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Case Study: Battle Of Fish Creek

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Battle of Fish Creek
At Fish Creek the column of some 800 men led by General Middleton encountered about 150 Métis and Native allies on 24 April 1885. Unnerved by his losses, Middleton withdrew. Dumont retreated in the opposite direction (courtesy Library and Archives Canada/C-1728).

Gabriel Dumont, resistance fighter
Gabriel Dumont was a man of great chivalry and military skill, superbly adapted to the presettlement prairie life (courtesy Glenbow Archives).

battle of batoche
The Capture of Batoche, lithograph by Sergeant Grundy (courtesy Library and Archives Canada/C-2424).

Riel, Louis
Louis Riel, circa 1873 (courtesy Provincial Archives of Manitoba/N-5733).

The North-West Rebellion (or North-West Resistance) was a violent, five-month

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