there are a few things I would like to discuss about the story and the storyline itself. I would like to grade this novel at an A. Three reasons for my grade of an A on this novel are the references from Ira’s Journal, how the author keeps you on your toes the whole time wondering what will happen next, and the irony of Sophia and Luke winning all of Ruth’s paintings.
As the author explains Ira’s past with Ruth, you can see how Sophia and Luke’s relationship starts to relate to the Journal entrees. Ira’s journal comprises many different topics in Ira’s life with Ruth, but majority of the journal is written about their love. Sophia and Luke’s adventure in this novel is a lot about their relationship and their love which is why the Journal is a really great idea Sparks has put in here. Ruth talks a lot about how Ira is stubborn and that relates a lot with Sophia and Luke, when Sophia tells him to quit bull riding, but Luke becomes stubborn and says no. This is how the author uses the Journal to help connect with Luke and Sophia’s story. …show more content…
For example, when Luke got injured while bull riding, they ended a chapter right after he had gotten hurt, so you couldn’t have stopped there. Sparks stopped the chapter there and continued it into the next chapter just to keep you going in the novel. You wouldn’t stop reading after that chapter because you would want more, you would want to know what happens next which is why Sparks had written it like that. Anyone could have read that quote, and I’m sure each and every one of them would have the same thoughts in their heads, “Is he okay? What happens next?” That’s exactly what happens in this novel and I think it is a great feature in The Longest

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