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The Lore-Down: Grommash Hellscream

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The Lore-Down: Grommash Hellscream

Some called him a hero, while others say his name in spite. Some call him him a redeemer, and others call him a fool and corruptor. Everyone calls him by one name: Grommash “Grom” Hellscream. Leader of the Warsong Clan, and father to Garrosh Hellscream, in Warlords of Draenor, he’s the Warchief of the Iron Horde. That role is something brought on by his son, who just wanted to right a wrong his father started.

Not much is known of Grom in his early years. Records seem to start shortly after his ascension to Warchief of the Warsong Clan. Being only a few years older than Durotan, questions arose after the death of the current warchief. No one questioned or challenged his leadership. Upon taking the mantle, …show more content…
Grom’s wife, Golka, was critically injured in the attack, and begged her husband to end her life. Rather than answer her plea, Grom called her a “wolf with no teeth” and left her to die. To take his out his anger, he led a counterattack, which led into a trap set by an ogre warlord. The warlord, tied Hellscream to a tree and over many days tortured him. While refusing to feed him Grom’s body withered, to the point where the warlord taunted him saying he would end Grom’s life. Getting too close to him, Grom leaned out and bit and killed the ogre. This earned Hellscream the title of “Warlord with the Iron …show more content…
Grom killed Hurkan Skullsplinter, leader of the Bonechewer Clan, and then demanded his replacement swear an oath to this new Horde. Rather than returning to Draenor, Hellscream stayed and protected the Azeroth side of the Dark Portal. After the portal was finally closed, Grom and his Warsong Clan escaped into the wilds to hide, and survive.

Over the next 15 years, this is exactly what Grom did. As he aged, Grom realized the foolishness he and the orcs lived with, due to forgoing past traditions. Additionally, Hellscream battled his own demons, namely the demon blood still coursing through him. While many orcs succumbed to a general malaise, Grom fought against this, further backing his iron will reputation.

During this time, Grom came into contact for the first time with Thrall. Hellscream taught the young orc more about various Orc nations and traditions; eventually helping the young orc and Orgrim Doomhammer in freeing the internment camps littered across Lordaeron. When the Horde, under Thrall’s leadership, felt it was time to move to Kalimdor, the Warsong Clan followed

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