...Women have not always had equal rights as men in the home, workforce, and world. Women have fought hard over the past several years even hundreds of years to get the same equality. Women in the past have been treated unfairly they were not allowed to work, join the military, or vote. When they were able to leave the home and join the workforce they were not offered equal jobs as men or paid equally for doing the same job. Until the 1960’s women scholars were ignored, and not taken seriously. In the 1940’s women were given the rights to join the military, although they were mostly accepted as nurses. It was also the 1960’s when women fought hard for equal rights and pay within the workforce. Today women’s rights are in full effect and women are treated almost as fairly as men in the workforce, military, and the world. There are still some religions and cultures that believe men are superior to women, but for the most part women are treated fairly. Women do still face discrimination, and unfair treatment but it’s much better than in years past. Concepts and conceptions have been created by society about the gender roles in society. People generally believe that women are to be feminine, and men should remain masculine. Media and society portray how people should be and act. The world believes that if a man shows a feminine side then they must be gay. If a women shows masculinity then they must be a lesbian. The truth is thought, that either gender can portray characteristics...
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...There are many human rights issues in the world today. People are discriminated against for many reasons such as age, race, religion, nationality, and their gender. Gender inequality has been a human rights issue throughout history. Women generally face inequality in most areas of life when compared to men. Women are not treated as equals even when they are as equally skilled and qualified as men as showed in the wages they receive for working the same jobs. The gender inequality women face is reflected by the role women play in their respective government. Countries that have a high rate of women participating in government tend to have greater rights for women. According to the Inter Parliamentary Union (2013), as of the 1st of February 2013 the countries of Rwanda, Andorra, and Cuba have the highest percentage of women in national parliament with 56.3%, 50.0%, and 45.2% respectively. Rwanda Women's role in government reflects the gender equality they face in their country. Countries that have a high rate of women participating in government tend to have equal human rights for both male and females. Countries such as Rwanda, Cuba, and Finlan all have high rates of women involvement in government. They also all have great equal rights laws in place and generally treat women as equals in every way. The opposite is true for the countries that employ few women in government such as Nigeria, Egypt, and Kuwait. Although they may have some laws giving them rights they are generally...
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...Women’s Rights In the 19th and the start of the 20th Women had no rights over themselves or their property and money. If they were to get married then all their property would go straight to their husbands. This would have left women no choice but to rely on their husbands because they would be homeless and helpless without one basically. During the 19th century women campaigned for improvements to many aspects of their lives. One of the most successful campaigns was for better education. By the early nineteenth century most middle-class girls received a basic education. However, girls from working-class families often received no education at all. It was impossible for girls to go to university or college even if they did it would have been a waste of time. Due to the fact that most profeesion would refused entry to women. In the 19th century upper class and middle class women were not expected to earn their money they would reply on their husband. But working class women had to work because they couldn’t afford not to if they didn’t their family would starve. Women still worked as hard as the men did, but they weren’t paid the same. Women were paid less than men were. Women weren’t too happy about the fact the men were seen as better. So groups like the National Union of Women’s Suffrage Societies were formed, They were led by a women called Millicent Fawcett. The aim of the NUWSS was to get the vote for middle class women first of all, they would use more of a peaceful...
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...Heather Bradley Women’s rights Should women have equal rights to men? Although things have slowly improved since the original movement for women's political rights movement: the National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies, women all around the world continue to be treated like they have less worth than a man. Men and women should have equal rights all around in the world, including education, the right to vote, and overall equality. Women should have the right to an education. “What we are learning around the world is that if women are healthy and educated, their families will flourish… And when families flourish, communities and nations do as well” (1). When women are given the opportunity to learn and have an education, they are able to teach their children when they are young and create better skills at raising a child. Denied education to young girls is still occurring, and each day they are falling behind in the world. Just imagine being stuck day after day in your house or your garden, slaving away for the men in your life. Never able to read a book or learn how everything works. Being beaten for even asking if education was a possibility. This discrimination still happens around the world to this day, and although the numbers are slowly decreasing, it is a problem that needs to be demolished. While many young girls in rural countries start school, “pregnancy and early marriage cut short adolescent girls’ schooling before they have completed secondary school”(2)...
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...stereotypes that cause us to see men as superior to women in economic and social sectors and how does it affect women? Thesis: In the modern world, women are starting to have more opportunities available to them; they are gaining more power and authority, slowly but surely, women are making their rise in economic and social senses. CD: A recent study by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that 66.7 percent of women ages 25 to 64 have at least attended college, and 93.1 percent of women have graduated high school. This is a gigantic improvement since 1970. CM: Stereotypically, education is a sector that is controlled by men regardless of where you are in the world; this is still true in many places around the world. The population is so used to seeing men as the dominants in education; however, women in the United States are now seizing the opportunities of higher level education and slowly disintegrating the stereotype associated with men and education. CM: CD: A study done by the United States Department of Commerce shows that in 2007, 7.8 million businesses were privately owned by women, which equates to almost 30 percent of all non-farm firms. CM: In general, people usually see the economy as run by men, this for the most part the case, but now women are starting to establish their own businesses and make more money than the average woman years ago. While most businesses are still run by men, women are starting to attempt to equal out the ratio and...
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...Created Men AND WOMEN! Erica McNamara HIS 204 Lilia Anand September 16, 2013 What would the world be if not for the powerful women who have helped to guide the path of women’s rights in the nation? Would women enjoy the same freedoms or would women still be prisoners to the home? Thankfully women don’t need to spend much time contemplating this as we did have strong, powerful women that fought for women’s rights for centuries. Women encouraged other women to fight for equality, fight for freedom, fight for the opportunity to be a strong independent woman in a nation of strong independent men. This paper will discuss several significant events that shaped the future for women in America. Events driven by women that wanted their voices to be heard through a sea of men, women that wanted men to realize that women had a lot to offer this world we live in. The first event this paper will discuss is the American Equal Rights Association started in 1866 by Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton. This association would shine a light on women’s suffrage in the nation and later inspire a more radical group called The National Woman Suffrage Association. World War I was another event that that the shaped the future for women in America and around the world. Women left their homes to become nurses that would care for wounded soldiers around the world. Another event is the passage of the 19th amendment in 1920. The 19th amendment gave women a voice in elections...
Words: 3277 - Pages: 14
...Essays M-Q Free Essays R-Z Essay Topics Plagiarism Donate a Paper Women's Rights Rate This Paper: 1 2 3 4 5 Length: 467 words (1.3 double-spaced pages) Rating: Red (FREE) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Women had it difficult in the mid-1800s to early 1900s. There was a difference in the treatment of men and women then. Married women had few rights in the eyes of the law. Women were not even allowed to vote until August 1920. They were not allowed to enter professions such as medicine or law. There were no chances of women getting an education then because no college or university would accept a female with only a few exceptions. Women were not allowed to participate in the affairs of the church. They thought they were totally dependent on men. Then the first Women's Rights Convention was held on July nineteenth and twentieth in 1848. The convention was assembled as planned, and over the two days of discussion, the Declaration of Sentiments and twelve resolutions received agreement and endorsement, one by one, with a few amendments. The only resolution that did not pass unanimously was the call for women's authorization. The thought that women should be allowed to vote in elections was impossible to some. At the convention, debate over the woman's vote was the main concern. Women's Rights Conventions were held on a regular basis from 1850 until the start of the Civil War. Some drew such...
Words: 543 - Pages: 3
...Women’s Rights Women have had to fight for their rights. There was a time when women only jobs were to stay home and take care of things there. From the Christian perspective everyone should be treated equal. Denying women of certain rights is considered unfair. Women have a voice just like men have one. God stated that all men are created equal. If each of us are created in the image of God we all should act as such. During those times the rights of women were not as they are today. The roles have changed, when it pertains to the different positions, which women are able to hold today. In those times women were not able to vote. Women duties were to take care of the home, as men went out to work and do hard labor. Women had no voice when it came to politics and other important matters. Women were excluded from higher education back then, but thanks to changes women today are able to get an education. Susan B. Anthony played a part in helping women to gain many rights that they have today. Anthony and Stanton established the New York State Temperance Society in 1852. They also formed the New York State Women’s Right Committee. She also fought for women to be able to vote. Women today are blessed that things have changed tremendously. Today women have earned degrees, good paying jobs and are able to run for president. The work that tremendous women such as Susan B Anthony put in has not gone in vain. She helped to pave the way for many of the things women are able to do today...
Words: 320 - Pages: 2
...Convention was the first women's rights convention It advertised itself as a convention to discuss the social, civil, and religious condition and rights of woman Held in Seneca Falls New York, it spanned two days over July 19–20 184. Attracting widespread attention it was soon followed by other women's rights conventions, including one in Rochester New York two weeks later. In 1850 the first in a series of annual National Women's Rights Conventions met in Worcester Massachusetts. Female Quakers local to the area organized the meeting along with Elizabeth Cady Stanton, who was not a Quaker. They planned the event during a visit to the area by Philadelphia based Lucretia Mott. Mott a Quaker, was famous for her oratorical ability which was rare during an era which women were often not allowed to speak in public. The meeting had six sessions included a lecture on law, a humorous presentation, and multiple discussions about the role of women in society. Stanton and the Quaker women presented two prepared documents, the Declaration of Sentiments and an accompanying list of resolutions, to be debated and modified before being put forward for signatures. A heated debate sprang up regarding womens right to vote, with many including Mott urging the removal of this concept, but Frederick Douglass argued eloquently for its inclusion, and the suffrage resolution was retained. Exactly 100 of approximately 300 attendees signed the document, mostly women. The convention was seen by some...
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...IMPORTANT CONSTITUTIONAL AND LEGAL PROVISIONS FOR WOMEN IN INDIA The principle of gender equality is enshrined in the Indian Constitution in its Preamble, Fundamental Rights, Fundamental Duties and Directive Principles. The Constitution not only grants equality to women, but also empowers the State to adopt measures of positive discrimination in favour of women. Within the framework of a democratic polity, our laws, development policies, Plans and programmes have aimed at women’s advancement in different spheres. India has also ratified various international conventions and human rights instruments committing to secure equal rights of women. Key among them is the ratification of the Convention on Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) in 1993. 1. CONSTITUTIONAL PROVISIONS The Constitution of India not only grants equality to women but also empowers the State to adopt measures of positive discrimination in favour of women for neutralizing the cumulative socio economic, education and political disadvantages faced by them. Fundamental Rights, among others, ensure equality before the law and equal protection of law; prohibits discrimination against any citizen on grounds of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth, and guarantee equality of opportunity to all citizens in matters relating to employment. Articles 14, 15, 15(3), 16, 39(a), 39(b), 39(c) and 42 of the Constitution are of specific importance in this...
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...Most countries around the world have won the battle to provide universal primary education, but the picture is much more mixed at secondary and higher education levels, while policy also needs to keep a firm eye on ensuring the continuous improvement of the quality of education. Women are still less likely than boys to even start secondary education in Western, Eastern and Middle Africa and Southern Asia. Enrolment is less of a problem in OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) countries, where education is generally compulsory up to age 15-16. But men are more likely to drop out before completing secondary education, particularly in the high-income countries. As a result, in many countries across the world younger women are increasingly better educated than young men in OECD countries. In reading skills, for example, men lag behind girls at the end of compulsory education to the equivalent of a year’s schooling, on average, and are far less likely to spend time reading for pleasure. Men are ahead in mathematics but the gender gap is small compared to reading. But yet the women are still less likely to choose scientific and technological fields of study, and even when they do, they are less likely to take up a career in these fields – a concern given skills shortages in the workplace, the generally more promising career and earnings prospects in these fields, and the likelihood of positive spillovers from more skilled workers in these fields to innovation...
Words: 3080 - Pages: 13
...Foster Applica ation P s: Foster Preferences What ag cat wou you like to foster ge uld e r? Adult Cat 1yr+ t Special Needs Cat C Moth cat with newborn kittens her h Orph haned newb born kittens (requires around-th e-clock car and supe re ervision) Hosp pice Cat Would you be will y ling to care for a foster cat tha is ill and at d/or needs medicatio s on or is dis sabled in some way? ? Yes No Are there any spe ecific requi irements you have f a foster cat, i.e., t y for r temperam ment, age, gen nder, etc.? ? Yes No If so, please describe below w: _________ _____________ ____________ _____________ ____________ _____________ _____________ ____________ _____ _________ _____________ ____________ _____________ ____________ _____________ _____________ ____________ _____ Do you feel you co ould foster more tha one cat at a time? an t ? Yes No How lon would you be able to foster a cat? ng y e r Up to one week Up to two weeks Up to one month h As long as neede ed Other ____________ ___________ Would you be will y ling to serv as an emergency foster car provider for short ve re r t periods of time (b s between one and five days)? e Yes No How ma hours during the day will the foster cat be left alone? any e t t _________ _____________ ____________ _____________ ____________ ___________ Where will the foster cat be kept whe you are out? w e en _________ _____________ ...
Words: 662 - Pages: 3
...world conference in Beijing, China, Hilary Rodham Clinton speaks out on the injustice women have endured. She is getting people’s attention by bringing this topic out in the open. Her speech is effective in motivating world leaders to improve the lives of women because she focuses on the unity and the importance women in the community play, She also exposes the challenges and abuses women face around the world in order to invoke an emotional response in her listeners and she is sure to make a point of the experience she has with women’s issues and shows her determination to end the discrimination. Throughout her speech Clinton centers on the unity and importance of women’s roles in society. She uses repetition to stress the importance that women play on the family and community. In the beginning she uses the words “family” and “flourish” several times in one paragraph and points out how families cannot survive without the work of women to hold them together. Clinton also lists the many jobs that women take part in when she says, “At this very moment, as we sit here, women around the world are giving birth, raising children, cooking meals, washing clothes, cleaning houses, planting crops, working on assembly lines, running companies, and running countries” (3). Through that statement she expresses the true value of women. A couple of paragraphs below she states again the different jobs women have in the community but lists them more specifically such as nurses, hotel clerks and...
Words: 975 - Pages: 4
...created equal.” It is something we learn about at a young age. Yet it only states that men are created equal, not women. Many activists have been fighting for women to have equal rights and many are still fighting. Years ago, women were not allowed to vote, not allowed to hold jobs, and were simply thought of being the ones who stayed at home to be with the children. Now women can vote, have jobs, and do things men can do. With all the advancements towards equality, women seem to be taking a step back, because women are treated unfairly today. The United States Federal Government should re-ratify the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), making sure all the 50 states accept it, because it will insure everyone will be treated equal. In this essay, I will briefly trace the history of women inequality and explain why it is a problem. Next, I will provide evidence as to how women are treated unfairly, and explain what the Equal Rights Amendment is. Lastly, I will explain how re-ratifying the ERA will guarantee equality for all, by eliminating women inequality. It has been over 100 years since the first women’s rights convention was held in 1864 and there have been so many advancements for women rights. The first Women’s Trade Union League was established in 1903, women gain the right to vote in1920, and Equal Rights Amendment was finally introduced in 1923. The ERA was what women in America were fighting for; something that would guarantee equality. According to equalrightsamendment.org, the...
Words: 2214 - Pages: 9
...Final Paper Women and Girl Rights The issue of gender equality has always been and will always be a topic of controversy. The International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) defines “gender equality as the measurable equal representation of women and men not seen as the same but having equal values and should be accorded equal treatment” the right to see women and girls as not the same as men and boys but should be given equal opportunity in every facet of life is a debate that will linger for a very longer time not because laws have not been put in place to uphold it because its implementation will require adequate follow up and time. The way the society sees women plays a crucial role in gender equality. Gender role affects the way women and men are expected to behave and act in a given society and this behavior differs among cultures and ethnic groups. The role of a girl or boy is first initiated by their parents. The mother of a girl child is usually more protective of her and she is taught different etiquettes which she must follow and if not obliged she is seen as wayward and a societal misfit. The fiction “Girl” by Jamaica Kincaid illustrates this when she writes “this is how you….this is how you behave in the presence of men who don’t know you very well, and this way they won’t recognize immediately the slut I have warned you against becoming” this depicts how a girl is expected to live by certain rules made by her mother to protect her from becoming a “no good”...
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