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Colossian Worldview Analysis

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This week, the Christian World View was “Blessed are they who mourn, for they shall be comforted” from the Beatitudes and Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone from Colossians 4:6. These refer to the power of our words and how they influence our daily lives. Both of these are extremely important not only to us as children of God but also as we as teachers train children of God.
The Beatitudes such as the one mentioned above are given to us by Jesus in his speech on the mountain. It is intended to guide us through our lives to better serve him, server his children, and help us make our way to eternity. This specific Beatitude tells us that we should take the time to think about the wonderful gifts which God has given and how we use them each day. One of our special gifts is teaching. It is a …show more content…
Learning to speak with grace, seasoned with salt so that you may know how to answer everyone is a power statement especially for teachers. We as teachers have a great influence over others and the words that we chose can deeply affect our students. We must let God change us for the better by trusting in him. By trusting in God to change us for the better from the inside out helps not only our relationship with God but with others as well including our students and parents. Another gift that is provided for us as teachers is the ability to listen the more. Teachers should not be so quick to speak, but stop, and listen,. If we as teachers and as children of God, listen more we can learn from each other, understand more, see others pain, and would be less likely to jump to conclusions. Most of all it will allow for us to grow as one of God’s children. Remembering that words are very powerful, we as teachers must control our anger, pick our words carefully, and put others in the spotlight before

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