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Research Paper On Surgeons

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Every surgeon carries within himself a small cemetery, where from time to time he goes to pray - Rene Leriche. Being a surgeon is very stressful so from time to time they prey. Being a surgeon is a great career. Because you have the rush of saving someone's life. Knowing that you can save someone is a great feeling because it brings you joy, that you were able to keep someone's family member alive. Also, being a surgeon is more than performing surgery's, it is also being there for your patients when there in recovery and everyone they know has given up on them. You will make many good friends being a surgeon. As a surgeon you will face many challenges and obstacles that will get in the way and slow down the process of you saving someone's life. …show more content…
Additionally, in the Career Discovery Encyclopedia article, "Surgeons," Surgeons spend most of their time performing operations, studying their patients' medical history, and deciding what kind of surgery will work the best. Out of the three deciding what surgery will work the best takes the most time. Because a surgeon must spend time researching different surgeries to perform. Then they must study and practice how to perform the surgery they decide. As a Surgeon you spend a lot of time performing surgery's. Performing surgeries can take up to twenty-four hours. Or it can be as short as a minute. As a Surgeon you also spend most of your time analyzing a patient's history. Analyzing a patient's history can be as fast as an hour. Or it could take weeks. It could take weeks if the patient is unknown. Because Surgeons will have to spend a lot of time digging to find the patient's history …show more content…
As a surgeon you the lowest amount you can make is $165,010 a year. While the most you can make a year is $262,280 (Surgeons). Additionally, in the Boonshoft School of Medicine there are many great benefits of being a surgeon. One great benefit of being a surgeon is health and dental insurance. Everybody needs both, but a surgeon can get them for free. Another great benefit of being a surgeon is the annual vacation of twenty-one days. The reason this is a great benefit for being a surgeon is because a surgeon works very long hours every week nonstop all year long. The vacation allows a surgeon time to spend with family and friends. Another great benefit of being a surgeon is moving allowance. Moving allowance is where the hospital you work for pays for you to move (Salary and

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