...Dilon Kinnunen Hour 2 Book Reveiw Lord Loss Darren Shan, the author of Lord Loss, does not express an exact time frame for this book. But based on various aspects of the plot, I would guess he wrote it to be set around the same time he wrote it, 2005. Along with not expressing an exact time frame, Shan stays very vague when it comes to setting throughout the beginning of the book, where it seems to take place in any ordinary town and then off to a mental hospital. Until we get to the point where most of the book takes place, Carcery Vale. Through the story we follow Grubitsch Grady, a teenage boy in a modern day society with a family obsessed with chess. The book starts with Grubitsch, or Grubs, getting into trouble at school. After...
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...In the novel, Lord of the Flies written by William Golding, british schoolboys are trapped on an unknown island without the guardianship of any adults to push order and discipline. When the young boys first arrive, they are ecstatic about the idea of living without adults, meaning they can do whatever they want. However, the longer they are stranded on the island, the more innocence they get taken from them. For instance, the first time that Jack tried to hunt, he stares at the pig holding a knife over him. Jack couldn't find it in himself to kill the pig which led to it get away. Later in the novel, Jack finds pleasure in the killing’s and even chants “Kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill his blood!”(Golding 218). Jack chanting this is a symbol of his loss of innocence....
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...In the novel Lord of the Flies by William Golding, Ralph experiences the loss of innocence on the island. In his experiences, we see that evil is inherent in man- something only Simon has understood on the island. The boys first enjoyed the freedom from adults, but soon all civil ideas on the island collapsed, leading to chaos and the death of Simon and Piggy; a metaphor to the background of the war in the adult world. This implies that every man has some capacity for evil within himself, even small children, leading to a loss of innocence. Furthermore, Ralph’s Loss of Innocence occurs during the death of Simon and Piggy, and during the destruction of the conch. At the beginning of the novel, the remains of what would be civilization still...
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...Grubitsch “Grubbs” Grady is the main character of Darren Shan’s Lord Loss. Grubbs’s family include his mom (Sharon), his dad (Cal), and his sister (Gretelda, or Gret). His family is obsessed with chess, and Grubbs can beat anyone his age. “Studying my hair in the mirror. Stiff, tight, ginger…” (Shan, 26) “I’m big for my age- taller than most of my friends- and burly” (Shan, 27). Grubbs plays football (soccer) and does well in school. Unbeknownst to Grubbs, he also has a brother: Bill-E Spleen. His life starts to go downhill when his parents catch him smoking, and the chain of events that follow affect him for the rest of his life. Grubbs has a strange, morbid sense of humour, shown when he pranks his sister by putting gooey rat guts in her...
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..."The mask was a thing on its own, behind which Jack hid, liberated from shame and self-consciousness" (Golding, 64) Loss of innocence is a strong topic in Lord of the Flies, the three topics that will be talked about in this essay includes, the boys acting without fear of punishment, they had to grow up and civilization helped them remain innocent and once they became savages they lost all remaining innocence. The loss of innocence is clearly shown in the boys because they are forced to grow up. They can’t play around any more but now they have to hunt and care for themselves. “We’ll make sure when we go hunting” (Golding, 35) This is when they realize they can't play around anymore or act like young boys but they have to grow up and start hunting and find resources so that they don’t die or get sick. Another time they lost...
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...One wrong decision can change you in an instant, we live in a world where faulty judgement can affect the lives of others around you. It is important that everyday we try and evaluate decisions that benefit us, as well others. Innocence is something we are born with and can be defined as freedom from sin, moral wrong, lack of purity or corruption. However, things that we possess can also be lost and or taken away including our innocence. A novel that demonstrates a vast loss of innocence is in Lord of the Flies written by William Goulding. Innocence in the novel is present in many of the characters but slowly begins to deteriorate over time due to the lack of maturity and discipline from their lives, which is replaced with violence and savagery....
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...In the "Lord of the Flies" the readers sees the school boys lose control of the situation due to youthful inexperience. William Golding interprets this to give it a deeper meaning, describing the breakdown as a reveal of human nature and its desire to break through society's regulations. Virtue rapidly descends and the naivety of the dangers clears away, the fight for survival is not of the physically demanding aspect but of the mind. Golding illustrates loss of innocence in character development, in the lack of democracy, and symbolism as a result of the struggle between civilization versus savagery. Initial impressions of the main characters tell the readers of the immaturity of the mass, excluding Piggy.1 The severe lack of panic that is replaced with joyful curiosity foreshadows mass turn of events that will soon turn the perceived island paradise into a dystopian land. The first character that leads the rest into a domino effect of savagery is Jack. He starts of hunting and insists the urgency of meat in contrast of the fire. Priority is given to surviving on the...
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...“I'm interested in how innocence fares when it collides with hard reality.” In the book, Lord of the Flies, a group of children were being flown out of England to escape their dangerous home environment, when their plane crashed on an island with no civilization. Without parental guidance, the children tried to create their own rules and their own government. Being so difficult for young children to follow their set rules, this led to chaos among the boys, causing a ripple effect of unfortunate events, leading to the loss of innocence. The boys lost their innocence the moment they killed a mama pig, which eventually led the boys to killing a young boy, and finally, hit hard reality when starting to hunt their leader, Ralph. The boys killing...
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...When people are put in life or death situations their views and morals are put into the back of their brain, and they start to only think about living. The novel Lord of the Flies by William Golding is a good example of this situation. When our main priority is physical survival we lose our innocence, empathy, and our conscience. When our main priority is physical survival we lose our innocence. For instance, before the island the boys had never killed anything, but they realize they must hunt the pigs to stay alive. Jack comes back from a hunt and says proudly, “ I cut the pigs throat” (69). This shows that we lose our innocence when our main priority is living. Others may argue that not everyone will lose their innocence when a person is forced into survival mode. However, since food is necessary for survival, it would be very difficult to not kill any animals in the process. For example, after Piggy is killed by the rock, Jack, “[v]iciously, with full intention... hurled his spear at Ralph” (181). This shows that he is no...
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...Similarly, at the court of appeal a comparable approach was taken and again McNair J held that the defendants were indeed negligent, however they owed no duty of care towards the appellants. However, it has been established that the English courts develop incrementally hence; the focus here will be on economic loss which was first illustrated in Hedley Byrne, how it has led to similar decisions in subsequent cases and how the law has developed ever since. Prior to the extension of the law regarding negligent misstatements in Hedley Bynre, it was accepted that liability for negligent misstatements could only arise in exceptional circumstances. Hence it was submitted that liability could only arise in instances where one of the following categories were satisfied; there was a fiduciary relationship or where the relationship was contractual or that it must arise from the relationship of proximity. This principle was set out in the case of Candler v Crane, Christmas & Co[1]. However in the House of Lords, the decisions at first instance and the court of Appeal could be said to have been disregarded and the Lordships decided to take a different, extensive approach. Lord Reid, in his judgement derived from Denning LJ’s dissenting judgement in Candler v Crane, Christmas & Co that a reasonable...
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...Burden of proof: Generally in a civil case the onus falls upon the claimant - i.e. he must prove his case. Case Law: Law established by decisions of courts in earlier cases. Caveat emptor: A Latin term meaning, "let the buyer beware." Cite: To refer to something - i.e. a previous case. Civil Law: Not criminal law (i.e. no state involvement) - therefore the main aim is to resolve any dispute between the parties. Claimant: Party in a civil action who alleges the defendant has caused them to suffer harm or loss. Claim form: The means by which a court will require a party named (on the form) to appear before them (e.g. County / Magistrates) on a specified date. Prior to the 26th April 1999 this was known as a summons. Criminal Law: Not civil law - if the case is proved, the actions of the defendant are regarded as crime against society - therefore the aim of criminal law is to punish and deter. Damages: The amount of financial compensation for loss or harm suffered. Defendant: The person who is being sued in a civil case or a person accused of a crime in a criminal case. Distinguishing: One of the "avoiding devices". In order to avoid having to follow a previous decision a Judge may distinguish the facts in the present case from the facts in an earlier case. Equity: This branch of law has been described as adding a "gloss" to the Common Law (in truth this does not reflect the vital role that equity performs within the English Legal System). Equity for...
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...Lord Charles Cornwallis was one of the best Generals in the British army in the mid17th century to the early eighteenth century. Lord Cornwallis led a very prospourous career in the British military. He pursued a military career very early in his life. He was promoted through the ranks with great vigor. Charles Cornwallis led many battles in the Revolutionary war. He blamed himself for the loss of the Colonies. He did have a career after the Revolutionary war, and was promoted. Charles Cornwallis even held a few more positions simultaneously while juggling responsibiltiies in India, Ireland, France, and England. Cornwallis attended Eton and then Cambridge before he was able to pursue a career in the military. He started out in the 1st...
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...Hundreds of thousand of children have been forced to become child soldiers. A Long Way Gone and Lord of the Flies both share an essence of innocence that they are forced to let go of. A Long Way Gone portrait Ishmael Beah’s young life in Africa as a child soldier. Ishmael, while away from his village he learns it had been attacked by rebels and cannot return home. When the rebels arrive at the village Ismael has been staying in, he and manages to evade the rebels but must be nomadic. However, when he seems to find peace in a military occupied village, the rebels arrive and Ismael joins the fight to protect himself, becoming a child soldier. After a couple more battles UNICEF comes to take the boys to Freetown in order to be rehabilitated and educated. Esther serves as a role model for...
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...QUESTION. “The law tampers with the But for test of causation as its peril.” -Lord Brown; Sienkiewicz v Greif (UK) Ltd (2011) The Bust for test of causation is said to be fraught with difficulties. How has the law developed to overcome these difficulties? INTRODUCTION Negligence in the law of tort is the failure to exercise the care that a reasonably straight person would exercise in such like circumstances. In tort law, this area of negligence involves harm caused by carelessness and not by intention. The tort of negligence structures a standout amongst the most element and quickly changing zones of obligation in the present day law. Its rise in the 20th century shows the pressure of the social and economic changes on the traditional ways of legal redress for interference with protected interests. The reasonable structure of carelessness is very adaptable and fit for general application. These components have permitted the courts to use the tort in the setting of novel cases for pay. On the other hand, the development of carelessness has not supported the extension of risk and throughout the years, courts have been putting a few limitations on this degree. The tort of carelessness does not right now appear to be set upon some foreordained way of growth as it once had all the earmarks of being. The modern history of tort law started with the groundbreaking judgment of Lord Atkin in Donoghue v Stevenson where Mrs Donoghue went to a cafe with a friend. The friend...
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...The University of Rummidge organises a conference entitled "Law for small Businesses" which is followed by a luncheon at the Grand Hotel. Jim, a law lecturer, is a speaker at the conference and the conference is attended by Albert who has just started a graphic design business and Percy a well-established market gardener. At the conference Albert meets Barry, a fellow student from University days, whom he has not seen for some time. During lunch, while discussing pension investments, Barry tells Albert that if he (Albert) invests some money in Dunmore Limited (of which Barry is a director), he will obtain a good return on his investment. As a result of this advice, Albert subsequently purchases 20,000 £1 shares in Dunmore Limited. A few months later Dunmore Limited goes into liquidation and Albert loses his money. After the conference Jim, returns to his office in the Law Faculty and finds a student from the Campus Law Centre waiting for him to request him to deal with a client's problem. Jim has agreed to support the students' efforts to provide free legal advice at the Centre and the problem concerns a claim by a Mrs Smith on her insurance policy. Jim speaks to Mrs Smith and advises her that she cannot claim but unfortunately he has failed to note an important change in the law six months earlier which affects her position. Some months later, Mrs Smith reads a story in the newspaper where someone has succeeded in identical circumstances to her own. However, it is now...
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