Premium Essay

The Mind and Its Wonders


Submitted By kristophphillip
Words 275
Pages 2
PHIL 1F90 Section 1: Winter term essay 2015. ric brown

Value: 20%
Due Date: Friday, February 27th, 2015, 3:00 p.m.
Where: Philosophy drop box at 573 Glenridge.
Late Penalty: 2% per day. No comments, written or verbal, on late work.
Length: 6-8 typed pages, 12 font, double-spaced. with appropriate margins.

4. THE COURSE NAME (PHIL 1F90 section 1)
6. YOUR TURNITIN receipt number
Remember to number the pages of your essay.

NB. Failure to include this information will result in deductions. Any paper submitted without the receipt is a non-existent paper.

Question ONE: Critically assess (which means

explain then evaluate, Silenus’
- (the satyr),
- Hench’s,
- and Michael Gorr’s respective positions
vis-à-vis determinism, libertarianism, and compatibilism.

at the beginning of the story, Hench agrees with Silenus’ determinist position even though Hench himself was a libertarian.

But at the end of the story?

Which of three positions: determinism, libertarianism, or compatibilism are you most inclined to accept?


Question TWO: Suppose that the boy whose brain Tommy could receive is named Sam. According to Harry Vladek, Dr. Nicholson, John Perry – and you -- who is most likely to come home from the hospital, Tommy or Sam? Is there any good reason to believe the operation may result in a double death (both Tommy's and Sam's) even though the brain of Sam and the body of Tommy live on? Speculate what, if anything, might be different if instead of Sam’s brain, Samantha’s brain were

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