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The Magnetic Resonance Imaging Machine

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2a. The Magnetic Resonance Imaging machine, MRI machines, is a computing innovation that uses two powerful magnets that produce strong magnetic fields, radio waves, and a computer in order to create a detailed pictures of the human body.
2c. The MRI machine has a wide variety of uses,
One benefit of the MRI machine on the people of society is that it does not use ionizing radiation like Computed Tomography (CT) machines and X-Ray machines when they are used on individuals. Ionizing radiation is extremely harmful to the human body because it can damage the DNA inside living cells. This makes MRI scans reliable and safe. Although MRI are some of the safest types of medical scanning, the patient undergoing the scan could be in potential …show more content…
According to Tanya Lewis in her Live Science article, the MRI machine uses a scanner to apply a very strong magnetic field, which aligns the proton “spins” of the water molecules’ hydrogen nuclei (protons). The scanner also produces a radio frequency current that creates a varying magnetic field. After absorbing the energy from the magnetic field, the protons flip their spins. As the protons realign, they emit different amounts of energy depending on the type of body tissue that they come from. This energy also produces radio signals that are captured by the magnetic resonance scanner. This is the data that is used by the MRI machine to create a scan of the body. A computer then processed the radio signals (data) to create a series of images. Each image shows a small slice of the body, producing a detailed scan of the body. Although the MRI machine is very useful, in identifying and characterizing certain diseases, there can be some serious data privacy concerns when it comes to using it. There are several privacy concerns in having an MRI scan of an individual released to health insurance companies. An MRI scan could potentially identify certain diseases or certain health conditions in an individual. Health insurance companies have been known to deny coverage to applicants based on their health conditions and preexisting diseases. In 2009, the four largest health insurance companies denied one in seven applicants’ coverage based on conditions such as pregnancy, angina, diabetes and heart disease (Kirchgaessner,

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