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Equal Opportunities For Non-Profit College Students

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Imagine trying to improve your life by getting an education and then realizing that you had only made it much worse. Many students pursue a degree or certification at a college or university with the goal of making a better life for themselves, but sometimes that is not what happens. Students many times can leave college with debt, bad credit, and few job perspectives. This can happen to students no matter what school they choose to attend but it happens more often to students who attend for-profit colleges. This is what happened to Jeff Sutherland; a thirty-two-year-old Army veteran with a wife, two small children, and nearly forty-thousand dollars of debt from student loans. Sutherland was discharged from the Army after receiving an injury. …show more content…
They are run by private profit-seeking businesses and much of the money that FPCs makes goes towards the salaries of the CEOs or marketing. This means money often does not go back into the school to help support the facilities, staff, or student resources. There is a tiny amount of money that is put into student research, so students do not get the same opportunities as a student who attends a NPC. Students usually attend FPCs because it seems like the best and most practical option at the time. Many veterans, minorities, and nontraditional students who are students who have three or more year gap in education, holds a full-time job, or are a single parent, choose to attend FPCs for this reason. FPCs do have some accreditation, but these accreditations are being disputed because the agency that accredits many FPCs receives its funding from these schools. This is a conflict of interest, and the accrediting agency (Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools) accredits schools that do not always have good student outcomes: low graduation rates, high debt and default rates, and poor job perspectives. So consequently even though FPCs are accredited these accreditations are not always …show more content…
FPCs do not have a set standard for what their courses are supposed to teach across different schools like nonprofit schools have. Many community colleges have the same courses as universities so students can later transfer to different colleges. There are set standards and expectations for learning in these classes which differ from FPCs where there is a lot of freedom in what courses are and what they teach. FPCs also do not have many general education requirements which mean that students are not as well rounded and knowledgeable across different fields. “The for-profit sector offers almost no general education and liberal arts programs” (Deming 144). Sutherland experienced this lack of quality education at Everest College: “Everest’s classwork was so basic and inane that he never had to crack a textbook ‘unless a question was specifically based off one of their books” (Pyke). The classes at for-profit colleges usually leave students and put them at a disadvantage for finding

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