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The Nativist Movement: The Second Great Awakening

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The Second Great Awakening saw established religions like “Baptist and Methodist membership ballooned from a few thousand communicants to more than half a million” (Feller 96). Older and more established religions such as “Presbyterian and Episcopal churches were hard-pressed to hold their ground” (Fellers 96). American were seeking a new spiritual path and freedom from previously oppressive regimes. New religions were formed and grew to meet the expanding country and the diverse needs of its citizens. The Nativist Movement was an anti-Catholic and anti-foreigner movement launched by the growing German and Irish Immigrants (Nativist movement). Catholicism had long been viewed as a threat by many mainstream religions including Protestants. The Nativist became politically active during this era objecting to foreign-born being allowed to hold office. Many clashes took place between Catholic and Nativist including an attack and fire on Ursuline convent school. This escalation between sides boosted the …show more content…
After Joseph Smith’s first revelations in 1830, Mormonism drew converts from over half a dozen denominations. (Feller 104). Smith’s early religious left him with unresolved feeling about which religion was right and which was wrong. He said, “the Presbyterians were most decided against the Baptist and Methodist, and used all the powers of reason and sophistry to prove their errors” (Smith). Other religious experiments such as Owen’s New Harmony came to the forefront. Owens espoused a “new empire of individual cooperation would replace individual selfish system” (Feller 79). He based some of his thoughts on the Rappites and Shakers cooperative work system. He envisioned an ideal community that was for the good of the many as opposed the individual. Everyone seemed to have a plan to supply the growing demand for change and religious fervor of the

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