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The Role Of Sexual Violence In The Book Of Unknown Americans

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Sexual Violence in the US
According to, every 98 seconds someone is being sexually assaulted. At least 22 million women are raped in their lifetimes. Woman of many different races and ethnicities are victims of sexual assaulted. Since 2010 sexual assault being reported to police has declined 35%. Why might you ask? I'm going to be going into further detail on why this is happening. In "The Book of Unknown Americans" there is a chapter that touches the surface of sexual assault. In the chapter, the author discusses how the character Quisqueya was sexually assaulted by her mother's husband in her teen years and goes on to the effects it has on her adult life. Which in many cases is extremely relevant to what goes on in our society. …show more content…
Why do you think that occurs? Well, there's a simple answer for that, they don't want to feel be belittled, as though nobody believes them or pushed aside. Some feel embarrassed, can you believe that, embarrassed about something they had no control over. Again, why might you ask, merely because the culture we live in today tries to rationalize why these are things are occurring. When in actuality there is no justification for why sexual assault is ranked the fourth highest crime in America. Our culture glorifies sexual assault, it's in our music, movies, it's everywhere with the slightest admiration for people who have been a victim. Instead of them feeling secure, they feel even more threatening to know someone can speak or rap openly about doing it and there's no

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