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The Negative Effects of Smoking Cigarettes


Submitted By matwri4514
Words 1838
Pages 8
Why Smoking Cigarettes Should Be Considered a Drug
Mathew Wright
ECPI University

Why Smoking Should Be Considered a Drug
Smoking cigarettes was once viewed as fashionable throughout the majority of the last century. Smoking was glamorized with beautiful woman though history. The most iconic is Marilyn Monroe. Others such as the Marlboro man who was a handsome cowboy on his steed, and I still haven’t forgotten the smooth stylish camel that could bring the cool to any party. Those times are long behind us now as we have become aware of the significant risks in smoking cigarettes. With nearly twenty percent of the United States’ population currently smoking, it is clear that this recreational habit has become an epidemic (American Cancer Society, 2011). However, I believe that even with mandated health risks printed on packages, countless numbers of anti-smoking ads on billboards, and the spamming of our television sets since 1998, individuals still refuse to kick the habit. With cigarettes being extremely addictive and the majority of smokers are not considerate to others, I believe cigarettes should be considered a drug. I hope discussing these three negative effects of cigarette smoking will help to re-evaluate a person’s stance on this completely legal drug; realizing that smoking is a bad decision for everyone.
Besides the obvious possibility of death, one should be concerned with the likelihood of lung cancer, a diminished physical appearance, and the inadvertent effects on women, infants, and unborn children. With the obvious health concerns, this topic hits close to home. Two days ago my uncle passed away from smoking induced cancer. He went to the doctor since he was feeling under the weather two weeks prior, and came home with a cancer diagnosis and only two weeks to live. I had looked up to this man my entire life, and possibly if cigarettes were a

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