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What Is Streaking

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1. The streak plate technique is a method of isolation. It is used to produce isolated colonies of organisms using a nutrient medium. In this case, it is used to isolate Serratia marcescens on an agar plate. This technique is used when one needs to separate organisms in a mixed culture. It encourages growth of only one organism.
The viable counting technique is used in effort to estimate the number or viable, or living, cells. It relies on cells growing on the nutrient medium, i.e. agar. Multiple dilutions are used to be effective, accurate, and precise, when determining the number or living colony forming units.
Then used together, the streak plate technique will allow for only Serratia marcescens growing on the nutrient medium. The viable counting techniques, then, is used to number the amount of viable cells/colonies that grows on the nutrient medium.
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The viable counting technique gives a more efficient and effective way of counting living colonies that grow on a nutrient medium. It is better than the streaking method because the streaking method only isolates the certain organism from whatever is in the mixture by allowing it to grow atop of it. It allows for the distinction between living and dead cells. During the process of preparation the cells can be dyed with Trypan blue. In doing so, the dead cells will tend to take up this color and offer a distinction between living and dead cells. Colony forming units, then, can be counted. The viable count method, also, includes dilutions. This is needed because it helps to determine the number of colony forming units in each dilution, thus, the original concentration of bacteria in the original mixture. The streak plate method offers isolation of the bacteria, but does not offer a way, other than “eyeballing,” to figure out the concentration of bacteria in the original

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