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2.1 Explain Factors That May Contribute To Loss Of Independence Research Paper

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2.1. “Explain factors that may contribute to loss of independence, non-participation and social exclusion for vulnerable people”

Mr. B is to be given the chance to do things on his own whereby the care workers are to promote and support his independence. Moreover, there are various factors that contribute to loss of independence, non-participation and social exclusion.

Factors that Contribute to Loss of Independence
When people are getting old, there are various factors that can cause them to lose their independence. According to Elizabeth (2015) a fall is one of the greatest factor of risk for a loss of independence amongst the elderly. However, Mr. B had fallen at the previous care home which might be a cause of his poor mobility. In addition, chronic pain according to NIH reports that people who are of age that live at care home are dealing with pain which can lead to a decline in their health and independence.

According to (2017) loss of independence happens when people are getting older, when they suffer physical, emotional and social setbacks that will hinder the service user from being independent. However, as it relates to Mr. B’s scenario, he is of old age and diagnosed with dementia, therefore these contribute to loss of independence causes him to be reliant on others in providing care for him. …show more content…
According to Agulnik (2002) social exclusion encounter with equal chances in which it results occupational opportunities and unequal education. Moreover, limited education or lack of education contributes to social exclusion. According to Kneale (2012) there are five domains of social exclusion that makes a person socially excluded such as a low living standard, limited security, limited engagement in activities with others, limited support from friends and others and lack of decision

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