...------------------------------------------------- How Propaganda Swayed the Public Opinion During World War I Rachel Corona Abstract World War 1 proved America to be the nation producing the highest amount of propaganda. Through his use of propaganda President Wilson was able to draw American Support for the war. Despite his being elected as the “peace” president. Many Americans believed he’d keep them out of the war, especially after he stated that, “so far as I can remember, this is a government of the people, and this people is not going to choose war.” Before his election, Wilson promoted American neutrality. He pushed for what he believed his Americans wanted. However, through his employment of propaganda, Woodrow Wilson was able to convince the American people to join the ranks, he persuaded Americans into accepting rations for food, he involved women in the war effort, he was even able to sway them into buying government bonds (liberty bonds) to fund the war. In the end, through his use of propaganda, President Woodrow Wilson was ironically able to change the popular American opinion and convince Americans to support World War 1. Propaganda, as defined by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary is the “spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person.” It is always biased towards a view or idea. Governments employ propaganda to sway public opinions towards supporting a cause. The use of propaganda became very popular in...
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...mobilization, with many historians pointing towards the German sinking of the British ocean liner Lusitania. While the Lusitania sinking provided pro-ally propaganda, and temporarily soured relations with Germany, several other events actually facilitated the road to war for the U.S. Prior to American entry to World War I, the overwhelming sentiment was one of neutrality. With immigration on the rise, one out of every eleven Americans was German, or approximately 27% of the population, making German the largest ethnic group in America. The American economy grew early on in the war. War materials sold to the Allies, particularly Britain and France, provided a huge boon to the economy as Britain alone spent approximately $10 million per day in the states. Relations and popular opinion quickly changed however, as Germany initiated unrestricted submarine warfare on all shipping vessels around Britain, triggering President Woodrow Wilson to cease bi-lateral relations with Germany in February 1917. This was not the first time relations degraded between the U.S. and Germany. The sinking of the Lusitania is commonly viewed as the primary cause for U.S. entry into World War I, though this is likely false. One hundred twenty eight Americans died in May 1915 when the Lusitania sank. While it fueled some propaganda in support of the Allies, and temporarily sullied relations with Germany, ultimately Winston Churchill viewed the Lusitania as a...
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...neutral, both Central Powers and the Allied Powers used Propaganda, the sinking of ships of by German U-boats, and a German attempt in the Zimmerman Note to get Mexico to push the United States to get involved. The United States also contributed in terms of supplies, capital and raw material. Just before the U.S. declared war on April 6, 1917, the U.S. was trying hard to stay neutral, but because of propaganda and sinking of ships by German U-boats and German attempt on the Zimmerman note to get Mexico to declare the US to get...
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...involved and they divided into two powers: the Central and the Allies. For the United States, it was a war against Germany for breaking a treaty of peace. The sinking of the RMS Lusitania and the Zimmerman Telegram, which played a huge role in causing the United States to enter the first World War, would thus also significantly alter the lives of women in the workforce and German-Americans during the war. United States was not planning on going into the war because of an earlier doctrine called the “Monroe Doctrine [which was a] policy statement… that pledged...
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...capitulate. b. request equal trading privileges and announce the desire to preserve China's territorial integrity. c. bomb the capital until Chinese terrorists surrendered. d. send covert aid to the Harmonious Righteous Fists in an effort to overthrow the anti-Western Manchu empress. 2. The Roosevelt Corollary a. claimed that the United States had the right to act as a policeman in Latin America to keep order and prevent chronic wrongdoing. b. was issued to justify the role the United States played in ending the Russo-Japanese War. c. reversed that part of the Monroe Doctrine that stated the United States would not intervene in European affairs. d. demanded that Germany pay reparations for the sinking of the Lusitania. 3. A practical demonstration of the principles that Theodore Roosevelt announced to Congress in December 1904 can be seen in events in the Dominican Republic, where the United States a. supported a revolution to oust the repressive dictator and institute a liberal democracy. b. operated the customs service and took over the management of the foreign debt. c. supervised the election of the first free-elected president of the nation. d. invited two rival powers to a peace conference at Portsmouth, New Hampshire. 4. The "gentlemen's agreement" was an a. understanding between Theodore Roosevelt and J. P. Morgan on regulation of the trusts. b. agreement between the leaders of the United States...
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...WW1 that were Central Powers were Turkey, Bulgaria, Germany, and Austria-Hungary. Other countries involved that were allies were Italy, Japan, Russia, Romania, Portugal, Greece, and Great Britain. Some countries that were in WW1 were Belgium, Brazil, China, Cuba, Estonia, Finland, Guatemala, Honduras, Liberia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Montenegro, Nicaragua, Panama, Poland, San Marino, and the U.S”(www.members.aol.com). According to the American Republic “one alliance that existed was the Triple Alliance which united Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy as allies. Another alliance was the Triple Entente which made Great Britain, France, and Russia allies.” According to the American Republic “the U.S entered the was because of the sinking of the Lusitania, which was a British Passenger liner, sunk by Germans which killed 128 Americans. Another reason was the Zimmermann Telegram. The Zimmermann Telegram was a German Telegram to Mexico asking them to ally itself with Germany and in return Mexico would regain territory it had lost earlier to the U.S....
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...When the German declaration of unrestricted submarine warfare led to the sinking of the Lusitania and the deaths of over 100 Americans, support for joining the war grew, largely due to the importance of Nationalism in America. The federal government promoted the cause as “defending Americanism” through the use of a newly established agency called the Committee on Public Information. This committees job was to present war propaganda in terms of good versus evil. The term “100% Americanism” was used during and after the war to promote all things American and reject anything...
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...nearly three years, President Woodrow Wilson took America to war only months after winning an election on the slogan "He Kept us Out of War." Claiming that American intervention was needed to “make the world safe for democracy,” Wilson sent over two million men to Europe, of who over 100,000 would never return. World War I marked the end of the old order in Europe. The United States was not a nation ready for war in 1914. With a small army and a pitiful navy, the U.S. was no match for either side in the great conflagration in Flanders' Fields. As the war continued, however, German use of submarines to sink neutral shipping—including, most famously, the sinking of the Lusitania in 1915 with the death of almost 1,200 people, 128 of them Americans—brought American public opinion to the Allied side. Constant British propaganda efforts, culminating in the Zimmermann Telegram of February 1917, coupled with the German resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare and drew America into the war. Wilson quickly developed an ideological goal of freedom and democracy, and committed the people of the United States to fight for these principles. When America entered the war in April 1917, nearly three years of horrific slaughter had bled white the nations of Europe. Daily life in miserable trenches drove men insane; constant artillery bombardment killed without warning; massive infantry assaults through No Man's Land into barbed wire and machine guns caused the death of millions. New technologies...
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...World War I or as some call it The Great War, originated between European countries, but eventually nations from all over the world got involved. Although the immediate cause to the war was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, there were many underlying factors that developed tension over time. This tension was between Europe countries, and it had been building up for decades through Nationalism, Imperialism, Militarism, and even Alliances. One of the underlying causes of the war was Nationalism, which is the love and devotion to one’s own nation. This pride that one developed for their own country resulted in them thinking that their own country was more superior to others. This feeling of Nationalism spread throughout Europe during the 19th century, and it is one of the reasons that started causing tension between these countries. Austria-Hungary in particular had various nationalities which spoke different languages. They started to lose control of their multi-ethnic empire during the Balkan crisis. In 1903, Serbia became increasingly defiant to its former protector (Austria-Hungary). Four years later, The Austrians take advantage of a revolution in Turkey, and they annexed Bosnia in hopes of getting a firmer grip on the Balkans. The annexation instead brought on a European crisis which provoked Serbian nationalists into launching a terror campaign against Austria, causing further destabilization of the area. Imperialism was another cause that contributed...
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...America and the Great War Jerry Bryant Devry University United States History Morgan Deane June 23, 2013 The nineteenth and twentieth centuries were a time of colonization of Asia and Africa by European powers. England was in control of most of Africa and India; the Belgians controlled Congo; Germany, France, and Italy also inhabited African lands. These colonies were responsible for the economical statues and even the foreign business of European products, and therefore expansion became necessary. To add to the fire, land available was quickly sought after due to Germany, France, England, Italy, and Belgium occupying most. Border disputes broke out between colonists of different nationalities; the Boer War in South Africa between the Dutch and the English and the Middle East, the crumbling Ottoman Empire was tempt to Austria-Hungary, the Balkans and Russia. Germany set an example in military organization and efficiency; Europe was similar with large reserves and detailed planning of the Prussian system. Technological and organizational developments led to general staffs with accurate plans for mobilization and attacks that could not be reversed. The German von Schlieffen Plan was to attack with Russia which drew more countries into war than France before Russia. By 1889, the British had a new principle; in order to maintain naval superiority in the event of war, they would have to have a navy two and a half times as large as the second-largest navy; which motivated...
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...United States History 2 Final Review Guide Part I: Multiple Choice Chapter 20 ● Results of the Treaty of Versailles: - The Treaty of Versailles was signed after WWI in the palace of Versailles on June 28, 1919. Its goals were to "clean up the mess" after the war. The Treaty reestablished many boundaries and borders. Colonies, namely Germany's, were split among the Allied nations. Germany was disarmed since they were considered to be a threat by the rest of the world. Germany was also forced to take full responsibility for WWI, and were charged billions of dollars, which destroyed their economy. In the long run, the Treaty did more harm than good. Due to all the problems the Treaty caused for Germany, the country was left in a bad mood and was definitely looking at the rest of the world with a vengeful eye. In a way, it could be said that the Treaty of Versailles indirectly led to WWII. ● Explain the policy of Imperialism: - Simply put, imperialism is the quest for colonial empires. Countries go to other places in the world and claim them as their own. Countries imperialized for many reasons. Some countries wanted to establish military bases. An example of this is Hawaii, which the United States took over and used as a naval base. Other reasons countries imperialized were to gain global prestige, as well as to expand their territory. ● President Wilson's rules for peace after WWI: - After the war, President Woodrow Wilson sought to repair...
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...Brittany Prunsky Episodes of World War I The Christmas Truce of 1914 “Christmas Eve was, in the way of weather, everything that Christmas Eve should be’. Christmas Day itself was a perfect day. A beautiful, cloudless blue sky. The ground hard and white ... It was such a day as is invariably depicted by artists on Christmas cards - the ideal Christmas Day of fiction. And indeed, the curious manifestations taking place along considerable stretches of the British front that day had a look of the most surprising fiction” (Terraine). The wonderful events that occurred over the Christmas holiday of 1914 revealed to all that the human spirit seems to have a way of peaking through at rather disastrous times showing that even in times of chaos, a glimmer of hope can be seen through the compassion that humans undoubtedly possess. This was proven true during one of the most violent and fatal wars in history. World War I, also known as The Great War, spanned from 1914 until 1918 experiencing around 37 million war casualties (“First World War Casualties”). During the horrors of the war, an almost unexplainable incident occurred; the Christmas Truce of 1914, which restored a bit of hope in many men living in hopelessness. Neither a civilian nor a soldier during World War I could have anticipated the Christmas Truce of 1914 due to its story like characteristics. Although at times seen as merely a myth or a small incident blown widely out of proportion, this truce absolutely...
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...Course Study Notes: hsctutoringnotes@outlook.com MODERN HISTORY Topics World War One Germany Albert Speer The Cold War 1 Course Study Notes: hsctutoringnotes@outlook.com World War One Themes War on the Western Front Home Fronts in Britain and Germany Turning Points of the War The Allied Victory 2 Course Study Notes: hsctutoringnotes@outlook.com War on the Western Front Reasons for the development of the Stalemate A stalemate is an end of a war movement. It refers to the deadlock resulting from high levels of defence. The stalemate developed from four major reasons: i. The Faults of the Schlieffen Plan ii. The Faults of Plan XVII iii. Problems with Communications and Tactics iv. Problems with the High Command • The Faults in • There was an incredible reliance on speed – quick defeat of the France and a slow response by Russia Schlieffen • Unexpectedly strong resistance by Belgian forces – sabotaged Plan railway lines • Strong resistance from French • Troops were diverted from the West to the Eastern front • The “hammer swing” was shortened, so they approached Paris from the East which was expected • The Treaty of London was disregarded as a scrap of paper • Germans weren’t adequately trained for modern warfare strategies • The Faults in • French underestimated number of soldiers available to Plan XVII Germany • French were preoccupied with revenge for Alsace-Lorraine • Insufficient forces were given to the French...
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...Introduction “The efforts of global powers to establish a global system to create a balance of power in the world to suit their interest are the root cause of global peace, conflict & refugee crisis.” The above statement is our debate topic & we are supporting the statement. Before we present our arguments to support it, the following questions should be answered: • Who are global powers? • What is balance of power? • What is their (global power’s) interest? • What is global peace, conflict & refugee crisis? The answers to above terms will provide us clear view on the esteemed statement. The terms are discussed as follows: Global Power: There are 10 powerful countries, the 10 great powers that can rock the world. They have been ranked by their fire power & ability to shape both their regional environments and the international system as a whole; among all the world’s countries these are the ones with the most ability to affect global politics by their choices. The global power rankings are revised every year. Until 2016, the top 10 global powers are as follows: 1. United States of America 2. United Kingdom 3. Germany 4. China 5. Japan 6. Russia 7. India 8. Turkey 9. Iran 10. South Korea Balance of Power: In international relations, the posture and policy of a nation or group of nations protecting itself against another nation or group of nations by matching its power against the power of the other side. States can...
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...The History of US-Israel Relations Against Our Better Judgment The hidden history of how the United States was used to create Israel Louis Brandeis, flanked by Rabbi Stephen Samuel Wise, founding secretary of the American Federation of Zionists (right) and Nathan Straus, co-owner of Macy’s (Source: Library of Congress) By Alison Weir April 18, 2013 Alison Weir is Executive Director If Americans Knew and President of the Council for the National Interest. She is available to give presentations on this topic and can be reached at contact@ ifamericansknew.org. How the U.S. “special relationship” with Israel came about W hile many people are led to believe that U.S. support for Israel is driven by the American establishment and U.S. national interests, the facts don't support this theory. The reality is that for decades U.S. foreign policy and defense experts opposed supporting the creation of Israel. They then similarly opposed the massive American funding and diplomatic support that sustained the forcibly established state and that provided a blank check for its aggressive expansion. They were simply outmaneuvered and eventually replaced. Like many American policies, U.S. Middle East policies are driven by a special interest lobby. However, the Israel Lobby, as it is called today in the U.S.[1], consists of vastly more than what most people envision in the word "lobby." As this article will demonstrate, the Israel Lobby is considerably more powerful and...
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