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The Once and Future King Creative Write


Submitted By ihanna
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Pages 5
As I was standing at the top of the castle I finally felt that I, King Arthur, was king. I would not have liked to have anyone else by my side except for Merlyn. Merlyn and I were observing this great kingdom of mine on a beautiful day. I started talking to Merlyn about how amazing the battle was and how awesome it felt to beat Lot of Orkney. He then told me that they would come again to fight, but i reassured him that they won’t be able to take me down. As I was saying this Merlyn started shoving his beard into his mouth and I knew that something I said was bothering him. Right as he was about to speak he smiles and there was a piece of white beard hair in his teeth. I tried my best not to laugh but a little chuckle was forced out of me. I ask him what’s wrong but all he says is, “I suppose you will learn someday”(222). I always have and always will hate it when Merlyn says that, I just wish that he would tell what is wrong. It would make my life and his life much easier! After I get Merlyn to speak he tells me that I will eventually have to learn to think for myself when he is gone. He then starts to talk about a girl named Nimue who he will fall in love with, but I don’t really think that that girl will fall in love with Merlyn because he is not really what girls would call a “handsome man.” Anyway, he tell me that Nimue will learn his spells and then lock him up in a cave for several centuries. After a while Merlyn finally gets to his point, he wants me to think about Might is Right and come up with a conclusion and a plan. I dislike the fact that I actually have to think now that I am a monarch. As we are about to leave the top of the castle I pick up a small stone and ask Merlyn what he thinks would happen if I drop the stone on

a guys head right bellow us. Merlyn, being the geek that he is, says that it would kill him and shatter his skull. So instead of throwing it a the boy down bellow I throw it at Merlyn’s hat and I run knowing that Merlyn will be chasing after me. One day, Kay, Merlyn and I decide to go hunt for grouse. This is when Merlyn finally explains to me why the Gaelic rulers are rebelling against me. One of the reasons is because of the ethnic feud between the Gaels and the Normans. The Gaels used to rule England but the Normans came along and drove them out. Another reason is the my father killed the count of Cornwall. Cornwall is the father of Morqause, Morgan Le Fay, who I still get chills from whenever someone says her name, and Elaine. Now I understand why the Gaelic kings are fighting me but Merlyn fights back saying that two wrongs don’t make a right. Merlyn says that he is a Gael himself, but he continues saying that the Gaels destroyed another race before they were driven out and that this conflict is from so long ago that it should have been forgotten by now. Now it is back to Merlyn arguing, I don’t think he has gone a day without arguing. Merlyn is arguing the fact that fighting is generally wrong and should not be used unless it is used for pure self-defense and self defense only. However, Kay disagrees like usual. Merlyn then tells me that my enemy, King Lot, starts wars very casually and then surprises everyone. I don’t like surprises so this started to scare me, but at least I can now be better prepared.

As I start thinking about Might is Right, I decide to go to Merlyn’s room for his advice. I think I caught him on a bad day because starts yelling at me and tells me that I should summon people to my room. So now I have to go all the way back down those torturous steps and summon him to my Royal Chamber. I start telling Merlyn, Kay, and Sir Ector how I came to the conclusion that might does not equal right and that it is not right for knights to go do whatever they please while people are slaughtering, torturing, and raping one another. Might should be used to achieve right. I reason saying that I will use force to defeat the Gaelic rebellion and then take his power of might and use it for good by creating an order of knights that will have to fight for just causes and just causes only! I am very passionate now about this idea and I want to put it in effect. Before I go to battle with King Lot, I decide to tell Merlyn and Kay my future plans for the knights. I decide that the knights should sit at a round table so that all the places are equal. After I say this Merlyn tells me that King Leodegrance has a round table just like the one I mentioned. He then proceeds to tell me that I will marry his daughter, Guenever. I was shocked to hear this but hopefully she is nice and good looking. Merlyn finishes with telling me to remind him to warn me about her. After our conversation Kay says that he thinks it is fine to start a war if he knows victory will bring a better life to the conquered people. As usual, Merlyn disagrees and argues saying that it is better to make ideas available then to force them upon other. He uses the example of an Austrian who agreed with Kay and dragged a whole country into bloody

chaos. He also mentions Jesus and how he preached his ideas and did not force them onto the people, which I thought was a great example. The night before the big battle Merlyn reminds me that I will marry Guenever and that I will have to be careful of the relationship between her and Lancelot. I try to tell him that this won’t happen and that I may not even marry Guenever, but Merlyn starts telling me a parable about how I cannot escape fate. Well this is it, it is the night before the battle! I am so exited! Don’t tell anybody this but I will attack during the night and if I need any help I have the French kings who will send their armies to me. I hope nothing bad happens. Hopefully when I win everything will be back to normal. It’s not like I am going to accidentally sleep with my half-sister that I don’t even no about and then everything is going to go down hill from there! I’m off to battle! Goodbye and I will be back soon!

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