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The National Anthem Analysis

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Pages 3
The episode The National Anthem focuses around the protagonist losing control of a situation he oversees and how other’s actions affect the outcome. He immediately takes place as the centralized focal point the viewer is supposed to emphasize with, and is abruptly given a significant decision he must respond to. The start of episode one of the first season begins with a basic white male in bed with a woman. The woman, while not dressed modestly, in covered up and sports realistically messy hair, and bags under her eyes so she does not appear demure and only as eye candy, rather as a person. The male character, the protagonist, automatically takes charge of the situation, a phone ringing, he is expected to by the placement of the phone by his side of the bed. The woman, while playing a submissive and subservient role to the man by laying behind him in a more vulnerable position, is actively listening and focused. The woman is not in a specific state of power here, rather her role is to worry after the male protagonist. By looking to and gently questioning him, she puts the viewer’s focus and attention on his situation. The second scene opens on several computer screens showing a young girl crying, she is not facing the screen or the camera directly and is openly …show more content…
While they are held back by government policies and respect the legally issued mandates for a short amount of time, as soon as they see others breaking the rules they are quick to follow suit. They never even consider withholding information out of human decency and respect, rather because they are forced to until someone else does it first, thus negating them from being the ones who break the silence and excludes them from any punishment. Some are even shown trading sexual favors for information. This is a direct reflection of our own media, paparazzi are well known for invading privacy and sneaking into restricted

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