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Teach To Fish Outreach Analysis

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The United States may be the richest country in the world but Americans do not managing their money well. A study commissioned by discovered only 1 out of 10 American’s are checking all the right boxes in financial health. Teach to Fish Outreach is an opportunity for young adults to meet once a month with professionals who have financial backgrounds and develop a strong financial foundation. Teach to Fish Outreach will focus on the importance of savings, understanding credit, and retirement savings, which are all critical steps to a strong personal finance position.
Saving money is a corner stone to financial security and most Americans have little to no savings. Unexpected expenses manifest all the time, whether it is a nail …show more content…
It is true that the people who have most of these financial “boxes” checked are in the upper middle class or higher. Furthermore, a program like teach to fish will do virtually nothing for the millions of older Americans who are already sideways financially. Both of these are valid criticisms; Teach To Fish Outreach understands that having wealth is conducive to having more wealth. However, there are millions of people in the US who had humble origins and rose to great success. This is the core of the American Dream, and it starts with basic financial education. The amazing thing about these three financial basics is they scale, in other words they work with small amounts of money and large. Anyone who can put pocket change in a jar can save money. Saving money helps prevent debt; preventing debt moves you forward to building assets and net wealth. An Outreach like TTFO will not reach many Americans who are already financially in trouble. However TTFO isn’t designed to reach those people. The outreach is targeting young people to affect a new generation and help them achieve a bright financial future. As the saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Helping one generation achieve financial success will benefit future generations by creating generational wealth. The next generation will start off with inherited wealth, both in the form of financial knowledge and monetary inheritance. Knowledge of personal finance will result in raising the quality of life for millions of

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