...To create a virus, a user or attacker needs to create a code. In this code the attacker needs to express what type of virus, he/ or she wants to use. Once the attacker determines what type of virus is going to be used, then they must determine who they want to attack. Lastly, ask what type of data they want to gain from the attack. People write computer viruses. The person has to write the code, test it to make sure it spreads properly and then release it. A person also designs the virus's attack phase, whether it's a silly message or the destruction of a hard disk. . There are at least four reasons why this is done. The first is the same psychology that drives vandals and arsonists. For some people, that seems to be a thrill. If that sort of person knows computer programming, then he or she may funnel energy into the creation of destructive viruses. Secondly the reason has to do with the thrill of watching things blow up. Some people have a fascination with things like explosions and car wrecks. Creating a virus is a somewhat like that, it creates a virtual bomb inside a computer, and the more computers that get infected; the more "fun" the explosion. The third reason involves bragging rights; some people enjoy the status it holds. Certain types of programmers see security holes that could be exploited, and are compelled to exploit the hole themselves before someone else beats them to it. The reason that drives many people on a day-to-day basis to commit crimes, get easy cash...
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...focusing on how society functions. In particular he concerns himself with how capitalism, the working class, and the revolutions create problems in our society. My paper will analyze how Marxian theory and concepts fit into major climactic scenes of the film. The film revolves around the protagonist Filk, a worker ant. The colony is being oppressed by a group of grasshoppers and their leader Hopper. The grasshoppers claim they will provide protection as long as the ants provide the food supply. When the ants cannot supply the food for the grasshoppers, Hopper demands the ants to produce twice as much food as they did before. As a result, the ants will not have enough food to store up for themselves. Filk then travels to recruit warrior bugs to help the ants fight off the grasshoppers. According to Marx, this would free the colony from the constant oppression of the grasshoppers. The major themes of the movie follow Marxian theory. The first relates to Hopper and how the grasshoppers abuse their power and exploit the ant colony. The grasshoppers expect food knowing that the ants cannot produce enough food for themselves and the grasshoppers to consume. In another scene, the lead grasshopper, Hopper, becomes livid when one of his soldiers suggests...
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...Course Project Parts 1-3 ITT Technical Institute GE 273 Microeconomics How outsourcing affects the US economy and contributes to political stability in developing economies is a matter of great debate. Many people think this practice will have an overall positive effect on the US economy, since it saves money for companies, opens up opportunities for greater entrepreneurship in the US, and leads to more Americans holding higher level jobs. Jobs that companies outsource to save money besides medical and manufacturing include copy writing jobs for publishing companies, administrative jobs, and data entry jobs for insurance companies. Critics suggest hiring foreign workers has an immediate effect on the US economy by stripping many Americans of jobs they would have performed, particularly by semi-skilled or skilled laborers. Further, many argue that giving jobs to workers in less developed countries improves those countries economically and increases trade for US products. It also increases a country’s ability to pay back debts to the US, and may promote better political relationships. Companies economically benefit by selling their products in other countries. This means they can hire more people in the US, lower their prices on products for US consumers. Comparative advantage and efficiency takes place when countries, individuals, and firms have lower opportunity costs in the production of a good or service with comparison to that of their competitors. This creates more...
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... accounting, and inventory systems to Ship Manager. However, Federal, Express still spends almost $326 million per year on its call center to reduce customers’ frustration when the Web site is down or when customers have difficulty in using it. Federal Express uses customer relationship management software called Clarify in its call centers to make customer service representatives’ jobs easier and more efficient and speed up response time. Answer the following questions: 1. Is technology alone enough to ensure high-quality customer service? * No. Without properly trained staff technology is worthless. 2. What are Federal Express’s estimated annual savings from using information technology? * $79.16 The love bug virus The Love Bug...
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...Rushmore Kidder’s video seemed full of assumptions; some I agree with and others I don’t. It’s difficult for me not to make my own assumptions in reference to Kidder’s video, as it’s hard to know if we have the entire picture because it seems that there is more to the video than what is included in this clip. With all that said though, it seems that the author assumes that we are all coming from the same place that he is and that place is one of moral confusion. I do agree that there seems to be a loss of ethics in today’s world. I’m not sure that I am in the same place as Kidder though as I am still a bit hopeful for our future. For instance, Kidder places the blame for the Love Bug video on “a couple of kids from the Philippines”. I...
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...Computer Crime has become a very large issue in our society today; this paper will look at this issue from a sociological perspective. It will analyze the various crimes that make up computer crime and see what changes it has brought about in the world in which we live in. Computer crime first is a very new problem in our society today and it is crimes that are committed from a computer. These include embezzling, breaking into other computers, cyber porn and various other crimes that have a drastic affect on the society and the institutions that each of us hold to keep our global society running. To first understand computer crime one must understand first what crime is. According to Diana Kendall, "crime is a behavior that violates criminal law and is punishable with fines, jail or other sanctions"(Kendall 1999; 161). Yet since computer technology is so new it has really no laws to govern it. A law is formal norms that are enforced, norms being established rules of behavior. Many of the crimes committed on computers often times go unpunished. As stated by David Pitchford in the London journal Focus when writing on pornography on the Internet, " the only way illegal pornographers can be caught is through chance leads, tip-offs and telephone tracing" (Focus 1995; p10-12). Many of the crimes that are also committed on computers via the Internet are very new also. New subcultures have formed around the Internet for the possibilities it brings. Computer crime despite the many problems...
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...(2). Unfortunately this transformation of data has opened the doors for a new era of high tech crime – the computer virus. The Internet is now a complex gateway for transgression and immoral activities where often the perpetrators of the crime are far removed from the scene of the criminal activity and hidden behind a maze of double speak (3). Computer viruses are enigmatic and grab our attention. They move silently from computer to computer under a shroud of secrecy and deceit. If they are not caught in time, these malicious programs can erase all the data off a hard drive, rearrange numbers in a spreadsheet file, or practically anything else a clever programmer can devise. A computer virus is a potentially dangerous computer program designed with the intent of obliterating or corrupting data that it comes into contact with. Computer viruses are mysteriously hidden beneath seemingly innocuous programs, which explains the reason for their effective dissemination across the Internet. These malicious computer programs are designed to replicate themselves or insert copies of themselves into other programs when executed within the infected program (4). In order for a computer virus to perform its intended function it must be executed and the computer must then follow the virus’s directive code or instructions. These instructions are called the payload of the virus and are used to disrupt or change data files, display an irrelevant or unwanted message, or cause the operating system...
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...steps in how to prevent or remove this hazard from your computer. MyDoom Worm No one wants a virus on their computer, especially when it means that you may be spending money to remove these nasty pests from your system. There are all sorts of things that can infect your computer from viruses, worms, rootkits that make your computer into a puppet and also malicious spam ware and malware. All of these things can wreak havoc on your network. In this paper I will tell you about a worm that still has the record for being the fastest spreading virus. This virus is known as W32.MyDoom@mm. This worm has other names but this is the one that it is most known by. The Beginning MyDoom was a worm that came to the public eye at the beginning of 2004. Finnish security company F-Secure named is the worst virus to date because of the way it quickly infested users emails and quickly attached itself to any email that was going out that had an attachment. When the worm first came into the spotlight F-Secure stated that the worm was on 20-30% of the worldwide internet traffic. Another company that screens emails for companies, MessageLabs, also stated that it had intercepted the worm more than 3.4 million times at a rate of every 1 in 12 emails at its highest. This was faster than the ILOVEYOU bug that was found in the year 2000 which spread its way around the world, unfortunately, sharing its love. The Inside There are different types of viruses. Some are passively waiting on your computer...
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...achieving monetary gain at the expense of the victims. There are a few categories of malware: Adware, Bot, Bug, Ransomware, Rootkit, Spyware, Trojan Horse, Virus, and Worm. Each one of these types of malware has a specific function and effect on the end user’s computer system. Adware is an application that usually comes bundled with an application downloaded from the internet, in which it monitors the internet activity and provides advertisement according to the internet browsing behaviors. Bots are programs designed to run automated tasks. Bots gain popularity in being used on systems to run DDoS attacks. Bugs are flaws within the applications that an attacker can take advantage to exploit the computer system. Ransomware is an application that infects the computer system and encrypts files and holds the system hostage until the end user pays a fee for the unlocking mechanism. Rootkit is a malicious piece of software that is very stealth and allows the attacker to collect all kinds of information from the system and even remote control it. Spyware is related to Adware in which spies on the user’s activity without their knowledge and collects data such as keystrokes, logins, monitoring internet activity, etc. Trojan Horse is an application that disguises itself as something safe and known to the user and in reality contains a malicious application when installed. A Virus is a type of malware that has the ability to copying itself by attaching or modifying an existing executable...
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...changed, in comparison with software and data, which are “soft” in the sense that they are readily created, modified, or erased on the comput | To perform the specific task you need to complete. Software is generally not needed to for the hardware to perform its basic level tasks such as turning on and reponding to input. | Inter dependency | Hardware starts functioning once software is loaded. | To deliver its set of instructions, Software is installed on hardware. | Failure | Hardware failure is random. Hardware does have increasing failure at the last stage. | Software failure is systematic. Software does not have an increasing failure rate. | Durability | Hardware wears out over time. | Software does not wear out over time. However, bugs are discovered in software as time passes. | Nature | Hardware is physical in nature. | Software is logical in nature. | | | | Task 2: 1.) panda, Norton, McAfee, AVG, and Kaspersky all offers free trials. AVG and McAfee offers free versions of their product. 2.) Trojan Horse- In computers, a Trojan horse is a program in which malicious or...
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...Istoria si evolutia securitatii in informatica Securitatea in informatica Importanta aspectelor de securitate în retelele de calculatoare a crescut odată cu extinderea prelucrărilor electronice de date si a transmiterii acestora prin intermediul retelelor. În cazul operării asupra unor informatii confidentiale, este important ca avantajele de partajare si comunicare aduse de retelele de calculatoare să fie sustinute de facilităti de securitate substantiale. Acest aspect este esential în conditiile în care retelele de calculatoare au ajuns să fie folosite inclusiv pentru realizarea de operatiuni bancare, cumpărături sau plata unor taxe. În urma implementării unor mecanisme de securitate într-o retea de calculatoare, informatiile nu vor putea fi accesate sau interceptate de persoane neautorizate (curioase sau, eventual, chiar rău intentionate) si se va împiedica falsificarea informatiilor transmise sau utilizarea clandestină a anumitor servicii destinate unor categorii specifice de utilizatori ai retelelor. Persoanele care atentează la securitatea retelelor pot apartine unor categorii diverse, comitând delicte mai mult sau mai putin grave: studenti care se amuză încercând să fure posta electronică a celorlalti, "hacker"-i care testează securitatea sistemelor sau urmăresc să obtină în mod clandestin anumite informatii, angajati care pretind că au atributii mai largi decât în realitate, accesând servicii care în mod normal le-ar fi interzise, sau fosti angajati care urmăresc...
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...telekinesis, strength, speed, gravity control and lots more. Some become power hungry and many people try to take over to become leader Main Characters: There are many important characters in Gone, however the main character is Sam Temple. The book starts in his point of view and returns to it often. He’s also on the cover of the book. * Sam Temple Sam has the power to shoot deadly greenish white light beams from his hands, and create balls of light. Sam is Astrid Ellison’s main love interest. He is the son of Connie Temple and biological fraternal twin of Cain Soren. He does not like considering himself a hero although that’s what he is. * Cain Soren Cain attended Coates Academy, and was the one who took control of Perdido Beach. He has telekinesis; the power to move things with his mind, and is the only 4-bar besides Sam. He is the main love interest of Diana Ladris. Although she only believes he is capable of puppy love. * Gaiaphage Also known as The Darkness, the Gaiaphage is a sentient alien virus who gave everyone their powers and caused the mutations. It appears as a green glowing slime with the capability to touch people’s minds. It lived in the mine shaft. In Gone it is only a mystery that can read people’s minds and it gave Drake his whip hand and made him leader of the coyote pack. * Peter Ellison The four year old brother of Astrid Ellison who is diagnosed with autism and is incapable of understanding anything other than what is happening on his Gameboy. He is...
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...Biblical Worldview Carolyn Hopkins Liberty University Biblical Worldview The Bible, God’s word, gives mankind stories of creation and the history of the world. It is a guide book in which we are to lives our lives. Without God’s word we would not know how to gauge right and wrong. The Bible also identifies who we are and shows us that God created us from the love for us. What does Genesis 1-11 teach regarding the natural world? In Genesis, God describes man as good. This notion of creation being good is different than other worldwide mythologies, which begin life from chaos and violence (Bruckner, 2014). On the first day of creation God said “Let there be light” and there was light, He saw that the light was good (Genesis 1:3). Then God formed the earth in the midst of the waters on the second day and he saw that it was good. The third day God created the plants and saw that it was good. The fourth day He created the Sun. moon and stars, and it was good. On the fifth day He create the birds and the livestock, and it was good. Then finally on the sixth day, God created mankind, and it was good. Everything that God created in the beginning was good. What does Genesis 1-11 teach regarding human identity? On the sixth day God created man (Genesis 1:27). He created man in his own image and likeness and He saw what he made and said it was very good. Man’s creation in the beginning was very good. After Adam and Eve partook in the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good...
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...The term cybercrime became often term being heard by people nowadays. In the early world, it was not a big deal and still can be controlled. Unfortunately, when there is a tremendous increasing number of connected people and devices, it is a bigger risk there to be resolved. A rough definition for the term cybercrime is a crime which is influenced by some kind of computer or cyber aspect. To be more specific, it is a crime that has illegal activities through it by using computers or network or hardware devices as its primary medium for some commissions. The commissions depend on how huge the illegal activities are. There are lots of cases that the performers of the cybercrime gained millions or even billions from the activities that illegally conduct by them. Sounds so good to be a rich mankind? It won’t be long. Just remember, justice always strikes the best at the end. One of the facts to discuss about cybercrime that is highly appropriate to talk about is how it surpassed illegal drug trafficking as an instant criminal moneymaker. Apart from that, it is so surprising to know that somebody’s identity is stolen so quickly as fast as within only 3 seconds due to cybercrime. Besides that, for us to deeply concern, we need to realize that our unprotected PCs can become affected in a bad way and it takes only four minutes right after it connect to the internet. To those who never worried about these matters before, the moment you knew it, you should really be careful when you want...
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...Security Mac Viruses Many Mac users believe their systems are impervious to threats. This is a naïve falsity of course because no computer system is invulnerable. It is a known fact that Windows can be very prone to virus infections, but since there are so little Mac viruses, people like to get it in their heads that it isn’t possible. Mac OS X is built on the UNIX kernel, one of the most secure operating systems. UNIX creates a file system in which the user isn’t the most powerful role on the computer and needs root permission to really make any major changes. It is technically more secure, but the only other real benefit is that Apple doesn’t populate a large percentage of the PC marketplace. Apple used to encourage this way of thinking, but after the Flashback virus (Perlroth, 2012), they decided it wasn’t a good idea to lie to their customers. Apple replaced their “Why you’ll love a Mac” website containing “It doesn’t get PC viruses” to “It’s built to be safe” (Mlot, 2012). Since malware really only exploits existing bugs or holes in an operating system, it is up to Apple to fix those holes, and they do a pretty good job of it. But in any case, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Some pretty good Mac antivirus include MacKeeper, Kaspersky, and Trend Micro (Sutherland, 2014). Preventative Maintenance With the threats to OS X made real, there are some simple tricks to keep a Mac up and running. The first of which is the ever-important data backup. Time Machine, is Apple’s...
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