...Forage for Thought: Mobilizing Codes in the Movement for Grass-fed Meat and Dairy Products Klaus Weber Northwestern University Kathryn L Heinze Northwestern University Michaela DeSoucey Northwestern University This study illuminates how new markets emerge and how social movements can effect cultural change through market creation. We suggest that social movements can fuel solutions to three challenges in creating new market segments: entrepreneurial production, the creation of collective producer identities, and the establishment of regular exchange between producers and consumers. We use qualitative data on the grassroots coalition movement that has spurred a market for grass-fed meat and dairy products in the United States since the early 1990s. Our analysis shows that the movement’s participants mobilized broad cultural codes and that these codes motivated producers to enter and persist in a nascent market, shaped their choices about production and exchange technologies, enabled a collective identity, and formed the basis of the products’ exchange value.• The creation of new markets is an important engine of economic and cultural change. But new markets do not emerge naturally; rather, they often arise from collective projects that mobilize the necessary economic, cultural, and socio-political resources (Fligstein, 1996; Swedberg, 2005). A growing body of research suggests that social movements can play a central role in fueling such projects (Carroll and Swaminathan...
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...cut meat out the diet and don't substitute other forms of protein can become very unhealthy. Adding a better form of healthy protein to one’s diet is scientifically proven to improve health. About seventy percent of all dieses including some cancers are related to diet. Becoming a vegetarian can help to treat some dieses like cardiovascular dieses and even multiple sclerosis. Animal products can slow down the immune system; animal fats can lead to clogged arteries and excessive meat in a diet takes away necessary energy. Livestock today can be treated very inhumane and almost tortured; animals are also injected with growth hormones, antibiotics and even steroids. By cutting meat out of the diet then those chemicals are not ingested into the body. Vegetarianism is a healthy way to improve one’s health, with the ability to improve dieses and keep unhealthy pesticides out of your body. There are many different types of vegetarianism, the first is Vegan. Vegans don’t eat anything made by animals, not only do they not eat meat, they don’t eat milk, cheese or eggs, either Lacto-vegetarians don’t eat meat as well; however, they include milk into their diet. Including milk and eggs into the diet is called, Lacto-ovo-vegetarians. Pesco-vegetarins include fish in their diet and Polio-vegetarians eat poultry as well. Living a vegetarian life has many advantages; eating meat has been proven to be worse for the body than eating alternative forms of protein. Most people, who eat meat, eat...
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...from individualized production to mass production, which is known today as factory farming. Factory farming is a method of food and fiber production which exploits animals in a confined environment (Marcus). As the demand for meat continues to increase, the modern agricultural practice of factory farming also continues to increase to meet the food consumption of humans. Factory farms consist of a large number of animals confined in small spaces to minimize operation costs; this mass production has decreased the price of meat as the factories produce an excess amount of meat to satisfy the demand. However, although Americans are fulfilled with the abundant amount of cheap meat, the practice of factory farming causes serious consequences for animals, humans, and the environment. This unhealthy practice has led to problems such as pollution, inhuman animal treatment, and human illness. Therefore, for all these reasons, many people have stated that factory farming is morally and ethically wrong. Since factory farms wield tremendous power in our society, they have become a controversial topic, with many people questioning whether they are detrimental or beneficial to our society. While opponents believe that the costs of factory farming outweigh the benefits, supporters rather believe that factory farming is needed in our current society. The factory farming agriculture today differs drastically from the traditional animal agriculture. While animals in traditional American farms...
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...Ecofeminism and Monsanto There are many different kinds of ecofeminist theories, but most are based on the belief that the patriarchal societies we live in create destruction in their need to dominate humans and nature. Ecofeminism is a belief that all struggles are connected, and are the cause of patriarchy playing “...god by manipulating, controlling and attempting to transcend nature” (Mcguire 4). This is why Ecofeminists are committed to challenging all hierarchies, oppressions, and dualistic thinking that empowers patriarchy, and deems “Otherness” as inferior. It is through this feminist theory I would like to analyze the destructive power of Monsanto, the largest agricultural corporation in the United States, has in the Unites States particularly in the farm industry, the effect they created in the food supply, and their effect as a global corporation. In order to analyze the impact of Monsanto, a feminist lens of intersectionality is needed to see how the genetically modified seeds created by Monsanto lead to their domination of the nature and humans. According to Kimberle Crenshaw, “...any analysis that does not take intersectionality into account cannot sufficiently address the particular manner” (58). Crenshaw argues that an experience is greater than a sum of two factors, and instead that the experience is unique due to these factors. In the case of Monsanto, I will analyze the unique effects this corporation has created in their quest to maximize their profits....
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...surface of the food system. Climate change, fuel prices, and the economy are all indirectly effected by the agriculture business. Most of the food you purchase probably comes from a conventional farm, and was processed in a factory and then packaged, shipped, and sold at your local grocery store. Conventional farming usually involves working with GMOs for a higher crop yield and more of a profit. However, while it may be cheaper to purchase that food, in the long run organic has more health benefits for you. Organic uses much less synthetic pesticides to grow, and this enhances the production of vitamins and antioxidants in the plant. Organi2c seems like the obvious choice, right? I've grown to not be too trustworthy of the USDA and what they supposedly label "organic" since understanding their misguiding language. Most USDA organic certified foods aren't entirely organic. "Made with organic ingredients" can mean that only 70% of it is actually organic, and "organic" in foods with multiple ingredients is at least 95%. Many people choose to purchase from local organic farms and community supported agriculture (CSA) groups. This way, they know where their food comes from specifically and while it may be slightly more expensive, it cuts down on fuel and the environments overall exposure to Co2 by having food come from somewhere close to where they work or live, or at least come from somewhere within the same state. While some would feel that the USDA is cheating us this way, I would...
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...Amanda Wiff Mr. Beasley English 101 April 16, 2017 Dairy is Scary Do you use dairy products? Or do you know what the major dairy farms look like? In the past, parents always had their children drink milk at least once a day so their bones could grow strong. But do you know how the farmers get the milk from the cows? For some people the process is disturbing. Therefore, they are pro nondairy products. For others, not having dairy in their body benefits their health and digestive system. To start off, a main reason why people do not use dairy products is because of how the dairy industry works. When a calf is born, they are taken away from their mother at the early age of only one day old, if not immediately (PETA). After the...
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...Mantesh TABLE OF CONTENTS Cure Tooth Decay Book Description Foreword By Timothy Gallagher D.D.S. President of the Holistic Dental Association Introduction 100% Real Dental Healing Testimonials Leroy from Utah Ms. Steuernol from Alberta , Canada Mike from Ashland , Oregon Pioneering Tooth Cavity Remineralization CHAPTER 1 DENTISTRY'S INABILITY TO CURE CAVITIES Reaffirm Your Choice to Cure Your Cavities The Real Cause of Cavities Remembering Your Connection Fear of the Dentist How Conventional Dentistry Works Micro-organisms Conventional Dentistry’s Losing Battle Against Bacteria The Failure of Conventional Dentistry Chapter 1 References CHAPTER 2 DENTIST WESTON PRICE DISCOVERS THE CURE Lack of Nutrition is the Cause of Physical Degeneration The Healthy People of the Loetschental Valley, Switzerland Modern Swiss were Losing Their Health The Healthy People of the Outer Hebrides Gaelics on Modern Foods are Losing Their Health Genetics and Tooth Decay Aborigines of Australia Nutritive Values of Diets Compared Fat-soluble Vitamins and Activators Mantesh Why Tooth Decay with Modern Civilization? Weston Price's Tooth Decay Curing Protocol Dr. Price's Protocol Summarized Chapter 2 References CHAPTER 3 MAKE YOUR TEETH STRONG WITH FAT-SOLUBLE VITAMINS How Teeth Remineralize 101 Hormones and Tooth Decay Cholesterol The Miracle of Vitamin D Vital Fat-Soluble Vitamin A Cod Liver Oil Heals Cavities Weston Price’s Activator X More Fat-Soluble...
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...as against about 75% at the time of independence. In the same period, the contribution of agriculture and allied sector to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has fallen from 61 to 19%. As of today, India supports 16.8% of world’s population on 4.2% of world�s water resources and 2.3% of global land. And per caput availability of resources is about 4 to 6 times less as compared to world average. This will decrease further due to increasing demographic pressure and consequent diversion of the land for non-agricultural uses. Around 51% of India’s geographical area is already under cultivation as compared to 11% of the world average. The present cropping intensity of 136% has registered an increase of only 25% since independence. Further, rain fed dry lands constitute 65% of the total net sown area. There is also an unprecedented degradation of land (107 million ha) and groundwater resource, and also fall in the rate of growth of total factor productivity. This deceleration needs to be arrested and agricultural productivity has to be doubled to meet growing demands of the population by 2050. Efficiency-mediated improvement in productivity is the most viable option to raise production. The country recorded impressive achievements in agriculture during three decades since the onset of green revolution in late sixties. This enabled the country to overcome widespread hunger and starvation; achieve self-sufficiency in food; reduce poverty and bring economic transformation in millions of...
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......12 THE TRUTH ABOUT FAT .............................................................................................27 WHY YOU SHOULD AVOID HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP ..................................32 WATCH OUT FOR ASPARTAME .................................................................................40 AVOID MONOSODIUM GLUTAMATE ..........................................................................55 OTHER FOOD ADDITIVES YOU SHOULD AVOID ......................................................62 THE PROBLEM WITH BREAKFAST CEREALS ..........................................................73 THE PROBLEM WITH DIET SODAS ............................................................................78 THE PROBLEM WITH FACTORY FARMED MEATS ...................................................85 THE PROBLEM WITH MILK .........................................................................................92 KEEP AN EYE ON THE SEAFOOD WATCH LIST .......................................................99 THE BOTTLED WATER RIP OFF...
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...Acknowledgement First, the proponents would like to thank our beloved Professor, Mrs. Jasmine Fontanilla in giving us this opportunity to make this feasibility study. We really learned a lot in this study especially when we are having our brainstorms, we enjoyed it so much. Great thanks to our parents who give their support to us in doing this study. They give us the financial support, accommodation and inspiration in doing this study. The proponents would also like to acknowledge the respondents that respond to the questionnaires, the JSJ goat farm, Central Luzon State University – small ruminants. And to others that assists us. We appreciate it so much. Of course, we also want to thank all the people who help us in this study. We want to give our deepest gratitude to them. To our panel members, Mrs. Jhonnel Panlilio and Mrs. Winnie Fe for giving us advice and additional information about our project, for the corrections and some suggestions to improve this feasibility. Above all, we would like to thank our Almighty God in guiding us while we are doing this study especially when we are travelling around Central Luzon to get information. This study won’t be possible and successful without the guidance of our Almighty God. The Proponents INTRODUCTION The agricultural sector of Tarlac City contributes approximately 18% to the overall GDP generated by the municipality, constituting a slightly larger proportion of the economy on a local level than for...
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...COPYRIGHT© 2004-2011 All rights reserved The Truth about Six Pack Abs by Michael Geary - Certified Nutrition Specialist, Certified Personal Trainer Founder – TruthAboutAbs.com BusyManFitness.com AvalancheSkiTraining.com DISCLAIMER: The information provided by this Web Site or this company is not a substitute for a face-to-face consultation with your physician, and should not be construed as individual medical advice. If a condition persists, please contact your physician. The testimonials on this Web Site are individual cases and do not guarantee that you will get the same results. This site is provided for personal and informational purposes only. This site is not to be construed as any attempt to either prescribe or practice medicine. Neither is the site to be understood as putting forth any cure for any type of acute or chronic health problem. You should always consult with a competent, fully licensed medical professional when making any decision regarding your health. The owners of this site will use reasonable efforts to include up-to-date and accurate information on this Internet site, but make no representations, warranties, or assurances as to the accuracy, currency, or completeness of the information provided. The owners of this site shall not be liable for any damages or injury resulting from your access to, or inability to access, this Internet site, or from your reliance upon any information provided on this site. All rights reserved. No part of this publication...
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...Fa"Fad diet" is a term of popular media, not science. Some so-called fad diets may make pseudo-scientific claims. According to one definition, fad diets claim to be scientific but do not follow the scientific method in establishing their validity. What is a fad diet? There are many different definitions of what a fad diet consists of. One definition is any weight loss plan that quickly gains popularity and may become unpopular just as quick. A more specific definition is any weight loss program or aid that promises to produce dramatic weight loss in a very short amount of time. Each type of fad diet varies in the amount of food that is restricted and what types of foods may be restricted. Are fad diets healthy? The basis of these diets is usually a very restricted diet that may even eliminate certain food groups all together. Research has shown that in order to obtain the amount of nutrients our body needs on a daily basis we must consume a balanced and varied diet. Fad diets do not allow consumers to eat a well-balanced diet in most cases which causes the lack of nutrients to the body. In particular, the diets that eliminate certain foods from a person’s diet completely put the person at risk for nutrient deficiencies. Many of the diet authors will suggest that consumers take daily supplements to make up for the lost nutrients; however supplements do not provide all the plant chemicals and nutrients that our bodies need to function properly. Another risk of these diets...
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...the Chipotle company and its Customer Relationship Management. Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc. is actually the chain of restaurants based in the United States but has now expanded into the United Kingdom, Canada, Germany and France. The mission statement of this company is Food with Integrity and this company deals with the usage of organic ingredients. This company is famous for its naturally raised meats and maintains that they are better than other restaurants. The customers are satisfied with the services and products of this company. In this case, we will explore the strategy of Chipotle’s Customer Relationship Management (CRM). Ethical Issues involved in Marketing to the Customer Like every other company, Chipotle also performs various activities to advertise its business in marketing. Marketing is not an easy process to perform as there are numerous factors that need consideration. If the marketing strategy of a company is well implemented, then the business products can be presented effectively to the company’s customers. According to the information discovered over the multiple papers written, I have come to understand that Chipotle has faced some issues in the marketing of its products to its customers. Following issues are considered by people against Chipotle’s advertisements (Liebelson, 2015). Does Chipotle’s support GMOs? This was the main question that was raised against Chipotle’s advertisement as it recently released a Pixar-style short film or “commercial”...
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...1986 in Washington D.C. They created a fast food chain that quickly grew to become one of the largest revenue producing chains and franchises in the country. Five Guys was created with a very simple plan that has helped to set it apart in the fast food business. The founders adopted a philosophy that at the time was a leader on the fast food market. They created the business on the philosophy of “Sell a really good, juicy burger on a fresh bun. Make perfect French fries. Don’t cut corners” (Boone, 2012) This philosophy was extremely simple and helped to guide the future of the business. Five Guys puts extreme emphasis on providing the highest quality of food possible for the customer. The company uses grass fed 80% lean beef for their burgers. They also never freeze the meat. Everything that is prepared at the restaurant is fresh. The company spends extra money on quality ingredients such as Idaho Potatoes, and even takes the extra effort to prepare them in a way as to minimize the amount of oil the fries absorb when being made. Five guys have also followed the mentality that the customer will be the company’s best salesperson. The typical fast food chain spends 3% of revenue on advertising. Five Guys does not put anything towards advertisements. The company feels that if you treat a customer extremely well, give them a high quality product, the will leave and become a great source of marketing. Because the company does not spend money on advertising, they are able to take...
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...Prepared for: Dr. David Conner (Department of CARRS) Dr. Dale Rozeboom (Animal Science) Prepared by: Victoria Campbell-Arvai Department of CARRS, Michigan State University August 17, 2009 Literature Review: A Comparison of Dairy Production Systems SUMMARY This literature review focused on studies comparing the effects of dairy production systems (pasture-based, conventional/confinement1, and mixed) on (i) environmental issues, (ii) social issues, (iii) economic issues, (iv) human health issues, and (v) animal welfare issues. The review was based on peer-reviewed research papers identified by experts at MSU, as well as (where specifically suggested) non peer-reviewed university and government reports. Additional studies were identified from the reference section of recommended papers, as well as via their citation index (primarily Google Scholar). A synopsis of each section is available below, as well as at the end of each section. There is a great deal of research –much of it based in the United States- on the environmental effects of all types of dairy farming, including intensive/confinement, mixed, pasture-based, and management-intensive rotational grazing (MIRG) operations. The vast majority of studies identified for this review focused on the fate and management of excess nitrogen and phosphorous, their effects on terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, and contributions to air quality and climate change. Many environmental mitigation efforts were suggested, including...
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