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The Missing Child Analysis

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The film's plot is not complicated, tells the story of a drug trafficking children Gang how to commit a crime, police and private investigators to how to work together to solve crimes of the story. China also has a similar rescue abducted children "the treasure plan", allegedly abducted juvenile, via the Internet and police pronged can come back and find the "baby" the oldest existing 32 years old. In the American style of kidnapping to bloody much. Because the so-called western of the number one power of firearms and ammunition in the folk can be bought, so in a battle between justice and evil, often cost greatly, and the life, film, drama conflict and visuals will much more exciting.
This film to watch, at the end of the unexpected ending. …show more content…
She doesn't care about their children, even with her daughter to do her shady activities, resulting in the young daughter were associates of kidnapping. In the police and her brother invited private detective and his girlfriend's forces to rescue process, she seem to conscience, cry to shout: I as long as my daughter, I just want her back to my side... Her brother, the child's uncle and aunt know her deep-rooted bad habits, in the successful detection find girls after, and on the other a involved in the investigation of older officers together to conceal the truth, lied about the death of a child, Amanda gave a also because the child was kidnapped killed retired police officer raising, feedback of the American film "gone baby" feedback ". "Morality" and "justice" defenders of private detective, regardless of his girlfriend against and discouraged, found the child and the police, will eventually Amanda is delivered to the hands of her own mother. The adoption of the kind of children's retired police officer is chained and thrown into

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