...their young use to eat. So, they may or may not be aware that their heavy use of fertilizer and pesticides is affecting other things in the environment, but the US farm policy has been shaped by agribusiness interests, so even if they are aware, it is in their best interest to keep doing what they are doing to have the most successful yields. 4. A silver bullet solution could be defined as an action that provides an immediate solution to a complex problem. It could be called a “techno-fix” because the solution could be more of a technologically advanced solution, but the solution may have not been thoroughly tested. There are many examples to use to describe a silver bullet solution, but a good example of it would be with our recent talks on climate change. Although the solution has never been put into effect, I still think it fits the silver bullet solution head on. The theory is to spray aerosols into the atmosphere to increase the earth’s reflection, so the heat would bounce back into space instead of getting trapped on earth. Although we haven’t used this ‘solution’ yet, I still feel that this is a prime example of a silver bullet approach because we would basically be tampering with earths natural atmosphere to fix an immediate problem we have and not thinking of what else this could affect. A tactic in the public relations ‘playbook’ would be to either cast doubt, or have a scapegoat to blame something else on. The big tobacco industries used both of these methods and many...
Words: 1804 - Pages: 8
...Counter Offer to Summary/Offer to Purchase Real Property Due to acquisition of right of way and damages Silver Bullet, Inc. William “Bill” I. Young 1116 Shoal Creek Road | Burnsville | NC 28714 Property Location: 4075 Hwy 19E | Burnsville T:828.208.0006 1|P a g e COUNTER OFFER TO SUMMARY/OFFER TO PURCHASE REAL PROPERTY Submitted to the State of North Carolina Department of Transportation OVERVIEW Retail gasoline businesses, such this gas station and convenience store, are single-purpose economic enterprises. Because of their specialty of design, they cannot be readily converted to other types of businesses without a significant loss in value. Gas station convenience stores are special-built properties designed to make money in only one way, and they are not easily adapted to other uses. These businesses derive a significant part of their gross sales, about 50 percent, from the sale of motor fuels (National Association of Convenience Stores, 2006). The Silver Bullet recorded at one time 77% of gross sales from the sale of gasoline. This business also sold propane and kerosene (2000 UST). This site has (1) 8,000, (2) 6,000, and (1) 2000 gallon warranted (40 yrs) USTs for fuel (installed by Southern Tank & Pump, NC). stations, and canopies, which are situated on-site but separate from the building. Design features create and significantly influence the property value. For example, the fuel service is so specially-designed that if it becomes no longer profitable...
Words: 7890 - Pages: 32
...long 18 hour days of sunlight. All roads are paved in stone from the mountains of Killinher. All buildings and structures have a roof made up of solar panels. We set up a solar powered Subway system throughout the whole land. The Subway will take you from town to town. The residents call the Subway system “The Silver Bullet.” Most residents have a Hydrogen car that runs on water. There is even a solar powered bicycle on Herbonia. The semi trucks on Herbonia run on a clean source of energy, it is vegetable oil. With the fast growth of the vegetation, we have more than enough vegetable oil to run trucks for 2 whole years and still have food left over. For water we drill past 35 feet to get rid of the sulfer smell. Water is really pure here. Sewer is the same as that on Earth, below ground and runs to a water treatment facility located in each town. All power is connected with aluminum wire. Farming is designated to flat, plain, prairies. The soil is rich in nutrients and nitrogen, perfect for growing vegetables. The pro’s are having earth to look at as a reference to see what systems actually work and the con’s are not using that information on the planning of...
Words: 266 - Pages: 2
...Explication and Argumentation to a Specific Audience It’s accurately described as the world’s online marketplace, connecting buyers and sellers both near and far. The vast majority of people are casual, intermittent users. But maybe you are ready to take that next step and make selling on eBay a full-time vocation. Nearly anyone can sign up and begin selling immediately, but only those who maintain the status of PowerSeller are able to financially maximize their selling experience. EBay makes a portion of their profits by extracting a fee from each attempted and actual sale. This fee is deducted from the sellers account. The fees are structured at a lower percentage for those who generate the most profit for eBay; those are the PowerSellers. A PowerSeller typically saves 5% over members of the general selling class. Other benefits exist beyond reduced fees, including access to group health insurance and representation in customer disputes. Even United Parcel Service in a cooperative agreement with eBay will offer shipping discounts to PowerSellers. With benefits such as these available, it’s obvious that the PowerSeller program is an attempt by eBay to attract recruits. The decision point for interested individuals as with any decision often comes down to the overall opportunity cost. Those can be weighed by viewing eBay’s PowerSeller and Top Rated Seller Policy. The website itself is accessible on the internet or smartphone as eBay.com. The PowerSeller requirement...
Words: 1422 - Pages: 6
...impacts on society at large will be exposed and discussed in detail. Fifthly, positive and negative consequences Wikipedia have on different segments of society will be identified and discussed. Lastly, some concluding remarks and recommendations will be given that adequately summarizes the author’s stance on the past, present and future of Wikipedia. Categories and Subject Descriptors Computer technology, Wiki technology, Web 2.0, Impact and ethics of new computerized technology Keywords Wikipedia, Wikipedian, Wiki, credibility, NPOV, CS, 492, impact, computerized technology, ethics, McHenry INTRODUCTION Computer information communication has undergone several stages of evolution. In the preInternet days, people used modems and regular telephone lines to dial into “bulletin board systems” (BBS). With the advent of the World Wide Web (WWW, or Web 1.0), people absorbed information through static websites and shared ideas on forums and message boards. Recently, a slew of new technologies comprising the so-called “Web 2.0” infrastructure arrived on the...
Words: 6344 - Pages: 26
...preserve crime scene evidence like the groceries, handwritten note, phone, bloody shoe print, shoe print in the dirt, fingerprints on the woman, gun bullet, and fingerprints on the purse like in the sample crime scene. Officers would most likely be doing different things at different crimes scenes. They must notify and brief investigators on what happened; and they must review and prepare final documentation. The second stage of the criminal investigation process is the preliminary investigation. Investigators need to: establish a division of labor, obtain information from first responders, interview key individuals like witnesses, conduct a reassessment of the crime scene, canvass the crime scene area, examine the crime scene and process the crime scene. Investigators must also photograph the crime scene, sketch the crime scene, measure the crime scene, search the crime scene, and do a final walk through and release the crime scene for evidence pertaining to the crime scene. The third stage of the criminal investigation process is the follow-up investigation. Investigator must review the incident report, review supplement reports, view the crime scene evidence/photos, submit any evidence not submitted, examine autopsy result, and conduct/reconduct interrogations and interviews. Investigators must also provide crime information to internal division/media,...
Words: 1895 - Pages: 8
...Propaganda is subjective information used to further a particular agenda, especially political views during wartime. They usually take the form of posters, but can also be cartoons, pamphlets, or websites. Historically, propaganda has been around for ages, used to sway an audience towards a belief or set of beliefs. Propaganda during World War I had several main themes: to recruit soldiers, to finance the war, and to spark nationalism. Without propaganda being fed to the masses, WWI would not have occurred on the same level as it did with the use of propaganda. The first way in which propaganda was used in the First World War was to get men to join the military in their respective countries. One recruitment poster features a father sitting in a chair with his daughter on his lap and his son by his feet. At the bottom, it says “Daddy, what did YOU do in the Great War?” The girl appears to be asking the question to her father, who is staring off into space. This, to me, suggests he did not serve in the war and feels regret for not doing so. This piece of propaganda appeals to the desire to leave behind a legacy. Traditionally, men were the protectors of their families, and to not fight for his country leaves a feeling of shame. The creators of this poster wanted to guilt men into feeling as though they had to serve in order to be the man society expects them to be....
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...How to Create a Culture of Candour ( honesty) Adapted from “The Wall Street Journal Guide to Management” by Alan Murray, published by Harper Business. There are no silver bullets in the field of management. But insisting on candor comes as close to being an all-purpose problem-solver as any idea yet encountered. There are many different terms for it – transparency, integrity, honesty, full-disclosure, facing reality – but whatever you call it, it appears to be at the core of all great organizations. The reason is that organizations, like people, have an endless ability to weave self-serving stories about themselves. And while such myth-making may be critical to a person’s, or an organization’s, survival, motivation and self-esteem, it can often be destructive to results. Business author Jim Collins calls this the “Stockdale paradox” after Admiral Jim Stockdale, who was tortured repeatedly as a prisoner of war in the “Hanoi Hilton” during the Vietnam war. When asked by Mr. Collins how he survived his long ordeal, Adm. Stockdale replied that it was by never losing faith he would eventually get out. When asked who didn’t survive, Stockdale replied that it was the “optimists” – the ones who thought, wrongly, they’d be out by, say, Christmas. “This is a very important lesson,” Adm. Stockdale told Mr. Collins. “You must never confuse faith that you will prevail in the end – which you can never afford to lose – with the discipline to confront the most brutal facts of your...
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...anything else. Refer to Activity 7.1, located in Ch. 7 of Thinking, for examples on how to create metaphors. Example: Event /Person/Place: Mother Metaphor: A mountain in the mist; Strong and everlasting; A blanket of safety and comfort. Answer Here • Summer in Texas: Depths of Hades; A fiery inferno; Barren wasteland; Hot as a scorching oven. • New born infant: Fragile and delicate; Blessed with innocence; unpredictable; uncompromising to any negotiations. • My Dodge Charger SRT-8: A silver bullet speeding through the streets; Loud and vicious; Powerful as 400 galloping horses; an untamed wild beast. • Las Vegas: Bright stars in the middle of a dark galaxy; lively and exciting; A land of temptation; overdeveloped with visual wonders. • Sunday Catholic mass: A temple of enlightenment; Shrouded in mystery; Calm and peaceful; Gathering of diversity; Unity and acceptance. Part 2: Natural/Mental Orders Organize two sets of information using natural and mental orders. Refer to the “Natural/Mental Orders” section in Ch. 8 of Thinking for additional guidance. Example: Type of Organization: Natural Order: Chronological Example: Seeds grow into plants, flower or fruit, produce more seeds, fall to the ground, take root, and produce another plant Answer Here o Natural order: Chronological o The earth’s crust cracks, magma escapes through the cracks, volcanoes are formed, new land is created, volcanoes stop erupting...
Words: 338 - Pages: 2
...L1, Triangle, R2, X, Sqaure, Circle, Right, Square, L1, L1, L1 Unlock weapons: Triangle, R2, Left, L1, X, Right, Triangle, Down, Square, L1, L1, L1 Super Jump (hold Square to jump higher): Left, Left, Triangle, Triangle, Right, Right, Left, Right, Square, R1, R2 Skyfall: L1, L2, R1, R2, Left, Right, Left, Right, L1, L2, R1, R2, Left, Right, Left, Right Drunk Mode: Triangle, Right, Right, Left, Right, Square, Circle, Left Explosive Ammo: Right, Square, X, Left, R1, R2, Left, Right, Right, L1, L1, L1 Explosive Melee: Right, Left, X, Triangle, R1, Circle, Circle, Circle, L2 Fast Swim: Left, Left, L1, Right, Right, R2, Left, L2, Right Fast Run: Triangle, Left, Right, Right, L2, L1, Square Flaming Bullets: L1, R1, Square, R1, Left, R2, R1, Left, Square, Right, L1, L1 Lower Wanted Level: R1, R1, Circle, R2, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left Raise Wanted Level: R1, R1, Circle, R2, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right Recharge Ability: X, X, Square, R1, L1, X, Right, Left, X Slow Motion Aim (enter 5 times to disable): Square, L2, R1, Triangle, Left, Square, L2, Right, X Get Parachute: Left, Right, L1, L2, R1, R2, R2, Left, Left, Right, L1 Moon Gravity (press Circle to float): Left, Left, L1, R1, L1, Right, Left, L1, Left Change Weather: R2, Square, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, Square Slippery Cars: Triangle, R1, R1, Left, R1, L1, R2, L1 Slow Motion (enter 4 times to disable): Triangle, Left, Right, Right...
Words: 1160 - Pages: 5
...security is that there are no silver bullets. Though every software development team seeks to develop a fully secure team, each and every security mechanism has its own advantages and disadvantages. Penetrate and patch approach technique enables the organization in consideration to progressively find vulnerabilities in the system and patch them appropriately. This is particularly essential as attacks are innovations from adversaries thus requiring continued update. Q7 Small, single purpose modules are easy to assess and implement security measures since only a single module needs to be secured and there is no communication channels involved. However, complex modules are difficult to completely assess due to the large number of modules and the many communication channels involved. Q8 Every time a module is invoked, a system overhead is accrued. This happens even in consideration to security systems. However, smaller modules are easier to assess and evaluate for security than large complex modules. As such, there exists a tradeoff between security and performance of a system. However, the security of a system is more important as considered to its performance. Q9 The principle of least common mechanism states that approaches used to access resources should not be shared. This is primarily because sharing resources provides channels along which information can be transmitted. Minimizing these sharing reduces the potential of adversaries transmitting information outside the system. Q10...
Words: 743 - Pages: 3
...CS 771 Artificial Intelligence Introduction to AI Outline • • • • Course overview What is AI? A brief history State of the Art Course overview • • • • • • • • • • • • • Intro to AI (chapter 1) Intelligent agents (chapter 2) Goal based agents and uninformed search(chapter 3.1-3.4) Informed Search : A* (chapter 3.5-3.6) Beyond classical search (chapter 4) Adversarial search alpha-beta pruning (chapter 5) Constraint satisfaction problem (chapter 6) Midterm 1 (chapter 1, 2, 3,4,5,6) Logical agents and propositional logic (chapter 7) First-order logic (chapter 8) Inference in first order logic (chapter 9) Midterm 2 (chapter 7, 8, 9) Quantifying uncertainty (chapter 13) Probabilistic reasoning using Bayes net (chapter 14) Probabilistic reasoning over time (chapter 15) Where is AI in Computer Science? Computer science : problem solving using computers • Computer Architecture and Operating System study how to build good computers. • Computation and Complexity Theory study what can be computed, what cannot be computed, i.e., the limits of different computing devices. • Programming Languages study how to use computers conveniently and efficiently. • Algorithms and Data Structures study how to solve popular computation problems efficiently. • Artificial Intelligence is relevant to any intellectual tasks, e.g., playing chess, proving mathematical theorems, writing poetry, driving a car on a crowded street, diagnosing diseases ...
Words: 1948 - Pages: 8
...The Role of Information Systems for Business Competitiveness Suganthan Selvaraj 515-326 CS 531 Information Systems Planning California University of Management and Sciences Dr. Gideon Nwatu 03/02/2016 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Abstract 3 2. Introduction to cloud computing 4 3.1 Benefits 4 3.2 Impact of business due to cloud computing 5 3. Scenario 6 4.3 Cloud infrastructure design 7 4.4 WEPAYU cloud infrastructure 8 4.5 At organizational level 9 4.6 Conceptual Design 10 4. Impact of company due to cloud computing 10 5. Conclusion ...
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...evoking strong responses through the use of cinematography, conventions and SWAT codes. Movies are created with a purpose and for most movies that purpose is to entertain and inform the audience about certain issues that exist in our social norms or some other thing that the directors of the movie may want to send across to the audience. A casual viewer could watch the entire Matrix without assessing all the other philosophical and Intertextuality references and still enjoy the movie. The Matrix is a very entertaining movie and it uses Technical codes such as Computer graphics to keep the audience engaged and greatly entertained. The Matrix was one of the few movies to use the visual effect of slowing down fast moving objects called “Bullet Time”, this effect was most memorable in the scene where Neo fights the Agent on top of the building and when he gets shot at by the agents in the building after his revival. This effect gives the audience a sense of awe as Neo and the agents are shown to be able to move extremely fast, comparable...
Words: 2048 - Pages: 9
...I pick up the old crisp photograph lying on my desk. This 74 year old piece of paper was well taken care of. The photo accommodates the aroma that all antiques have . I say that it's the smell of old. An unknown face smiles back at me from the photo. He wears a black sheepskin jacket with a big white wool collar, and underneath he wears a nicely pressed summer tan uniform with small golden painted sterling silver wings pinned to the collars. He wears his cap tilted to the side to show his smoothly styled hair. A young soldier barely old enough to drink. A face yet to see war, but soon to enter in the midst a world engulfed in hell. This man in the photo was my great uncle. And in my hands, printed on that small piece, I hold a tragic story. My grandma told me that he had been shot down in the war, and his body was never returned home. No one knew exactly what he did during the war other than that he was shot down. I felt determined to find out what he did like I had for many other relatives. All I had to go on was a name, Lt Glen R Wrobel. After extensive research I learned the full story. The 22 year old who grew up in Stoddard, Wisconsin and who left 5 siblings and his home to go to Germany and serve as a bombardier on a B-24J Liberator with the 492nd Bomb Squadron....
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