...Title: My Attitude Towards Writing By: Richard Bill Magee Date: 03/ 31/2010 My attitude towards writing is both positive and negative. I enjoy writing for many positive reasons. One reason is being able to effectively communicate with disabled people. Werther someone is death or blind using braille writing is a way we all can communicate with each other. Another positive reason is using free writing which is a good way to relax your mind. Writing gives you a outlet on paper when you don't have someone to speak with. Writing essays can be used to learn more about ones self. When you apply to a university or company you get a chance to write and show your abilities and what you can contribute to. Writing your answers essay form will let you state your case more fully than other sections of an application. It can provide the evaluator with better insight about you and how you differ from other applicants. What I like most about writing is that it is another good way to communicate. Negatively speaking on writing I have a hard time writing essays. I try to hard to remember what I have read about a topic. My essays usually end up sounding cliché from what I have read. I have a hard time putting what I have read into my own words. It's my good idea to read my essay's out loud when I'm done with it. I try to pick up some pattern or neat idea that i hadn't noticed hoping to change my cliché words around. Other times if I don't like the topic I end up losing focus and going off...
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...SUBR-SUSLA Partnership Office ATTN: Jil Massucco 1062 T. H. Harris Hall P.O. Box 9426 Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70813 Voice: (225) 771-2084 FAX: (225) 771-5064 http://www.subr.edu/admissions jil_massucco@subr.edu SUBR-SUSLA Partnership Office ATTN: Jil Massucco 1062 T. H. Harris Hall P.O. Box 9426 Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70813 Voice: (225) 771-2084 FAX: (225) 771-5064 http://www.subr.edu/admissions jil_massucco@subr.edu “Higher Standards for Higher Goals” “Higher Standards for Higher Goals” June 25, 2012 Congratulations on being provisionally admitted (pending additional documents) to the SUBR-SUSLA College Connection Partnership Program at Southern University Baton Rouge (SUBR) for Fall Semester 2012! As a new student entering SUBR, our goal is to help facilitate a successful transition to college life for you. In doing so, the SUBR-SUSLA Partnership Office has designed a MANDATORY Freshman Orientation and Advising Session to introduce you to the SUBR campus, register for fall classes, and receive additional information about services and resources provided for students. The information you receive will prove to be invaluable throughout your education here, at SUBR. This MANDATORY Freshman Orientation and Advising Session will be held on Sunday, August 12, 2012 promptly at 1:00 p.m. in the Southern University at Baton Rouge Nursing School Auditorium. To guarantee and reserve a seat for the session, you must pay a non-refundable Orientation...
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...Intellectual Disabilities Tina Brazell South University This paper is to explore the research purpose, methods used, how the research was conducted, the results and the conclusion of a study done on Same-Sex Relationships and Women With Intellectual Disabilities. The study was conducted to examine the attitudes of women with intellectual disabilities towards homosexuality and gender role beliefs. To be able to develop a positive identity as gay or lesbian one first needs to know that such an alternative sexuality exists and second to be open in one’s attitudes towards it (Hunter 2007). Previous research has shown that people with intellectual disabilities have tended to hold at minimum negative and at most blatantly homophobic attitudes towards homosexuality (McCabe & Schreck 1992). The purpose of this study was two-fold. First it is to gain more insight about the current knowledge level and the attitudes in reference to same-sex relationships by women that have intellectual disabilities. Second, it is to examine to see if this sample of women with intellectual disabilities replicates previous research in examining if the relationship between stereo-typical beliefs and attitudes towards same-sex relationships have the same outcome. The methods used for this study begins with its design. The design was a cross sectional within a group, correlational design was employed using the data obtained from three self-report measures and demographical data. The participants of this study...
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...Sexuality: Annotated Bibliography and Outline Unit 5 Course 5334 Annotated Bibliography Aldrich, R. (2004). Homosexuality and the city: an historical overview. Urban Studies, 41(9), 1719-1737. Aldrich gives a historical overview of the history of homosexuality. He goes back to the Roman times and discusses Sodom and Gomorrah and continues to the present day. He makes mention of how homosexuals left various cities to escape the traditional life constraints and went to other cities to begin transforming the city into much construction of the gay and lesbian culture. Bonilla, L & Porter, J (1990). A comparison of latino, black, and non-hispanic white attitudes toward homosexuality. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 12(4), 437-452. This article discusses Latinos, Blacks, and non Hispanic whites attitudes towards homosexuality. It has been researched that the Latino culture is more inclined than blacks and non whites to believe that homosexuality and the spread of AIDS are invariably related. This one assumption has the capacity to cause the rights of homosexuals to be restricted. Goldsmith, S. J. (2001). Oepipus or orestes? Homosexual men, their mothers, and other women revisited. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 49 (4), 1269-1287. The author of this article discusses gender roles and how they have an effect on the sexuality of men and women. He mentions when people sense femininity in a man it causes them to fear that man simply because of the...
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...The Effects of Socialization on Attitudes Regarding Homosexuality in Relation to the Implicit Associations Test Elaina Lucido Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences Indiana University Bloomington Abstract In this study, I investigated whether explicit measures of personal attitudes regarding homosexuality are correlated with implicit measures of personal preference between heterosexuality and homosexuality. Participants were first given a self-report survey in order to gauge their explicit attitudes or prejudices in regards to homosexuals in society. Then, a Sexuality IAT was administered in order to test for a suggested implicit preference for Straight over Gay or vice versa. Overall average scores on the Sexuality IAT revealed implicit preferences for heterosexuality over homosexuality. When the explicit and implicit measures were paired together, correlation analysis revealed that there was no statistically significant correlation between the two. The Effects of Socialization on Attitudes Regarding Homosexuality in Relation to the Implicit Associations Test Attitudes and behaviors towards homosexuality are usually attributed to the moral standings, values, upbringing, and personal experiences of an individual. Opinions regarding the acceptance of homosexuality in America have changed drastically within the past decade partly due to an increased population of younger generations and open homosexuals within the United States. Dimock, et al...
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...Examine the differences in ethical and religious views concerning homosexuality. Homosexuality has been the topic of ethical debates for many years, concerning the rights of homosexuals, and whether or not they should be treated equally. In the modern day homosexuality is comparatively far more tolerated than in the past, when it had been at least somewhat illegal until progressive thinking led to the 1957 Sexual Offences Act, which set the wheels in motion towards ending the inequality between homosexuals and heterosexuals. One of the focal points of the issue is whether homosexual marriage should be permitted in the same way as heterosexual marriage – it can be argued that the introduction of Civil Partnerships in 2004/5 was, although progressive and still offering equal rights to those of married couples, still disrespectful to not allow homosexuals to be specifically ‘married.’ This kind of view suggests that ethical attitudes towards homosexuality are progressive and accepting, reaching a conclusion that would satisfy homosexuals in their quest for equal rights. Discrimination against homosexuality, however, is still fairly prominent, and the lack of ease in passing laws relating to homosexuality suggests that there is still a lot of unease surrounding the topic. It cannot yet be said that to see a homosexual couple canoodling in public is considered to have as subtle an effect as a heterosexual couple doing the same. John Harris, however, states that homosexuality is...
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...heard them sung by slaves in the Carolina sea islands. But by 1916, ten years before the publication of The Weary Blues, Hurry T. Burleigh, the Black baritone男中音 soloist独唱歌手 at New York’s ultrafashionable非常流行的 Saint George’s Episcopal 主教的Church圣公会, had published Jubilee大赦年 Songs of the United States, with every spiritual圣歌 arranged 编排so that a concert singer could sing it “in the manner 方式of an art song.” Clearly, the artistic work of Black people could be used to promote racial acceptance and integration only on the condition that it became Europeanized. Even more than比起…更 his rebellion反抗 against this restrictive tradition in African American art, Hughes’s expression of the vibrant充满活力的 folk culture of Black people established his writing as a landmark in the history of African American literature. Most of...
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...Negative attitude of students towards language also stemmed from curriculum management throughout the educational grade systems. In exploring attitudes and preferences of student toward learning English, Al- Bustan (2009) found that some of the participants developed a strong dislike for learning English because of the discontinuity between teaching approaches used in their former high school at university with regards to negative attitudes. Poor motivation leading to poor attitudes was also found to be caused by the fact that English was not valued throughout the curriculum since it was not given the status of major subject at university level. This study showed that poor attitudes were also caused by beliefs of the students that their teachers used approaches which did not motivate them to learn. Some learners viewed English as instrumentally worthless that it did not serve any professional purposes. As a consequence, they developed poor attitudes toward English (Abu-Melhim,...
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...Research Questions 1 1.3. Scope 1 1.4. Methodology 1 1.5. Limitations 1 1.6. Report organization 2 2. Findings 2 2.1. Employees’ unawareness of the importance of written communication 2 2.2. Employee’s lack of writing skills 2 2.3. Frequently used writing skill in workplace 3 3. Conclusions 4 4. Recommendations 4 4.1. Writing courses for employees: 4 4.2. Incentives to practice good writing skills 5 4.3. Require employees to constantly apply writing skills 5 5. Appendix 6 Executive summary Expanding to the international level is a big change and Golden Clothes Asia (GCA) will need to adapt to these changes to be successful. Although GCA’s informal style of communication works on the local level, it will not translate well to the international context. Thus, a study has been undertaken to highlight the importance of writing skills in the workplace to GCA staff and recommended solutions for the problem. Research data was gathered through: (1) a survey of fifty GCA employees, and (2) interviews and focus group discussions with six personnel in the company. From the survey results and focus group discussions, it has been found that a significant percentage of the GCA employees believed that professional writing skills were not important and the employees did not have adequate skills in written communication. This situation may result from the fact that employees are used to the informal communication method with local customers and...
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...At this point in my life I find myself in an interesting predicament regarding my attitudes toward reading and writing; more so towards reading. Years ago I used to love reading books for pleasure but nowadays I find myself reading things that little to no effort to digest. This includes the very basic posts on facebook expressing one’s opinion on something or articles and threads on reddit discussing topics I find intriguing. Perhaps it’s the severe senioritis that has overcome me as I enter my last semester at Chapman University. As I’ve gotten lazier I can see it start to reflect in my everyday life. Deep down I still love to read but I rarely find myself getting truly invested into the action unless it relates to something I am very passionate about. My passion for reading began back as second and third grader in Elementary school. One thing I remember is I always got excited when the teachers would pass out the booklets advertising all the scholastic books you could choose from for that month. I would be very meticulous in my process of picking books based on the pictures and description as I only wanted to get ones I thought were best. There was no better feeling walking into class and seeing the piles of books at the front of the room. I would sometimes sneak a peek to see which kid had the biggest stack for that month. Once I got my books I would treat the books with the utmost care, as if they were precious treasure. And to me that’s really what they were, my...
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...Ines Geraldes Areas of Strength: Ines has continued to show a positive attitude towards learning this term. She enjoys participating in class discussions and I have seen some progress in her raising her hand when wishing to contribute and listening to her peer’s and their input. Ines is reading above grade level has been working hard to independently reach her reading goal. When reading out loud she has a strong clear voice and is now adding more expression. She is making meaningful text to self connections and displaying the ability to self correct. I have seen a huge improvement in her being responsible for her belongings and ensuring that her homework and agenda are completed and signed on a daily basis. In Mathematics, Ines has worked hard...
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...the life of the native was divided into different sections in terms of interaction, communication and livelihood in general. The relationship between the family members was also an issue that created an unthinkable segregation. Baldwin J gives a believe history of how the community he lives in was interacting and how life was as a native and especially a Negro. The writing revolves about the interaction between the natives and especially regarding their family lives. Baldwin misjudged his father but as he grew up and faced the reality he came to understand why his father’s attitude was valid and genuine even though, the attitude was bad. Baldwin change of altitude is much visible in the context of his writing. Change of Baldwin’s attitude Baldwin developed hatred toward his father at a very tender age. According to James, he being young exposed him to very difficult things that made him develop hatred for his own father. It is evidently seen when Baldwin states that “In my mind’s eyes I could see him, sitting at the window, locked up in his terror; hating every living soul including his children”(590). The attitude of his father not connecting or communicating well with other individuals made his see that his father was proud and self-centered. As a young boy, Baldwin could see how his father distanced himself from other people and especially the white people. Baldwin could not understand why his father processed so much hate for the white people. The relationship between Baldwin...
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...There are many similarities and differences between writing skills in the book Exploring Language. By examining some of the authors in the book, Linda Flowers and Anne Lamott are the authors that connected best with improving my writing skills. Anne Lamott a graduate from Drew School, tells all her new students on the first day of a workshop that good writing is about telling the truth. Telling the truth in an interesting way is not as easy as it seems. Most lose faith. Their sense of self and story shatters in crumbles to the ground. Commonly her students will show up for the first day of the workshop looking like bright ducklings who will follow her anywhere, but by the time the second class rolls around, they look at her as if the relationship is definitely off (Lamott 95). Lamott tips on writing what is real will help me stay focused on writing about my own true stories, because the work won’t have be made up. You don’t have to keep digging and digging trying to make your fake story real, real stories sometimes may sound fake but they real and more interesting then your fake stories. My senior year of high school my English Teacher gave the class a writing assignment to write about a true story in your life. I wanted my story to sound the best, so I made my story up. The story was about a ghost encounter in Colorado, it...
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...Luis continues to show a positive attitude and excitement for learning and this is reflected in the work he does. Although he is progressing well academically, Luis is talkative in class and needs reminders to focus on academics instead of social connections. Taashaun continues to show an increased effort in writing and following through with assignments. Please continue to encourage him to practice handwriting and use a computer to word-process his assignments when possible. Leonel is showing steady growth in Language Arts. However, his behavior continues to be distraction to others. Please encourage him focus on academic achievement instead of talking to or distracting others during class time. Maria’s reading scores are still significantly below grade level and as we discussed, excessive absences make it...
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...In the 21st Century, learning skills and innovation have become fundamental requirements for all learners. Educators and teachers should pay more attention on improving their own abilities and skills in teaching processes and learning management in order for students to possess life-long knowledge and skills. Students should be active learners, and the teacher should play a role as a learning facilitator. Teachers should focus on designing effective teaching techniques in order to encourage student participating in classroom activities, asking students what they have learned and what they would like to learn more. These methods are similar to the concept of education in Singapore, “Teach Less, Learn More” (Panich, 2012). The student-centered...
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