The Strategic Use of Drones in Modern Warfare
Caleb E. Moore
IS 3310
Troy University
Author Note
This article is intended solely for research and will have no biased opinions.
Table of Contents
1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Title page.
2------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Table of Contents.
4-5 --------------------------------------------The Strategic Use of Drones in Modern Warfare. 5-6 ----------------------------------------------------------The Effectiveness of Drone Warfare. 6-7 –-----------------------------------------------------------------The Financial Cost of Drones. 7-8 –-----------------------------------------------------The Operational Capabilities of Drones. 8-9 –-------------------------------------------------------------------- Fueling Anti-Americanism.
9-10-------------------------------------------------------The Limitations of Drone Capabilities.
10-12 –------------------------------------------------------------------------The Future of Drones. 12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Reference Page.
The emergence of drone warfare has completely revolutionized the strategy of our military surveillance and fights overseas. This study is intended to analyze the costs' involved in drone warfare as it relates to our defense budget, and the impact it could have on our U.S. economy. This research will also attempt to show why the use of drones, also known as UAV's (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles), are so appealing to our Air Force, Navy/Marines, and Army. Some of the data used in this study is very difficult to measure; as much of the debate on the