...School of Business Management BUSINESS EMNVIROMENT NAME | EGBEYEMI NIYI | STUDENT ID | P1020629 | COURSE | HND BUSINESS MANAGEMENT | START DATE | 25-10-2013 | LECTURER | Dr Joel Barima | GROUP | 29B | TABLE OF CONTENT INTRODUCTION Virgin Atlantic Airline (VAA) is a business organization that embodied “British Success Story”. The company was founded in 1984 by Richard Branson upon his vision to build an airline to challenge the status quo of dominance of the industry by British Airways. The company was established as the “offshoot” of virgin group which as at then was a key player in the pop and rock music. Since it was founded, it has enjoyed great success and rose to become Britain second largest carrier with more than 9000 employees and estimated to have carried more than 53 million passengers since it first operation in 1984(BBC Business, 2013). The ownership of the company share between virgin group who owns 51% and Delta airline owned 49%, an arrangement that was concluded in 1999 to form a more formidable global partnership; it has its corporate head office in Crawley, England. Gatwick remain the main base of VAA and operates a mixed fleet Airbus and Boeing wide-body jet between UK, North America, Caribbean, Africa and Middle East, it also operates from London Heathrow and Manchester which serves as its secondary base. Virgin Atlantic Airline has a mission to grow profitable airline where people love to fly and where people...
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...Exploring Corporate Strategy CLASSIC CASE STUDIES Chaos in the skies – the airline industry pre- and post-9/11 Gary J. Stockport The case provides an opportunity to analyse the Airline Industry both pre- and post-9/11. It shows how one major event in the business environment can reshape many aspects in both the macro and competitive environment of an industry. In turn this requires a reshaping of strategies for most of the individual companies in the industry in order to cope with this new environment. It also provides an opportunity for students to recommend how airlines might better plan for, as well as react to, disruptive events such as 9/11 happening in the future. ● ● ● This is a true story from the many stories of 11 September 2001. It was a typically routine early morning flight home. United flight 890 had left Narita Japan several hours earlier, and the sun would be coming up any minute. Captain Jim Hosking was looking forward to getting home to see his wife in LA. Suddenly a message from the cockpit teleprinter came in from the US Federal Aviation Authority (FAA). Such messages were routine, advising of bad weather or maintenance requirements. However, this message was different and it read: UA890 NRTLAX – –MESSAGE FROM CHIDD– THERE HAS BEEN A TERRORIST ATTACK AGAINST UAL AND AAL AIRCRAFT. WE ARE AT HIGH ALERT. WE ARE ADVDa THERE MAY BE ADDTLb HIGHJACKINGS IN PROGRESS. SHUT DOWN ALL ACCESS TO FLIGHT DECK. UNABLE TO ELABORATE FURTHER. a b ADVD – Advised...
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...Maksimov Nickolai Linguistic representation of TIME in sportscasts Today popularity of sports is consistently growing. Sport has become one of the spheres of mass culture, it attracts attention of people from all around the globe. With the evolution of television, the internet and every other communication technology it provides more and more people with an opportunity to watch sports of different kinds and to feel themselves involved into action. Moreover, big money is being invested in sports. Sportsmen and sportswomen are becoming popular icons along with musicians, actors and politicians. On the whole we can say that today sport is absolutely ubiquitous and can influence almost each sphere of the social life. There is no surprise that the development of sports industry goes hand in hand with the progress of the events coverage system that allows any person (not necessarily being indulged in sports) to watch, understand and enjoy competitions. In terms of popularizing sports and making it understandable for people the work of sports commentators plays one of the primary roles. It is fair to say, that today sports reportage has shaped as a separate speech genre which requires special attention and has its own specific features and functions. Every speech genre entails the use of certain language and speech means in order to fulfil its functions; sports reportage cannot be counted as an exception. In the presented research work we tried to study the ways of...
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...Background Anthony Francis Fernandes was born on the April 30th 1964 to a Goan father and a Kristang mother and raised in Kuala Lumpur. He graduated from the London School of Economics in 1987. He worked very briefly with Virgin Atlantic as an auditor, subsequently becoming the financial controller for Richard Branson's Virgin Records in London until 1989. Tony became the youngest managing director of Warner Music (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd and in 1992, became the Southeast Asian regional vice-president for Warner Music Group. When Time Warner Inc. announced its merger with America Online Inc. in 2001, Tony left to pursue his dream of starting a budget no-frills airline which AirAsia with the tagline “Now everyone can fly.” He also founded the Tune Group companies Tony Fernandes is a true visionary. For all the business that Tony was involved, he showed a clear picture into the future of these industries. Moreover, he exercised great judgment in decisions that change the situation, usually following at the most appropriate. When he was six years old, he announced that he will start an airline and his father who was a physician quoted to him "if you make past the doorman of Hilton Hotel, I will be happy". He did make past the doorman of Hilton and then did not stop there. Marketing is in his blood as his mother ran a successful direct-selling Tupperware business in Malaysia. Venturing into the AirAsia Business When he was studying in Epsom, a boarding school in southern...
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...INSTITUTE FOR INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT AND TECHNOLOGY MODULE: U54081 Strategic Analysis of Hospitality and Tourism Businesses MODULE LEADER: Mr. Sandeep Munjal STUDENT NAME: SIDHI RAJ CHITKARA STUDENT NUMBER: 010107043 WORD COUNT: 3271 Words DATE: 21st April 2011 INDUSTRY OVERVIEW An Airline is a scheduled air transport facilitator. There has been a major increment in fleets to connect all major airports of the world due to technology development. This aids to reduce cost and flying more people. Since 1970, there has been a 5 fold increase of traffic at the airports of the old 15 Euro states airports. The contribution to total GDP of Europe is 3.1% (€ 275 billion). European Airline Industry focus is to offer steady, loyal, safe, environment friendly, competent and reasonable priced services. It aspires to maintain its position in the global competition and endeavour to strive to advance the performance in facets of services and products offered to clients. It aids for about 7.7million jobs chipping in € 140 billion to GDP yearly. 80 million tourists (42%) visit Europe by air. 76% occupancy was achieved in 2009. The LCC have been assisted in many countries due to development of new airports and extension of current airports. 15% of inter European air traffic is due to LCC’s. Its main impact has been on the price of air fares, hence, in order to compete it has majorly strained national carriers to decrease their airfares. (Datamonitor,2010) COMPANY...
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...environment of the airline industry operates. In particular, the role of Singapore International Airlines (SIA) in the global airline industry is considered. The study uses the concept of the “Three Ring Circus” (KCI , 2002), as an overarching framework, whereby the Past, the Present and the PFuture is used for studying the strategic issues in the airline industry and SIA. The past focuses on the key strategic drivers in the airline industry over the past 10-20 years and provides a historic industry overview. The present serves the role of looking at the airline industry and SIA’s present strategic drivers and what is important to consider in this environment. The Possible Futures, or PFutures, looks at what potential drivers or strategic advantages may be present in future, and how SIA is responding to some of these issues. The research in this project is mainly qualitative. It is based on interviews with key people within the airline industry, government officials, industry analysts and stakeholders. The analysis is also based on a review of the airline industry literature as well as the personal reflections of the authors in drawing together some key issues and insights that may help formulate, inform and prepare SIA’s strategy for moving forward into the unpredictable future. This paper begins with a simple model for considering strategic and economic issues in the global airline industry. After this, we examine the Past, where a brief history of the airline industry is followed...
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...Ryan Fahrenkopf English 201 Fremio Sepulveda Research Paper “Every empire, however, tells itself and the world that it is unlike all other empires, that its mission is not to plunder and control but to educate and liberate." – Edward W. Said “Life and Debt” is a documentary directed by Stephanie Black with the screen play and voice over done by Jamaica Kincaid about how the IMF, the World Bank, and the World Trade Organizations destroyed Jamaica economically. This movie is based specifically on what happened in Jamaica but it is a model for how the IMF and first world countries have impacted the rest of the world. The film is about globalization and exposing first world countries, mainly the United States, for destroying third world countries. The Oxford English dictionary defines a documentary as a factual, realistic, applied esp. to a film or literary work, etc., based on real events or circumstance, and intended primarily for instruction purposes. “Life and Debt” mostly follows this definition because it does present real factual information, although it varies a little from the definition of a documentary because it is a little biased on the side of Jamaica. Another critical concept from the film is the term globalization. The Oxford English Dictionary defines globalization as the action, process, or fact of making global; esp. (in later use) the process by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence or start operating on an international...
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...Felix Chevasco Professor: LoRe English 101 Date: 12/10/12 Traditional Courtship vs. Online Dating The Difference between Traditional courtship and Internet Dating When I was listening to my favorite talk show, Focus on the Family, they talked about the advantages of Internet dating. This allows the listeners, who got married prior the new millennium, to ponder the benefits of online dating, which were absent during their time of courtship. In traditional dating initial eye contact and study of the personality of the person is an important element in determining chemistry. However, what makes traditional dating best is the boundary and purpose that courtship provides. In contrast, online dating is more casual. In traditional dating, couples were introduced to each other by a friend and relative, or they met in a social activity such as their local church, school or family reunion. Nowadays, it is not necessary to meet people face to face in order to start a relationship. The internet changes our lives forever with chat rooms, social networks or online websites. More and more people are drawn to using the internet as a form of dating, with a high cost, and are unaware of the danger that you can face meeting with a stranger. Traditional dating is much better that online dating because traditional dating gives the couple the complement of courtship, commitment and purpose. Traditional dating is not only based in a feeling or a rush gut reaction. It gives the couple the opportunity...
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...bombarded with, while not caring about how it turned out. She was shoving her dinner down her mouth as the sun started to set and it kept getting later in the night. She opened her math textbook and started studying for her substantial math test tomorrow which determines the majority of her grade. Now, it was eleven o'clock at night and pitch dark outside. Payton is delighted as she walks up to her bedroom and sees her bed and falls fast asleep after a long drooping day. It is now early in the morning, the bus comes in thirty minutes. Payton hears her mom calling for her to get out of bed, but she is struggling to wake up. Twenty more minutes pass by and her mom calls again and Payton is forced to wake herself up and jump out of bed. The sky is still black, just like it was before Payton went to sleep....
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...Gender and Racial Barriers in Flight Training Student’s Name Institution of Learning The ethics in aviation has become a very popular topic during the last several years. We cannot say that it was not discussed at all before that, but probably now people are more able to formally define what is “wrong” and “right” in the actions done by the pilots. However, we should not limit the word “ethics” to doing the right thing only. Ethics stands also about promoting the proper piloting philosophy to people around us, for example to other pilots. Ethical dilemmas always appear in the aviation. Sometimes people have to solve them directly during the flight, but sometimes people may be indirectly concerned even while observing ethical misbehavior from the distance. It was said by Hansen and Oster that the attendance of white men in crucial aviation professions is the heritage of both obvious discrimination in hire and the internal culture that from the start gave the strong emphasis on the masculine nature of the aviation itself (James E. Sulton, 2008). If we take the history of aviation, we will see that everything began with Orville and Wilbur in the year 1910 when they were in the flying school in Montgomery. Those brothers developed the touring company and they needed pilots to conduct flying exhibitions and lessons what might advertise sales. It is obvious that at that time there were lees then ten qualified to the full extend pilots in the whole world and most...
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...DAYRIT, BENERYN JOY R. FELICIANO, MICHELLE SUBMITTED TO: MRS FEROLYN SANTIAGO I. Executive Summary Philippine airlines also known as PAL, is the flag carrier and national airline of the Philippines. Headquartered in the Philippine national bank financial center in Pasay city, the airline was founded in 1941 and is the oldest commercial airline in Asia operating under its original name. out of its hubs at Ninoy Aquino international airport of manila and mactan-cebu international airport of Cebu city, Philippine airlines serves nineteen destinations in the Philippines and 24 destinations in southeast Asia, middle east, east Asia, Oceania and north America. On March 1941, Philippine airlines (PAL) began to soar in the Philippine sky with one noble mission: to serve as a factor in building a better nation. With this in mind, notwithstanding the threats of World War II, pal took off and became Asia’s first airline. Since then, with its every takeoff and touchdown, pal carries with itself the making of a world-class legacy. With almost 70 years of service, PAL did not fail in becoming one of the world’s most respected airlines with its young and modern fleet of aircraft and destinations that cover 31 foreign cities and 29 domestic points. Its excellent service and world-class accommodation help pal win the hearts of travelers worldwide and pierce those of its competitors. Today, PAL has led the trend in the aviation industry. Aside from its young and modern fleet of...
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...| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ------------------------------------------------- Dynamics of Strategy * Evaluation of external business environment of Boeing * A critical assessment of the strategic resource capability (strategic fit) * Provide detailed recommendations after assessment of the feasibility, acceptability and suitability of Boeing * A detailed implementation plan NOTE: SEE APPENDICES FOR DETAILED ANALYSISFor Assignment or Dissertation Help, Please Contact: | Muhammad Sajid Saeed+44 141 4161015Email: tosajidsaeed@hotmail.comSkype ID: tosajidsaeed | | TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 03 2. VISION, MISSION, GOALS, AND OBJECTIVES ----------------------------------------------- 03 3. STRATEGIC ANALYSIS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 04 3.1 INTERNAL ANALYSIS -------------------------------------------------------------------- 04 3.1.1 RESOURCE-BASED VIEW ---------------------------------------------------- 04 3.1.2 VALUE CHAIN ANALYSIS ----------------------------------------------------- 06 3.1.3 FINANCIAL ANALYSIS --------------------------------------------------------- 07 3.2 EXTERNAL ANALYSIS -------------------------------------------------------------------- 08 3.2.1 PEST ANALYSIS ---------------------------------------------------------------- 08 3.2.2 PORTER’S FIVE FORCES...
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...COMPETITION COMMISSION OF INDIA A REVIEW OF THE COMPETITION ISSUES IN THE REAL ESTATE SECTOR: AN ANALYSIS OF THE POSITION POST DLF CASE INTERNSHIP REPORT DECEMBER 2012 SUBMITTED BY: Kirti Dashora, IV Year, Gujarat National Law University (GNLU), Gandhinagar A REVIEW OF THE COMPETITION ISSUES IN THE REAL ESTATE SECTOR: AN ANALYSIS OF THE POSITION POST DLF CASE ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The successful completion of this project could not have been completed without the valuable guidance and insights of many people. I would like to thank Mr. Yogender Chaudhary, Adviser (Law) for guiding me throughout my internship period. I would also like to thank Ms. Bhawna Gulati, Deputy Director (Law) for providing me helpful suggestions regarding the project. I also thank all the officers in the Commission who provided knowledge of the working of the Commission during the rotation exercise. The library staff also provided help whenever it was required. Page 2 A REVIEW OF THE COMPETITION ISSUES IN THE REAL ESTATE SECTOR: AN ANALYSIS OF THE POSITION POST DLF CASE TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT…………………………………………………………………………………5 OVERVIEW OF THE REAL ESTATE SECTOR IN INDIA…………………………..….6 Regulation of the Sector………………………………………………………..……7 The Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Bill, 2011………………………....7 ABUSE OF DOMINANCE IN THE REAL ESTATE SECTOR……………………..……9 Relevant Market…………………………………………………………………..…9 Assessment of dominance………………………………………………………..….9 Abuse of dominance……………………………………………………………...
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...1. INTRODUCTION OF PROJECT Information system is the study of complementary network of hardware and software that people and organizations use to collect, filter and process, create and distribute data. The system is many have in all organization or company in this world that act as a catalyst in managing their data perfectively. For this case, the company has chosen to identify what the system that they use in managing their information and data in their company. The company that has chosen is Air Asia Airlines. Air Asia has been successful low cost carrier in operating in Asia region for these past few years and IT is one the major enables for the Air Asia’s low cost business model. Every single primary activity is supported by specific information technologies, for example, utilization of Computer Reservation System (CRS) and Yield Management System (YMS) are critical in the aviation Industry. Besides that, without employing these systems, no airline including AirAsia can operate. In addition, all airlines in LCC industry compete on costs, AirAsia Airlines needs to offer the lowest possible fare in order to win the competition in lower the costs as possible as need. In the way they want to lower the cost regarding the others airlines agency also do the same thing in lower the cost, AirAsia Airlines must more cheaper and affordable. However, this AirAsia Airlines are situated in many place in Malaysia. AirAsia Airlines opened many branches in this country to make sure...
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...RESPONDING TO GLOBALIZATION: INDIA’S ANSWER 4th Ramanbhai Patel Memorial Lecture on Excellence in Education by Dr. C. Rangarajan Chairman Economic Advisory Council to the Prime Minister New Delhi February 25, 2006 Ahmedabad RESPONDING TO GLOBALIZATION: INDIA’S ANSWER I deem it a great honour to be invited to deliver the 4th Ramanbhai Patel Memorial Lecture on Excellence in Education. Shri Ramanbhai Patel was a true entrepreneur. He came to business from education and set up an indigenous pharmaceutical company, which later became one of the largest manufacturers of drugs and pharmaceuticals. He was deeply interested in the promotion of education and contributed liberally towards this cause. I am indeed happy that the Ahmedabad Management Association has instituted a lecture series to commemorate his memory. Ahmedabad Management Association is perhaps the most active management association in our country. It has become the forum for a discussion of variety of issues relating to industrial growth and business education. Its programmes and seminars have come to be recognized as being the most useful and well organised. May I take this occasion to congratulate the Ahmedabad Management Association on the excellent work it has been doing. It is a matter of great pleasure for me to be in Ahmedabad and to meet familiar faces. Globalization has become an expression of common usage. While to some, it...
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