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The Pros And Cons Of Micro Finance

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The bottom of the pyramid is the largest but poorest socio-economic group in the world. Globally this accounts for 3 Billion people who are living on less than US$2.50c per day (Shah. 2013). A study conducted by professor C.K. Prahalad concludes that the bottom of pyramid have a joint purchasing power of approximately US$14 trillion, which consequently is an extremely attractive market for large corporations (Prahalad, CK & Hart, SL. 2002). With this profitability comes the risk of the poor being exploited of their vulnerability, increased indebtedness and further increasing the poverty trap (Louw & Venter, 2010). Professor C.K. Prahalad makes a bold prediction on the title of his book “eradicating poverty through profit”. Looking into various …show more content…
Micro finance is “a type of banking service that is provided to unemployed or low-income individuals or groups who would otherwise have no other means of gaining financial services. Ultimately, the goal of microfinance is to give low income people an opportunity to become self-sufficient by providing a means of saving money, borrowing money and insurance” (Dictionary. 2000). From a shareholders perspective looking at short-term returns, there are significant challenges with designing business models that understand and genuinely respond to the needs and perspectives of the poor (Louw & Venter, 2010). Traditionally microfinance agreements within the BOP market where unjust as large corporations would exploit the debtors with outrageous interest rates of up to 50% and consequently prevent people in the market from making use of the opportunity (Ramakrishna N K. …show more content…
“Knowledge management promotes an integrated approach to identifying, capturing, retrieving, sharing and evaluating enterprise information assets. These information assets may include databases documents, policies procedures, as well as the uncaptured tacit expertise and experience stored in individual heads” (Louw & Venter, 2010).
The idea of knowledge management and a learning organisation increases its knowledge and therefore its competitiveness within its industry. Although organisations are aware of knowledge as an asset for competitiveness, it presents a challenge to bring this knowledge to the fore and is commonly known as the knowledge management problem. Organisations have to transfer tacit and explicit knowledge by socialisation, internalisation, externalisation and combination.
With respect to organisations acknowledgment for knowledge management, there are several factors which make it an important process as an integrated

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