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Catalase Test

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To discover my unknown, I first conducted the gram test on my species. The result was gram positive coccus. After that I did the catalase test which determines if the bacteria can breakdown hydrogen peroxide into oxygen and water. My unknown was catalase positive which lead to three genera, one of which my unknown could be. The three genera were Micrococcus, Planococcus, Staphylococcus. By doing the SIM motility test I learned that my unknown was nonmotile. With the FTM tube test I learned that my unknown was a facultative anaerobe. The sugar fermentation tubes resulted in my species fermenting acid but were negative for gas. These tests helped me decide that my unknown’s genius was Staphylococcus. Using the white key, I got the best fit match …show more content…
Both the cellular and cultural characteristics match. For example, the colonies were smooth, raised, glistening, circular, and white opaque. The major habitat of Staphylococcus epidermidis is human skin and domestic mammals who are in contact with humans. The species usually lives in the cutaneous ecosystem, including “mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and other areas adjoining the various body openings.” The organism is also referred to as an opportunistic pathogen, which colonizes various indwelling medical devices, such as prosthetic heart valves, cerebrospinal fluid shunts, and more. Staphylococcus epidermidis is responsible for UTI’s and a variety of wound infections. Of the forty-eight tests listed in the manual, we only did sixteen. Surprisingly all sixteen tests matched. The litmus milk test that did not match the white key was not referred to in the manual, like I was hoping it would. For Bergeys’s Manaul, I used volume two, section twelve (gram-positive cocci), Family I. (Micrococcaceae), and pages number 1017, 1019-1022. In conclusion, I learned that my unknown bacteria was Staphylococcus

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