Premium Essay

The Shotet Nation

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Carve The Mark By, Veronica Roth is a novel that teaches us about the power of friendship, and how it can make enemies into friends and bring balance to the world. The general idea of the book is to show that even though you are alienated from one another you can still befriend one another. The book focuses on two characters points of view. These two characters are both located on the planet Thuve but on different sides, one is Thuvhesit and the other one is Shotet. The Shotet people are Referred to by both characters points of view as an evil nation. These two nations have been at war ever since they were created, but everything changes when the boy who is Thuvhesit gets thrust into the Shotet nation. In the Shotet nation, the boy learns …show more content…
Every year the people of Voa, which is Shotet’s capital, have a celebration called the “Sojourn festival”. On the last day of the Sojourn festival, most of the people of Voa, who are eight years old or higher, go on something they call a “Sojourn”. The Sojourn is a celebration commemorating the Shotet’s long history of scavenging the galaxy and finding new things to bring back home. The people of Voa would get onto one giant ship, which they called a Floater, and travel to another planet, which was chosen by the current. On the planet that was chosen by the current, the people of Voa would go scavenging through the planet and “relieve” the planet of their valuable …show more content…
Cyra, even though she was young, got her currentgift. Currentgift’s are only supposed to happen when you reach your teenage years, but sometimes they can be triggered by something or someone. Cyra was playing around with her figurines in her bedroom, not knowing that her life would be changed forever when Ryzkek came barging into her room and stated that they should be treated fairly by their father, so Ryzek places his hand to her forehead and makes her relive a memory that he had. Even though Ryzek is part of the Noavek family, who are brutal and cruel, he doesn’t like to see people suffer. Ryzek’s currentgift can alter someone's memory by replacing their memories with his own memories. The memory that Ryzek gives Cyra is Ryzek’s first act as a torturer. Cyra has never witnessed anyone being tortured, so this comes as a shock to her, causing her currengift to come forth too soon. The vision of being tortured made her currentgift cause pain and torture, just like Ryzek’s memory. After this tragedy, Ryzek and her family never touched Cyra again. This calamity was the start of Cyra Noavek, the girl who caused pain. Before Akos got his currentgift, he was having a jubilant life with his family, the Kereseth’s. Akos’s parents are very popular figures among the people of Thuvhe. Sifa Kereseth, Akos’s mom, is the sitting oracle of Thuvhe. People from all over Thuvhe come to see Sifa use her currentgift, which can show Sifa

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