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Gender Dysphoria Research Paper

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Gender dysphoria is a disorder that is growing in awareness. This involves conflict between a person's gender based on what he/she/they identify themselves as, this is when a person is assigned one gender at birth but identifies with the opposite gender. This disorder is more commonly identified as “Transgender”. People with gender dysphoria are uncomfortable with their assigned gender, in order to comfort themselves on this matter is by changing their dress code or hairstyles. Researchers discover this disorder when children grow up and go through puberty seeing changes in their bodies , also children with gender dysphoria are more likely to grow up being bisexual or homosexual. Most of these children grow out of it, however others don’t …show more content…
For example they are many counselings options offered to the patient, one when they are unaware of what gender they identify as, two; for those who just got surgery and need help to adjust themselves, and three; for those who don't want to go through surgery but want to be consider their opposite gender. There is also therapy to help his/her/their conflict or distress of their gender. Many adolescents actually go through this process of counseling and therapy to figure out if what he/she/they is really confident about their gender. Note that all this therapy and counselling is offered to adults and adolescents who have already gone through puberty. If children are diagnosed with gender dysphoria they undergo with different therapy and counseling. Children have to go through different professionals and specialist to see if he/she/they are for sure about their genders until they're adolescents. Parents also go through this process to understand their children and see the transition they are going through. There isn't very much treatment to this disorder . In an article called “WHY GENDER DYSPHORIA SHOULD NO LONGER BE CONSIDERED A MEDICAL DISORDER” by Alice Dreger, talks about how in this new era it is not considered a medical disorder, the reason behind this is because many people, many adolescents, are aware of their problem and the gender they are assigned to but they don't identify as who they

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