...Why a Woman Has the Right to an Abortion A monumental debate has proceeded to separate our country since January 22, 1973 when the Roe vs Wade Supreme Court case ruled abortion as legal in the United States. Millions of abortions have been performed since that day, and as a result the two arguing parties have named themselves either pro-choice, or pro-life. Both of these groups have logical reasoning supporting their position, however the impact of this decision goes beyond the life of a child. A woman should have the right to a legal abortion because a woman has the fundamental right to her own body, it helps create the best possible situation for mother and child, and for the overall health of our world. Every human has a right to his/her...
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... Her Problem” article, Stith presents an argument of how pressure, responsibility, and burden are placed on women by family, friends, and employers since abortion became an option for pregnancy. The article describes that women who have the right for an abortion can be blamed for their choice, no matter the reasoning, and give men empowerment and freedom from the repercussion of sexual intercourse and conception. Therefore, the easy access to abortion has eliminated the consequences of sexual intercourse. Since abortion is now legalized in the United States, the expectation and frequency of sexual relationships has been increasing. As a result, women find themselves in a difficult situation to deny themselves to a man without losing him due to pressure of sexual exploitation. Abortion seems to liberate certain type of men, those who just want sex. However, this liberation is actually an enslavement to women. Legalized in 1973, there have been over 57 million abortion in the United States alone. These deaths of unborn children has created a social disaster which is apparent by female poverty and the neglect of women by careless males. Furthermore, abortion allows men to escape their moral commitment to marry and take responsibility for their children. I agree with Stith that women receive blame for elective abortions. In our culture today, a woman is now solely responsible for aborting a pregnancy, despite influential pressures. However, this shouldn’t relieve a man’s responsibility...
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...| Abortion: A woman’s right | | | | | | Abortion: A woman’s right What are the consequences when a child is unwanted? Is abortion a crime, when it can prevent many lives from being destroyed? What happens when abortion is banned and who should really have the power to decide about the lives of others? That all people have free will and equal rights are something we’ve been told since elementary school. But when a woman becomes pregnant, is it fair that because of the fact that she’s pregnant she should lose the right to control her own body? No one besides her should decide that she must carry a child for nine months, she may not have the will or the maturity required to take care of a child. Having children is a huge milestone in life and requires careful thought and much preparation. And to push two young people together in such a big thing is inhuman. The right to abortion is what every woman should have. According to WHO, about 46 million abortions takes place worldwide every year. 19 million of these are illegal (4). This is a result of conservative and fundamentalist government’s refusal to allow women to decide over their own bodies and that it isn’t offered legal abortions under medically safe conditions. Illegal abortions often involve uncertainty, and that sometimes means putting a woman's life and health at risk. Many of the illegal abortions are performed by unskilled people under often unhygienic conditions, which in some cases are...
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...Abortion, Right or Wrong? To most people life is a gift. Some people live each day as if it were their last. Others take life for granted and assume that what they put off today they can do tomorrow. What about the life of the unborn child, the human being that is growing and developing inside its mother’s womb. Is it the right of the mother to say this child shall be born, or is it the right of the government? Does the developing fetus have a voice on this issue? These questions have been asked as far back as ancient times. Today, the question whether abortion is right or wrong still has many people on different sides of the issue. Abortions have been performed throughout history for many different reasons. Laws and their enforcement on the issue have fluctuations through many eras. Many of the methods used in early and primitive cultures were non-surgical. Common techniques were making the woman perform strenuous physical activities such as climbing, paddling, weightlifting, or diving. Women could also use irritant leaves, fasting, bloodletting, and pouring hot water onto the abdomen. Each culture had its own ways of dealing with unwanted pregnancies. For centuries, South Asia has practiced the technique of massage abortion, the application of pressure to the pregnant abdomen. During the nineteenth century in the United States, the use of candles and other objects, such as glass rods, penholders, curling irons, spoons, sticks, knives, and catheters...
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...Abortions…. Right or Wrong? Abortions are undoubtedly one of the most controversial topics in our society today. One of the main reasons is because it is often debated as to when a fetus actually becomes a human being. Some people argue that having an abortion is no different than using any other type of contraception. Other people believe that a human being is formed at conception therefore having an abortion is in fact killing another human being. As we all know it is a severe crime to kill another person as it is punishable by death in some states. So to make this legal you have to say that a fetus before a certain week is not considered a living person. The federal government has its views on abortions as well as does many churches but ultimately the people make up both of those parties so it really comes down to whether they are pro-choice or pro-life. The first thing that must be decided is when does human life begin? According to the Association of Pro-Life Physicians, “life begins at fertilization, when a sperm unites with an oocyte”. In order for something to be considered a living creature it must meet certain elements and a fetus at even one day meets all of those elements. That means if you take a pro-choice approach to abortion then you are choosing to go against the science that has helped us evolve from where we were hundreds of years ago if you choose to say that having an abortion within the first twelve weeks is not killing a human being...
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...Abortions in Teenagers: Is it Right? Abortion among teenagers is becoming a very controversial subject throughout the world. Unplanned pregnancies are more common now than they ever have been. An unplanned pregnancy is scary to even think about, but it actually happening could be life changing. However, if the pregnancy is planned an abortion could still be possible. Some people believe abortion is never right but in some cases others may think it is necessary. For the abortions that are performed, there not only is the emotional factor of ending a life but there are also serious symptoms that a person can have after an abortion. In addition to this, a controversial topic is whether or not an abortion is ending a life. To some, an abortion...
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...Rollins ENG 112-01 September 2, 2015 Is Abortion Wrong or Right? Abortion is defined as “The removal of an embryo or fetus from the uterus in order to end the pregnancy” (dictionary.com). However, if only the debate over the abortion issue was as easy as the definition listed above. However, similar to most things in life, a statement or opinion is never right nor wrong, but simply left open for clarification. Those who are against abortion believe that abortion is the murder of innocent human beings who aren’t given a chance at life and the ability to function as a normal individual. However, those who are for abortion believe that it is a women’s right to choose what she does to not only her baby but also to her body and if she decides she is not capable of bringing a child into this world, then she should not be forced to. Everybody has their own opinion so therefore, abortion should not be right nor should it be wrong. As expected, there are millions of people who are against abortion. These people are considered pro-life, otherwise known as people who feel that, for no reason at all, should any woman feel the need to abort her child while being pregnant. There are many reasons as to why those who are pro-life do not support abortion. The main reason is that, in her decision to have an abortion, the mother is deciding to kill or murder an innocent human being who hasn’t been given a chance at life. Some may also feel that abortion is a very harmful procedure which not...
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...Hook: For many years people have argued rather it is right or wrong. Connecting Info: In today’s time there are two movements about abortions. Pro Choice, for abortions and believes “Life begins at conception” and Pro Life, against abortions and believes “Every baby wanted and Every mother willing”. Abortions are the early ending of a pregnancy. Thesis: Every woman has the right to choose to their choice or the life. History/Laws History : In the mid to late 1800s the states begin to pass laws that made abortions illegal also, during this time all medical procedures including abortions were extremely risky. Women who need abortions could not receive abortions, Without the medical advances they turned to “back alley” abortions Back-Alley Abortions:...
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...Jason isam Abortion: Right or Wrong As I see it, there are two sides to the argument of abortion, and I stand pro-choice. Abortion must be the legal right for all women. This doesn't mean in any way I condone an abortion free-for-all. For example, all those women who are trying to get rid of “mistakes” every couple of months because they choose to do nothing to prevent the pregnancy in the first place. Women must have the right to terminate pregnancies under certain circumstances. For example, if a woman has a medical condition, and carrying a child to full term will kill her, it is better to terminate that child as early as possible, to save the mother so she may live her life. And it’s likely if her condition is serious enough to threaten her life, the baby will not survive anyway. Under a circumstance like this, no one can argue two lives lost are better than one, just because the person may believe abortion to be wrong. A teenage girl, only fourteen-years-old, is walking home from school one day. She gets attacked, dragged into some bushes or a car and raped. A few weeks later she learns she is pregnant. At this point, the girl is faced with three choices. She can choose to keep the baby, becoming a mother before most people decide what they want to do after high school. Not only that, she becomes the mother of a child who came from a horrific and terrifying situation. Choice two is to carry the child to full term, and then put it up for adoption. On the Positive...
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...Abortion has always been and will probably always be a controversial subject. Deciding whether or not to have one is a matter of conscience and has emotional consequence for women faced with the dilemma. You are probably wondering what is an abortion? An abortion is the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy most often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy. Women in the United States have not always had the right to an abortion. Before 1973, individual states were allowed to decide whether abortion would be legal within their borders. In a landmark decision that the right to an abortion was part of womenś right to privacy. Roe vs Wade, 410 U.S. 113, is a landmark decision by the United States Supreme Court on the issue of...
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...Essay Abortion is a rough topic when it comes to the need for discussion. Here, I really want to explain what abortion is and what it is about as a whole and in general. When there comes a child, there comes a price. All the eyes passionately look at the belly of a child’s mother with awe and once an uttered word of “abortion” comes through, those looks become glares towards the mother. It is proved that “child-care costs now exceed a family’s rent. The Economic Policy Institute divided the nation into 618 budget areas; in 500 of them, child care for two kids costs more than housing.” says Charles C. Camosy from his article Balancing Abortion and Family Rights. The United States takes abortion as a severe situation that it’s only one of seven countries that permit abortions over 20 weeks....
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...When talking about abortion rights there is a big controversy about why women should and shouldn't have that right. Put yourself in a women's position having to deal with a big decision to get an abortion or keep a baby. It is a lot of pressure and there are many men who oppose abortion rights along with women, although men don’t share the same connection to the fetus as the mother. People who are against abortion rights believe it violates civil rights--technically, the baby is not considered a human but a fetus. The political concerns of abortion is if the women should have the right to her body or does her body basically belong to the government who is proposing this abortion law. Abortion is a tough dilemma to deal with in the state of law. There are many reasons to why a women should not have the right to get an abortion. The biggest one that caught my attention was, it violates the fetuses civil rights conforming to Live Action News, “Unborn children are deprived of life – the most basic right of all – simply based on their location (their mother’s womb) and their developmental status,” the multitude of people who are against abortion...
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...Abortion: A Womans Right To Reproductive Freedom A woman’s Right to Reproductive Freedom “One of the things that makes humans different from other animals is that we are not completely governed by instincts, but have the freedom to make choices” (CCC 9). By nature Humans tend to take different stands in matters that require personal opinions. The controversy of opposite and conflicting feelings about abortion is centuries old. The word “murder” is often used by many pro-lifers to describe abortion. The American Heritage College dictionary defines murder as- premeditated, unlawful killing of one human being by another. But when pro-choice activists support abortions due to unwanted pregnancies, the activists are not rallying behind the idea of sexual incompetence. Rather, they are supporting the idea that women have the right to choose what to do with their own bodies, especially when certain situations such as congenital defects, rape, and financial situation are justifiable reasons for the act. Anti-abortionists have numerous reasons for their beliefs, many of which are attached to their religious ideals, defending the sanctity of human life. They believe that human life commences at conception and that the death of that fetus resembles the murder of an innocent human being. They believe that no one has the power to take command of another’s life, mainly an infant that is dependent on others for survival during the initial stages of life. In addition to the...
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...The right to an abortion is a controversial topic, with some believing it is the mother’s choice and others believing it is immoral to end the life of a child. The artificial womb opened new discussions on the possibility of moving babies out of the mother’s bodies before they would be aborted, thus removing the right to an abortion indefinitely. An idea was presented to move the baby “from the mother's womb to an artificial one by way of a minimally invasive surgery beginning at eighteen weeks” (Cohen) so that if a mother did not want to go through the pregnancy, they could end it prematurely while still allowing the baby to live. However, the eighteen week period would be too soon even for the artificial womb, which is created in order to save babies after the twenty third week. At eighteen weeks, the fetus pumps a considerable amount of blood less than it does later in the pregnancy and “it would be impossible to connect it to such a small infant” (Arens). In other words, artificial pregnancies can have no impact on legal abortions due to the time of viability and the age the baby must be to enter the device. In addition, the fear that the loss of pregnancy would lead to women becoming obsolete is...
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...The argument on whether abortion is morally permissible has been considered for years. Most philosophers incline to accept moral principle that it is always prima facie seriously wrong to end the life of a person in normal circumstances. The personhood of an embryo and foetus has somehow invoked another controversial issue on whether they are kind of beings, or persons, that it is seriously wrong, for any sake, to end their life. Both the anti-abortionist side and pro-choicers side can only give equally vague boundary on claiming that foetus is a person, or not so. However, as we will find out later in this essay, the problem of whether a foetus is a person, or whether a foetus has serious right to life, does not significantly affect the consideration of abortion under Thomson’s account. The argument of the personhood of foetus will just stay at a standoff if there is no clear definition or lists for what characteristics make a thing a person. When we draw line to represent the development of a human being from the state of conception to the point that a baby is born, it will be arbitrary to choose a point which the thing inside a mother is a person after that point and not a person before that point. Moreover, the opposite of abortion may suggest that a foetus, even at the moment of conception, is a person because of their potential future, meanwhile, the supporters of abortion may insist that a foetus has not yet become a person because it lacks of some characteristics that...
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